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 Sep 2010
D Conors
"Cash, Grass or ***-No One Rides Free!"*
reads the bumper-sticker slapped on the ratty Harley.
Its black leather seat is cracked, tattered and torn,
the headlight is busted and there's no friggin' horn;
with mismatched saddlebags strapped to each side,
the panhead leaks like a sieve, but it's still quite a ride.

The gas-tank is dented, scratched and coated with muck,
the chrome no longer shines, but who gives a flyin' ****?
Its tires are bald, the spokes are all rusted to ****,
and the frame is off-kilter from a cage-driver'*****.

The biker just puffed the last hit from his pipe,
slammed down the rest of the J.D. from the bash last night;
then he hops on his hog, kicks the monster to start,
the muffler-pipes blast flames and roar like a ****.

Together they roll down the road like old pals,'
with nowhere to go, just obnoxious and loud:
the tombstone tail-light flashes bright red on this mess,
'though Cashless, Grassless and Assless, they couldn't care less!
D. Conors
30 August 2010
 Aug 2010
D Conors
Hold your breath and close your eyes,
wish and dream with me, then sigh,
take my hands to your smiling face,
feel my loving fingers trace,
the very essence of your being,
those softly kisses worth repeating,
that from now on and ever after this,
we shall live our lives in loving bliss.
D. Conors
03 August 2010
 Aug 2010
D Conors
When the first sweet scent of summertime,
sifted through the sea-salt scented air,
so many things and everything
were bright, light and happy-go-fair,
the Summer Life with you was finally here.

As soon as our bare feet hit the wood bridge,
running from the road up over the dunes,
great grey seagulls squawked, dove and swoon,
we held hands together, one and one
made two,
dash-dancing across the shiny sand with you,
dressed and undressed in our Summer Life moods.

Colours like pinwheels spun like yarn,
flashed and clashed bright orange to blue,
you danced and giggled like a loon,
pulled me up and so close, so close
to you,
that I had to dance, I had to dance like a loon,
I just had to laugh and dance and laugh along with you.

How we played, we frolicked beneath the beachy sun,
belly-surfed upon the waves just for funny fun,
flicked flecks of sand from our sticky picnic lunch,
shared swigs from a big blue thermos jug
of fruity-fruit yummy punch,
sharing and caring beneath the Summer Life's sun.

By evening-tide the air grew cool,
you called me 'lover,' I called you 'fool'
-with a big ol' blanket draped over our shoulders,
we kissed and cuddled, growing much bolder,
falling flat back
upon the mighty mattress of sand,
feeling the mists of the waves licking our hands,
as the Man-In-The-Moon arose and shone,
to dance and laugh with us on the Summer Life's throne.
D. Conors
Early August, 2010
Written over a 4 day period from a hospital bed.
 Jul 2010
D Conors
without you is a lonely shore,
a stretch of sand, a closing door,
where wisps the winds from off the waves,
such mockery of my heart they make.

no matter what the time of day,
i think, i dream of you this way:
hand in hand, at last as one,
sharing laughter, love and fun.
D. Conors
12 July 2010
 Jul 2010
D Conors

i am so much smaller than you
and i can ever
and you are so much smaller
than you and
i know.

i sit within the winds,
those summer breezes,
some gusty gales, perhaps,
'the tug
               and toss
of its fabulous force
combing the thinning grey hair on my tired head,
my clothing,
                          so indistinct,
floating, --filled with this seen-un-seen presence,
     and i know

a am so small,
and my life so
like the air
that comes
                      and goes
out of its own control,
                                               i am too small,
and unable
to stop this, its invisible assault.


when i am a-float upon
the great lakes, the oceans
i live
like a tiny slab of flotsam or
(oh-so!) quietly
reeling the peeling painted oars of my boat
the grainy flashing surface of the waters
this insatiable yearning
to go wherever it takes me to go, but
i know
              i am very small,
and cannot control the eddy's creeping currents-
my wayfaring self
to the


these trees towering
                                         above me
around me,
the sapling,
the blanketing
                              (in my lifetime)
                                blooming branches
an emotional, outer, physical, inner, spiritual
like the leaves left shivering beneath the cold winter's frost,
once casually
drying up around my soul
into silent winter slumber,
to awaken
                                    --and then!
(to the dismay of my self-enlightened discovery)
i see
how small
                                            i am
only to return again
from that brownish-moist
                like a seed
                  the ground
                                        never sprouting,
only fogetting,
the once and always forvever
and ever
the natural
                                                                 of being.
D. Conors
c. 1994
 Jun 2010
DJ Thomas
“We have pulled the trigger”

We the generations
who have inherited
mankind’s death throes
must be accepting
of the death sentence
we have posted
our children

“So enjoy the life you have left”

Global warming
brings evermore
jerks-and-jumps in
climate change.
Now melting ice caps
and glaciers may
huge volcanic eruptions
the cloud
from which mankind
cannot be saved.

“You can’t save the planet”

Who is trying,
arrogant lawyer-ed politicians?
Meat eaters?
Breeders and owners of dogs?
Petrol heads?
Supermarket shopaholics?

