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 Oct 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
When Faith and Love landed at the chapel Wisdom was waiting for them.  "Love and Faith I've been waiting patiently for the two of you.  I've spoken with Loyalty on my communicator.  He and Knowledge will be here shortly and then you can pledge yourselves to each other" said Wisdom.  Just as the three were speaking Grace walked out of the Chapel.  
"Hello Love and Faith it's about time the two of you showed up" said Grace.  "It's good to have a star for a friend who's gifted in all the arts" said Love.  Love threw her arms around Grace and gave her a big squeeze.  "Lets get you in your wedding dress.  If you'll follow me to your dressing room we can get started" said Grace.
As Love and Faith followed behind Grace, Knowledge and Loyalty landed at the chapel.  Wisdom received Loyalty with a strong handshake and said "Your wife to be is already changing in her wedding dress.  May I say she's as beautiful as the morning dew.  Lets get you changed" said Wisdom.  After a few seconds of changing Loyalty, Wisdom, and Knowledge stood at the altar waiting on Love.  
"Wow Love you look absolutely beautiful" said Faith standing to the right of Love.  "Yeah Faith is right.  You are stunning.  Now remember don't have the doors opened leading to the altar until I start singing" said Grace standing to the left of Love.  "I know Grace.  C'mon lets go" said Love as she stood in front of the mirror.
Grace took her place at the altar with Loyalty, Knowledge, and Wisdom and began to sing.  Shrouded in light Love enters the room.  She timed her entrance just right.  The light that Love emitted filled the entire chapel.  Love stood before Loyalty and a chapel full of wedding guests holding a bouquet of pink Lilies and wearing a crown of Olive leaves.  The words that walked out of the mouth of Wisdom lingered in the air like leaves floating on the winds of serenity.  "Devoutly righteous we come together in the presences of the Almighty to join in holy matrimony a pairing to be respected by all.  Love will you have Loyalty to be your husband?  Will you nurture him, care for him, and watch over him as long you both shall live?"  With eyes full of Joy Love answers "I will."  
Wisdom looked at Loyalty and said "Loyalty will you have Love to be your wife?  Will you stand by her, protect her, and provide for her as long as you both shall live?"  With eyes full of courage Loyalty answers "I will."
"By all things holy the bride and groom may kiss" said Wisdom.  As Love and Loyalty came together their wedding guests erupted with praise.
Love turned her back to her wedding guests and threw her bouquet of pink Lilies over her head.  Without thinking Faith leaped into the air catching the bouquet before it landed in the hands of Mercy.  Faith looked at Truth and winked her eye.  Love turned around to see who caught the bouquet.  "Wow you sillies let Faith catch the bouquet" said Love.  With a pout on her face Mercy said "We didn't know she could leap like that."  "Hey you got to do what you got to do" argued Faith.  "Lets wrap this up so me and my wife can start our new life" said Loyalty.  "File this in your memory.  Our new life started when you asked me to marry you" said Love.  As Love and Loyalty gazed into each other's eyes Wisdom tells Understanding to grab the cage with the two doves.
"Now if everyone would follow me outside" said Wisdom.  
On the outside of the chapel Wisdom said "Just as these doves soar into freedom may your marriage soar on the breeze of Serenity."  Wisdom motions for Understanding to release the doves.  Spreading their wings the doves take flight.  "Now it's official" proclaimed Faith.  
Faith stepped in front of Loyalty and Love and said "Now close your eyes.  We have a surprise for you."  "Come on Faith do we have to?" asked Loyalty.  "Loyalty do you want your surprise or not?" questioned Faith.  Loyalty and Love closed their eyes and waited on their surprise.  "Ok now open your eyes" said Faith.  When Love and Loyalty opened their eyes they were happy with what they saw.  "A NEW NEO 7000!  I THOUGHT YOU BOUGHT THE LAST ONE!" said Love.  "I did after we all bought yours I bought mine" said Faith.  Love gave Faith a hug and a kiss on her cheek.  Love thanked Faith and the rest of her friends.  Loyalty grabbed Love by her hand and said "I thank all of you but it's time for us to go."  
The newly married couple got into their transporter and took off.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
 Oct 2016
Timothy Ward
fear not radicals
as we break bread together
we hunger as one
It is difficult to spill the blood of someone you have shared a meal
 Sep 2016
Anne Curtin
I woke up obstinate and needing to wash clothes.
which meant changing a $10 into quarters to use
the apartment building's cheap machines
which meant a hike to the bank

or to the overpriced laundrymat four blocks away to
where "Change Machine for Customer Use ONLY" signs
are painted on the glass doors and I knew
what I had to do.

