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What if when we got there it had gone?
what if what we went looking for had
disappeared or had never been?

I have seen the twinkle of a billion stars
but never touched a one
yet felt the gravitas of every spark
that lit my moment in the dark.

An electric ownership that
never fails to overwhelm me,
if there or not it knows no boundary,
my imagination looked, but it was it
that found me and so what
if it is not or never been?
I have seen it anyway.
 Oct 2015
Victoria Jennings
Dear knife,
It's been three years since I've held you
And felt you on my skin
But please know
I'm still thinking of you
Of the bittersweet feeling
Of holding you
Feeling you slice into me
It's been a long time now
But I still want to pull you out
Of your neatly kempt drawer
And have you just one more time.
Bad day...
 Oct 2015
Forgotten Heart
If you want
To talk
To me
Don't ask me
Whether I'm free
Or not...!!
Tell me
You want
To talk to me
I'll free my time
To talk
To you......!!!
Anything for you my love.....!!
 Sep 2015
When the ones you loved leave you alone,
When dreams are shattered and in pieces you are broke
When days are dark and nights never end,
When a foe you find in every other friend;
In worst of times, there's a hope that lasts..
Keep faith in God, this too shall pass!

When critics are pulling you down in the pit,
When your goal is blurred and you feel you should quit;
When you lose the grip of the rope you held,
and success may seem impossible to spell,
Look for the future, what's past is past..
Don't worry for today, this too shall pass!!
 Sep 2015
Victoria Jennings
You always know just what I need
Even if I cannot understand you
 Sep 2015
Victoria Jennings
I don't want ***
Despite what my body tells me
I want to feel close
I want to feel loved
I want to feel weightless
I want you.
 Sep 2015
Victoria Jennings
Winter is hard
Because I see you in the sunrise,
I see you in the sunset,
And in the snow,
I feel you when I put my hoodie on
When I walk in snow
To nowhere special
I miss you when the bed gets cold
And I can hear you
Telling me to turn off the heat
I can feel you coming to hold my hand
Because I'm cold
And you never are
I taste you in the coffee you made me like
I taste you in the tears I shed
I hate Winter
Because you're not here for it.
 Sep 2015
Walter W Hoelbling
from the lit windows
   of the hurrying train
streams out
and instantly disappears
   into the darkening landscape
   through which I travel

I do now know
   where it goes
   what scene it may
   happen to illuminate

when we stop at a station
   pass a town
   or a row of cars
   waiting at the crossing
we are receivers
   of the light of others

so we speed through the world
receiving some
and sending flickers of light
   into space
to unknown destinations

           * *
 Sep 2015
Victoria Jennings
I linger in the pain

Turning my chest to charcoal

You use to reside on my lips

Now lipstick goes unsmeared

And a smile not shown

You use to reside beside me

Now my hand is empty

My feet cold

My bed vacant

My laughter unheard

My beauty dissipated

And overall

You use to reside in my happiness

Now I am only half of what was once

A whole.
 Aug 2015
Dark green shade of trees cast by sun
Shining with intense rays
An oasis—found for
Summer suns.*

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