doesn't make any sense/ trying hard to be a poet/ in between- madness and sanity, reality and fantasy. /Twitter, IG & Wattpad : @IGMSOfficial/ Tiktok …
Actor, writer and student in Sunderland, hoping to one day become a teacher of English or Drama. I mostly write stories now online instead of …
Cisgender Female/Virginia
I believe to stop the flow of imagination is like stopping the Earth from spinning. I'm always seeing something inspiring. Imagination is always at my …
In a tormented mind
Green Eyes ... And an addiction to love and cigarettes ... I am the biggest hypocrite you won't ever meet ... I tell everything like …
What you may call poetry is what I call beautiful ramblings. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All works here are copyrighted by me - Neex (Naomi) - unless …