I stuffed a plastic bag with other plastic bags
then with an actually ***** T-shirt ,t for authenticity
and marched those four blocks fearlessly.
I yanked the door open and went inside

where the manager was guarding the change machine.
He eyed me like the rule breaker I really was -
I held up my bag and he grunted his approval.
I put in the bill and taking my quarters

strode to the back of the store to hide for a moment, for authenticity.
There I found a woman about two hundred years old
mixing salt with her Borax. "I learned this from the Martians"
she said and I nodded, wanting to ask & also afraid of her answers.

I waited another minute and headed to the door
passing the manager - as he opened his mouth
I said "Oh silly me, I forgot the laundry soap!"
walked out into the now golden day.
 Sep 2016
brandon nagley

Mashiach, I beseech thee; sculpt and mold this hardened heart, for thy Glory's part; to be shown
Unto men. I quiver as a
Gun's trigger, mine
Cry's do fly to thee;
As mine wailing
Like life, hast
None end.
Blot out these fleshly lusts,
Taketh away these desires; wherein
Hell consumes me to smoke, mine eyes sunk in from stress, mine clothes cigarette sprayed- by the ashes I've tasted, and the sin's I've engaged. God Yahweh, help me remember thy merciful, tender, loving Way's, forgive me today, cleanse my soul and mine veins of all  carnal destruction. Without thee lord, mine god; I canst not function.


Creator, maker of all afore and after,
God of the living; Jehovah of the eternal hereafter. Be a guiding lamp to mine dearest Jane's feet, walk with her, talk with her, for she doubt's at times as me. Makest her believe; showest thy warmth, and give her all she need's; as only thou provideth. Thou art ourn daily bread, let us not slip- but ride the clouds instead. Pity O' pity, hath on us lord; ourn bodies art thy vessel's, inside them the love thou doth store. I prayest this as a sinner, a thief, a liar, I prayest as a law-breaker, a deceiver, a shyster. I prayest as a broken man, in need of thy touch. I prayest for me and Jane, for thy mercy again, almighty; almighty, god of love with none end.

©Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poets poetry
©Prophetic poetry
©Earl Jane nagley dedicated( prayer as well for you poetic form)
Mashiach- means Messiah in Hebrew spelling.
Beseech- ask or implore, beg...
Thee and thou,- means you.
Thy- your.
Wail- cry of pain.
Hast- has.
Taketh- take.
Wherein- in which.
Canst- can.
Afore- before.
Jehovah is a Hebrew name for god just like Yahweh and Elohim..
Hereafter- life after death.
Makest- make.
Showest- show.
Provideth- provide.
Hath- have.
Art - are.
Thy- your.
Doth can mean do, or does. This one I mean +( do).
Prayest- pray.
Shyster- con artist.
 Sep 2016
You may end up fossilised
a prized exhibit in a glass case;
make sure you get enough calcium.
a take on the universal mother telling her children to wear clean pants in case they get run over by a bus and end up in the emergency dept at the local hospital
 Aug 2016
Doug Potter
I will bake you a raspberry creme cannoli
if you bite my earlobes nimbly;
I dream your skin tastes of
 Aug 2016

Yes, it’s a poem no matter who reads it,
worded conclusions one line at a time
Splattering ink on the pages of reason,
whether or not you can sense any rhyme

Searching my dreams for the perfect notation,
picking and choosing what I hope she sees
Gathering leaves of our tomorrow seasons,
falling to earth on the breath of a breeze

Echoes I’ve whispered in words used so often,
carved in the essence a float in my mind
Wandering footsteps through valleys of wishes,
happy endeavors in phrases I find

Till comes the day when she sits here beside me,
sharing the beauty her smile does inspire
And of the views framing skies of forever,
promising visions of windswept desire

I write these verses of heart felt emotions,
all of them true in the fashion I send
For very soon I’ll be rounding the corner,
penning her poetic love once again
 Aug 2016
we make shake n bake
to magnify the whole thing
make it better and higher and more
I went along
that's when I got hooked on
the feeling
the majesty the bangs
now I am down in a hole
looking up and
she is gone and the
thrill too
what the **** is it all
to my brain my libido my life
I give up
 Aug 2016
Carolyne McNabb
Sometimes I ask myself
"Why am I still here?"
but then you take my hand,
I can almost almost taste your smile,
so sweet, my dear.

Everything I hold dear
is in my hand,
in my hair,
the smell of you lingers
and I have to sigh through the tears.

You have stolen my heart,
enraptured my soul,
and devoured me whole.
My mind is tethered yet torn apart
when I think of you and what you've done to me.

Just you wait, my love.
Not much longer, someday,
when I have taken your oath and sealed it
I'll steal you away swiftly.
Swiftly we'll fly across oceans, my dove.

Take my hand,
hold my head to your heart
and remind me that it's mine.
Each beat whispers as soft as desert sand
*"I love you and we'll never be apart."
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