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 Feb 2016
Aztec Warrior
Friday Night: It’s a **** Thang**

Smoke fills the air,
the sweet doobie scent
of high
times and
my fingers raising rainbows
as they travel across your naked skin.
Apricot nippled *******
brush my lips with
a music intoxicatingly
****** and you drip sexuality
all over me.
A love leaving me spin
in wildly exotic,
red lacy visions
of your mescaline funk
and lips on mine
driving me drunk with allusions
of your quivering release-
the  l  o  n  g  
s  l  o  w   version.

Oh no, “I don’t want a cure for this.”
As Diana says,
“Don’t call the doctor.”
I just need more tokes
on this sweet, sweet love.

Aztec Warrior/redzone 2.19.16
..the song is once again Diana Ross' "Love Hangover"

Some years ago now, poets at another web site did this "******/sensual tastefully done poetry every Friday night. Sometimes collaborating and it was great fun... well I was thinking about this after a friend asked about "what kind of trouble do you like to get in"? So, here is some "trouble for you?? Thanks for the idea... ;0)
"No cure, no remedy, don't call the doctor!!"
 Feb 2016
K Balachandran
"Your shapely, bootylicious thighs,
carved columns of lubricious butter,
shouldn't be left without gently caressed,
til covered all over with ruddy marks of desire,
just strawberry goosebumps for ignorant  others"

When she snuggles closer to him, from the seat next,
as the train rocks and they rub,when gathering speed,
she sporting a marvelous mini dress engrossing his libido,
he whispers to her, who was all ears, "But my real object
of focus is the truth, that lurks where your thighs meet"
In a bumpy ride  young hearts (and thighs)rub each other
one thing leads to other, restraint is but just a cover, even  exploration of higher truth becomes essentially sensual...
 Feb 2016
david mungoshi
she divested herself
of her encumbrances
invisible sparks in rayon and silk
enlivened the room
the night alive with fireflies and mystery
a boon to her loveliness
a beauty to taunt the rising moon this night
through the slight parting in the blinds
he saw the shimmering silvery strands of moonlight
even as his libido lay in shreds before her
i have re-worked this poem to give it greater appeal and depth.
 Feb 2016

That I may taste of you

Worship at your slender blemishless feet

Feast upon the divine banquet that is your core

Serenade you with praise deserving of your graceful form

That I may traverse the land that is your body

With eyes, hands, lips, tongue...

That I may make your mind my home

That I may always, and forever

Remain in your pulchritudunous presence

Alas, I can not

For you have trapped me in this live cage

Kept me in the proverbial limbo

A bare whisper away

Yet, still screams and echoes apart

The pain weighing heavily on my strained vocal cords

Slowly crushing my fragile heart

But I bear my cross with dignity, the constant torture

And I sit in silence

Watching, waiting

For those of us in limbo...
Happy Valentine's Day.
 Feb 2016
K Balachandran
The dark purity of the night, I lustily sought,
to juxtapose it with the exhilaration filling in me
seeing her lush,**** body's eager anticipation.

Each cell comes alive, in her libidinous embrace,
Her erogenous silken touches,blends with the satin sheen
of sheer black cover darkness unfurls one end to the other,
the  dreamy lighted spots, embellish the nightscape's  opulence.
Night, anointed us with the fluence of love, when our supple bodies,
entangled in the bed till we drunk slept, blissfully lost the world.
 Feb 2016
david mungoshi
when i want to be serenaded
i go where i can be persuaded
by the thumping beat of my heart
to dance to the lively beat of yours
you see, my life springs out of you
and always has this vibrant hue
so when i want to pay homage
to life and mystery incorporated
i humble myself and on all fours
lick the life juices of fleeting moments
till i'm hungry and blue no more
 Feb 2016
Do you ever wonder when you’ll be kissed next? When someone will genuinely look at you and think “she’s so beautiful and I want her to know that”. Then they kiss you and you know they meant it because they think you’re a beautiful person. That will be next kiss I hope to receive. Not the drunk sloppy kiss, the meaningful, deep, slow, impression on the crescent between my lips.
What should I say to you
The struggles I have endured
Not even a diseased dog
Not even a person sent to HELL
Has suffered!

To see you once
I have to live a life-time

To talk with you
I have to get educated

To touch you
I have to upbring myself to be the best

To shake hands with you
I've to pray with folded hands

I worship you
With so much devotion
I came to LOVE you
But my temple of LOVE
Was demolished in a whim
My heart was ripped apart
My wretched soul
Cut into pieces
I cried unending tears

I - an unbeliever
Now sing and beg
Come to my rescue
To crush this hellish fate of mine

Come like a wind
To dry my tears
Come like a storm
To blow my sorrow
Come like a flood
To flow my fears away

So that the chapter of my fate
Would take a turn

And I would again dream
of being with you
 Feb 2016
david mungoshi
the haloed sun above winked like a sage
and its searing smile stirred coy memories
that sailed the blue sky like feathery petals
cascading like a shower of floating fancies

and in a shallow pond above the rapids
where the waters gurgled and roared
their call for blessings at the mystic waterfall
the kingfisher was soon to be with the grateful dead

the couple engrossed in the snares of scented life
gazed up at the sky in search of the evening star
that twinkling would witness a girl taken to wife
in the misty coolness of a spray of charmed wishes

the timid bride with latent fire in her heart and limbs
had a wet kimono wrapped around her treasures mild
she prayed that if she be preyed upon it had to be wild
and abandoned; consuming even as the sun danced its exit

a snaky trickle of golden warmth poured down like honey
coursed through the articulate body to coagulate inside her cup
and she became paralyzed with the joy and wonder of creation
enacted once again in this moment of pleasurable stillness

and the first of her petals was well on its way to necessary ejection
and a soft landing in the hearts of those who wait for signs
This is now my final version
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