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 Sep 2016
Keith Edward Baucum
As the sins partied the night away in the country Darkness the sun came rising in the country Tranquility.
"Are you ready to spend all eternity together?" Loyalty asked Love as they stood on their balcony.  "My dear, dear, husband soon to be you already know the answer to the question you ask" said Love.  As Loyalty and Love stood locked in a warming embrace being kissed by the rays of the sun the two share a kiss of their own.
Beep, beep, beep, "Well this is a perfect time for my communicator to beep" said Love.  Love broke her embrace with Loyalty and answered her communicator.  "Hello Faith how are you?" asked Love.  "I'm fine Love and how are you?" answered Faith.  "I'm ready to start this new era in my life" said Love.  "I'm looking over your wedding file.  Are there any last minute changes you want to make?" said Faith.  "No Faith everything's perfect" said Love.  "Lets get going" said Faith.  "I'll be right down.  I have to go Loyalty" said Love.  "Loyalty grabbed Love by her waist and pulled her close.  He whispers in her ear "Are you sure this is what you want?"  "I've wanted you when I first saw you.  Now if you'll excuse me Faith is waiting for me" said Love
When Love exited her house she found Faith hovering in her brand new transporter.  "Wow Faith this is beautiful" said Love.  "Thank you Love.  This is the new Neo 7000.  It was the last one left" said Faith.  Interrupted by her communicator Faith answers her call from Loyalty.  
"Hello Loyalty what do you want?" said Faith.  "Why you have to ask like that Faith?" said Loyalty.  "Just make sure Knowledge have you at the chapel on time.  Now if you'll excuse me I have things to do" said Faith.  "C'mon Faith we don't have time to play with Loyalty" said Love.  Rising higher in the air Faith and Love zoomed away.
As they flew through the sky Faith asked Love about her humanitarian organization S.O.U.L.  "How was your peace keeping mission in the country
Limbo?" asked Faith.  "The citizens there had a lot of raw emotions from war.  There is a big scar dividing the country" said Love.  "Your organization S.O.U.L. has a lot of positive influence.  How long has S.O.U.L. been active in the humanitarian field?" asked Faith.  "Five years" answered Love.  When Faith and Love landed at the chapel Wisdom was waiting for them.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
A poem that tells a story.  Prose poetry.
 Sep 2016
We could a learn thing
or two from nature
Darkness is truly reassuring
Look to the fall of night
For that is when all is brought to light

Watch how the winged
creature flutters
Forget all that you have read
Good things never last
That's why fireflies flash
 Sep 2016
Kelly Weaver
How my skin remains cold, I do not know.
My dry, cracked hands reach for yours,
But my reach is not met with warmth,
Merely a gust of bad memories.
My crinkling lungs only release dust
And my tired eyes haven't seen light in days
But I remain, still,
Reaching for your hand.
And with tears running down my cheeks,
Accompanied by a hopeful smile,
I pretend your gaze would meet mine
If I could simply open my eyes.
If I would simply come back to life.

I have been grieved by numerous trials
My faith, You've tested by fire.
You revealed Yourself,
And I came to know You
More than Your Name.

I love you,
Though I have not seen you.
My belief was kept in my innermost self,
And You filled me w/ Your glory.

I was so ignorant, that was the former me.
"You shall be holy, for I am holy," You told me.
Make my heart pure, overflowed by Your love
To obey Your truth, for I have been born again.

As the grass withers; as the flowers fall;
Your Words remain in me.
"The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God endures forever." - Isaiah 40:8 (NIV)

For, "All people are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, - 1 Peter 1:24 (NIV)
 Sep 2016
Elizabeth Squires
the anthem of an empty soul*
a shell crammed full in nothingness
absolutely nil to this choral tune
vacancy's note played by one sole pan
there's a humdrum to its pitch
packing's plump the missing ingredient

always with an absence of ingredient
starved was this emaciated soul
not having the richest cloven pitch
inside infinite quantities of nothingness
ever the void sound to its pan
a totally scooped out dull tune

zero being in the husk of the tune
this cavernous space possessing no ingredient
like that of a dead hearted pan
as it had but the blankest soul
completely useless this bare nothingness
lacking of an ample vessel's pitch

such was the hopelessness to the pitch
its essence so poorly of tune
deprived this barren nothingness
the inner pith hollow of ingredient
all taken from the lifeless soul
where they'd be a destitute pan

an aimless chord in the pan
containing not a wholeness of pitch
the desert abiding without soul
insolvency was its lasting tune
so hungering for that ingredient
to quell the wretched nothingness  

an interior gulf replete in nothingness
needful of feeding with a brimming pan
craving much for the ingredient
that ever opulent barrow of pitch
a human warbling a pitiful tune
this ballad so dismal of soul

ingredient not present, a vast nothingness
soul much overloaded, in an unfurnished pan
*pitch harping the strains, of a unfilled tune
 Sep 2016
Pernille Augustson
Will I sleep tonight,
And be filled with inner peace
Will I sleep tonight,
And forget my fears

Will I sleep tonight,
And wake up brand new
To come and see you?

Even when I'm blue,
I sure miss you
It's all true,
I need you

Where are you...

If I close my eyes to sleep tonight,
Will you be there to hold me tight?
Will you kiss me goodnight as I lay my head, and kiss me goodmorning as I wake?

Or will you just leave and make me feel dumb,
Stupid to have done the things that I've done,
All alone, without you there
All despair, without you here

Do you really want me to come undone?
 Sep 2016
Little Bear
The little voice
inside says
"Well there you go,
That just proves your worth,
not very much.. is it?"
And more often than
I'd like to admit
I'm inclined to agree
So I reply
In a smaller voice
*"I know"
 Sep 2016
Nishu Mathur
We can all do with a hug some days -
Some kind words

And the presence of someone who believes in you
Who will never let you down
Who doesn't make you feel insignificant and small
Who appreciates and doesn't condemn
Who won't pull you low
But helps you get up
Who can flip a frown to a smile
Add a little glow
And turn tears to a tickle
Someone who can bring a spring in the step
And a twinkle in the eye
We can all do with love -
When the chips go down
Or even when the wheels are up

We can all do with a hug somedays
So here's one for you.
 Sep 2016
Kelly Weaver
I'd rather drown a hundred times than let my heart go free
Because I can't hear your horrid voice at the bottom of the sea
And you've ruined every chance of love
So I pulled when I was supposed to shove

You don't know how it feels to love so blindly
All trust enveloped into another soul
Only to have them crush your hopes and dreams with one fatal blow  
Breaking down, slowly
I decay with the rest
A dusty box of your old shirts
I could barely bring myself to collect
But I'm the one crying myself dry
I'm the one fighting to keep myself alive
I didn't sleep, I couldn't eat,
Not a single soul could help me.
I can't trust others
I barely trust myself
So at the end of the day
It's me, myself, and nobody else.
 Sep 2016
sky of oblivion darkness holds the image of you plainly
black on black but still sheerly visible
amidst the murderousness of this
everlasting night

your eyes are storms and your teeth are the
dark stars in the sky

little knives that i wish
could **** me

hair that falls effortlessly, gracing the perfection of your countenance -
a devil in your own right
you are my mistake

nocturne haze keeps me living
but your radioactive gaze
has left me in bones

a hollow man walking
into the blacknight horizon

where he would sprout wings of ash
and fly to you
2 of 12.... a collection
 Sep 2016
no moonshine when she's gone
its not warm when she's away
I need a drink and wonder
if she's gone to stay
ain't no moonshine when she's gone
she got all the money
***** and *****
this glass just ain't
a glass any time
she goes away
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