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 Jan 2018
Eliot York
that i've been reading your poetry
(on the new front page)

I ******* love
your words; your worlds;
it's like i'm,
    there. right there,
with you.

you see, i didn't do what you do--
         write my story aloud
--when i was fifteen, or even twenty-two

just an inch off the ground
                        i confided in clouds
stayed lost (was a puff too proud)

that was then, sure, but even today
   (it's 11:11, now)
putting any of it down
committing to this word, not that
this sentiment,
      not that
this meaning
       (and not simultaneously that)
              is walking through fire

and so, for leading the way
           let me just say,
                       i love you

and please,
don't ever stop.
 Jan 2018
Star BG
I focus in breath with intention
to stay in the moment
orchestrating my journey.

I dance spinning gracefully with the drifting waves.

I sing expanding heart with the precious birds.

I write sculpturing with my treasure chest of words.

I celebrate connected to God and the God-like being I am.

I live in the moment manifesting my dreams cause I can.
Inspired by a chat with Pages  Thanks
A simple title it is. LOL
Absence is a period with a period.

Visible, not visible, and repeat,
the mighty feat
the enduring human spirit
in the faith of subsidence of pain
that the book on the table
will be picked up and read again.

It keeps us going
the strength in the sense
too real is the presence.

Then a day
the book is taken away
the loved pens an ode
of absence definite
without a period.
The last fortnight has been hard, made me strong in some places, and weak in some.
Sorry friends to be away.
The smoke hazes the setting sun
as the fire burns remains of the last crop
proffering ashes to the wind.

It's all the wind gets
as the memento of the last harvest.

On the new soil
once again there'll be tilling
and God willing
seeds waiting hope laden
will sprout into corn.

What's dead is to be reborn.
Cornfield in setting sun, Dec 23, 4.30 pm
 Jan 2018
Tanisha Jackland
Keep filling
the sky with
the pure laughter
of your soul
then rise
my dear
 Jan 2018
Joel M Frye
how rare it is
in all our lost
to walk a forked path
and know
beyond certainty
the way chosen
will change
the rest
of the journey just know.
 Jan 2018
Slow down, don't leave
Take a moment out
  Let yourself breathe...
There, in your psyche
Behind your silent pain
Tap into that storm cloud
And simply let it rain!!

Empty those old cabinets
Of filed foul regrets
Twisted through your memory banks
You haven't processed yet

There in your psyche
Hidden in plain sight
A need to guide others
By your poetic gift of light

Let it reign, let it shine
Pour your words upon the line
We all share a creative soul
Take your turn and let it flow
Traveler Tim
 Jan 2018
Star BG
HAUNTED by my own mind
the ego ghost envelops me.
Judgements fill mind,
collapsing cells that pulsate once born in heart.

The ego entity knows how to get under skin
and echo lies to stay in control.

It knows in a blink of an eye when to jump in
so I may not notice.

My mother lived most of her life through ego.
as many others do.

But that leaves me on my spiritual journey
to squash this creature to be free.

To aline with the angel in heart
who whispers with love and wisdom.

Nows the time is here to say,
“hay ego stop your nonsense and serve
by focusing on my vital organs activities
and direct my thoughts no more."

And now, on yet another day,
my sword is drawn to recognize Ego's shadow
and stand in power fearlessly.
inspired by one word "haunted" by Cece Thanks
 Jan 2018
I lie not awake
Yet unasleep
In those moments
Caught between
I think I see
But you see not
The Life that could
Have been.

The moon eclipsed
The flag half mast
The wick not
Yet aglow
All the beauty
At but half full
Accepted as enough.

It must be true
That one accept
The half as near
The whole.
For it does not help
To seek the truth,
It undoes
The beauty known.

Thus die the dreams untold.
 Jan 2018
Francie Lynch
Our yesterdays are foreign shores,
With unusual customs.
Among us are worm-holers,
Using foreign words
Like Whitey, ******, *****, Indian.
Archaic phrases,
A woman's place...
A child should...
Are you a man...

Our boundaries have shifted.
Isolationism, provincialism, racism,
All derogatory isms
Are placed in a time capsule,
Not to be opened by this civilization,
This new country for ex-pats.
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