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May Christ bless each and every one of you, my friends.
May your day be smooth, and full of tremendous Joy.
May everything that you touch bless everyone that you know.
May you be one of Christ most blessed servant to others.
May his Great protection of you be like Psalms 91 protection.
May your heart always be filled with Love for everyone.
May everything that you love, be pure and Holy too.
May your nights be filled with rest and peace always my friend.
Be a Life changer, not a death maker, speak life into others.
Bring healing into others lives by speaking it into their lives.
For we were all put on this earth, by the Living God Jesus.
To speak life into other people lives here on the earth.
Because by speaking life, we are drawing them to be healed.
For we are called to Love others, not hate them here.
For being Christ like here we shall reveal him to others.
Which is our purpose here to love others into finding him.
Thus having another friend , when we all go to heaven in the end.
 Apr 2016
Tom Blake
I found a door
With no lock, only needing
The gentlest push
It opened freely Wide.
Entered inside
Therein I encountered
The Truth
Of All things.
It makes So much sense!
If only They knew!
I can' t go back
Have to find this door.
 Apr 2016

you cannot give
that which you do not own

you cannot own
that which you have not


(C) 4/17/2016
I want to read. Honestly. I have been trying but something always comes up which interrupts me. I couldn't figure out why this was. I thought I was letting a lot of people down. But God just revealed something to me. Part of the reason that I I'm on this site is to be a light to those who are not believers and do not understand why God does (or doesn't do) certain things. I want to give a reason for my faith in Him. But I haven't been studying my Bible and I haven't been praying as much as I should. I can't give away something I don't have. And the above is simply true.
Salvation was paid for by Jesus Christ. But unless you work for it you can't own wisdom. So I am going to be taking some time away from the site to study and pray.

I am very reluctant to do this. So many of you have been reading me so Faithfully. And I feel badly that I am not reciprocating. Please. Know that I love you. But I just can't be on site right now. thank you so much for your support. Just because I'm not reading doesn't mean I'm not praying for you. I'm thinking of you often. And when the Lord leads me to you I will be reading you as well. But it must be in his time. Take care and I will see you soon.

We walk not of this world way, but by Faith.
For each of us has been promise different things.
Yet we still walk by the same Faith as the other.
We each are on a different path with him as well.
Some Faith may stronger today, but not tomorrow.
For Faith is by hearing, then believing it is true.
We all have the very same objective here in life.
It is to finish this race=Journey that we are on.
Thus then being told by our Savior well done.
 Apr 2016
Ann M Johnson
Heal me
  Restore me with your Love
   Transform me from a seagull
     into a Dove
Another late night poem drafted while half awake. I hope it speaks to you anyway. Thank you for reading :)
O Lord, we whom believe are new Creatures in you Jesus.
We live by your promises, that you have given to us God.
Through the power of your Holy Spirit that lives within us.
I thank you for everything that was done for us on the cross.
We shall allow you to use us as well as our gifts here Lord.
To reveal you to those that are seeking you seriously God.
We know that all of your ways are the right way to live.
By trusting you alone to carry us to the finish line here.
So that we may hear you say well done my child well done.
I love you all with Christ , unconditional Love.
For every one is a beautiful Creation of God.
So please do not be discourage here my friends.
For Christ has a beautiful purpose for each of you.
He  wants to bring you from darkness unto his Light.
Thus using the transformation of your poetry here.
To draw others unto him, for each of you here.
Are an example unto his to show this world his Light.
So fear not, be strong unto the Lord for he is good.
May Christ bless you today and touch your heart like never before. love you all in Christ.
 Mar 2016
Mike Hauser
I stand on the promises made
To sin no longer am its slave
For me His all is all He gave

"In this I have to thank My Savior"

For me is why He came to die
For me is why He sacrificed
For a lowly sinner such as I

"So in this I have to thank My Savior"

As He hung upon that tree
All the while with thoughts of me
Him being my greatest need

"For in this I have to thank My Savior"

On the third day He arose
Drawing deaths sting to a close
All in Heaven rejoice for they know

"Why in this I have to thank My Savior"

In Him I fully put my trust
To follow no matter what the cost
For He has found what once was lost

"And in this I have to thank My Savior"
Happy Easter my friends!
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