"Enjoy the blue sky -
whilst you can"*

copyright© 2010
 Jun 2010
Jacqueline Ivascu
That seashell
you gave me
that looked like a turtle
I threw away
That Marine hoodie
that was "too small for you"
My best friend hid it away.
The entire two letters
you wrote me
live at the bottom of my "junk" drawer.
I deleted you off my facebook
hoping it might help.
I don't bring you up
and walk away from others
if your name is in the conversation.
I fall off the wagon
and look at your photo.
But have improved
I rarely notice if your name
is in any of my novels.
I laugh out loud
that your name is Frank.
If only you could live up to your name.
I cried oceans when you went away.
Appropriate considering you're now an ocean away.
I didn't leave my apartment for days.
I've been sleeping on my couch
my bed is stained.
It was a crush
It never should have been more.
But after four years
I only loved you more.
Once in awhile now
this depression sinks in.
And I can hide your things, throw them away,
I can delete you off my page, I can avoid your name.
But these memories will always stay.
Copyright © 2010 Jacqueline Ivascu
 May 2010
A lesson learned for all to know
The greenest grass lies under toe
It's eyes that ever-wander so
The hues allure
And thoughts that run away, could grow
Contempt, for sure

For darker green across the way
Could lure the tempted heart astray
Down broken streets lined with decay
To awaken
In fields of weeds in brown and gray
Perception shaken

The running, has let greed abound
Now from that field of weeds is found
The deepest green is on the ground
That once seemed vile
Back where contempt had made a frown
Now breeds a smile

Before a twist of fate can lead
A want must grow into a need
But be aware, this warning heed
Wear rosy glasses
Don't live a life that's lead by greed
Temptation passes
My attempt at Burns' Stanza

copyright©PrttyBrd 28/05/2010
 May 2010
Nails clawing through shirttails
Trying to hold on
Desperate not to let things change
Faceless people turn their backs
Glasses shatter half full
Only the empties remain
 May 2010
Gray clouds block the sun
Its rays struggle to shine through the cracks
Will the sun reign and blue skies prevail
Or will the black thunder bring lightning strikes
Time takes forever
And the rain begins to fall
The sun sets unnoticed

No beauty reflected in the rainbow sky
The moon now hidden by the storm
The night is black and chills the soul
Windburned cheeks hold tears
Though the wet is quickly dried
The salt lines remain

Remnants of sadness and lingering pain
For once the heartbreak is for others
To see their losing battle
To watch it play out from the sidelines
Helpless to change their path
Their journey is their own
Yet the heart is still broken
The laggard storm clouds slowly scatter
The moonlight shows through just before dawn
The sun unceremoniously begins to rise
a haibun
copyright©PrttyBrd 12/06/2010
 May 2010
Through the thunder nothing is heard
A shadow of a voice imprinted on the mind
The wind howls and masks their screams
Can one's own thoughts be trusted?
Not in search of, but finding oddities
Things that seem senseless
They fill the crevices left in dreams
There is no help for the silent
Mind tricks and sleight of hand
Say the words and life is lightened
One load at a time
 May 2010
Sitting in silence.  Trying not to look like I’m watching you work.  Taking in the lines your body makes as you sit in concentration.  The curve of your shoulder, the crook of your neck, the way your hand frames your face as you think.  You are beautiful.  Your furrowed brow and the way your lips remain parted moving ever so slightly as you exhale.  The brightness of your lips beckons a kiss.  Slow, deliberate kisses of longing, kisses full of intent to devour, ignited by the warmth of you.  

Watching in silence  
Waiting for the slightest sign
Caught, and feign denial

You wink that wink that makes me blush, that flushes my body with fire.  You seem tired as you sigh.  You close your eyes and blink away the glare.  That’s my cue.  Impassioned by the mere thought of you, by the memory of the last time or the first time.  

Being the hunted
Actively stalked by the beast
There is no escape
 May 2010
Jacqueline Ivascu
Moby ****
may have been
and Ishmael
didn't have it so easy
But I need, I dream
of the epitome
of a flawless
                        ­          piece of whitefish

A Succulent Bite
                        A Taste of Right
Hand battered
                              Deep fried
into heaven
                                   yet light

Next to
          ­                         crisp

Draft Rootbeer
              in a mug
of delight

Mmmm Mmmmm
See, this food
                           tastes like hope

Up North
I salivate
thinking of its
thinking of

Oh, Man
They don't make it
like this


This piece
Creates a sense
of peace

on your palate

It turns
you up-turned nose

to the aroma
of a fisherman's skill

Natural Salt
of this world
                                brings you to a world
                                                           ­                  of pleasure
                                                      ­                                                 in a nibble
A coming together
on my plate

Red Skin


                     ­                       Whitefish.

Simple Things
I found this fine trip

Combined with waterfall air
to breathe deep

My taste buds
gone up in

My tongue
realized with
                                 *the possibilities of life.
This was written at a very
time in my life.

Copyright © 2010 Jacqueline Ivascu
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