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 Nov 2014 nurul
Joshua Haines
Sara not so plain and not so tall
Daydreaming in the shopping mall
As blond as a summer day
Speaking of herself in a peculiar way:

"I'm pretty, yes, but I wish to be better;
To be the admiration of a love letter."

But her beauty is the kind that lasts
And makes your heart beat especially fast.
Finland born but London found,
Lovely, sure, but greatness bound.

And the nights grow more tiresome,
as her chest beats a tattered drum.
Her mood too dreary for speckled eyes
that will dim if night blurs into sunrise.

"Sleep why do you run from me,
as my memories grow.
Eyelids, be a blanket,
And melatonin, a pillow."

Victoria Lucas in her head,
as the bell does ring until fed
by the words that sound soft to us
but are actually strong and thus
she is misunderstood-lips are red-
Like Greenwood inspired, kissed dread:
She can save herself before jarred,
Before feathered, before tarred.

And it is my faith that lets me know,
That her happiness will one day grow
Because Sara not so plain and not so tall
Is the strongest of them all
For the lovely Sara Murray.
 Nov 2014 nurul
Just Melz
Staring through the cracks in this glass
           I ask myself why?
Why did I put myself
           through this pain?
Why do I act weak, when I know I'm strong?
             All along I've been hiding my face,
      Behind glasses and shadows,
But the cracks are getting wider
                 and the sun's going down
          The truth about who I am,
It's about to be found....  
       I can't commit to these crimes any more
All the lies and deceptions I was okay with before...
I'm putting myself out there,  
        Even if I fall face first
To the floor...
I'm gonna punch through this glass
           with my reflection so perfectly shattered
I'm no longer battered and bitter
       I'm gonna stare straight through that mirror
        Take off these glasses and look into my own eyes
I'm done with the disguise,  the lies,
         the shouts and screams
          My dreams are what matter now,  
          Not yours, or theres, or hers
I'm finally putting myself first
        No more glasses or shadows to hide behind
          I'm gonna find me,  
And I'm actually gonna look at myself this time...
 Nov 2014 nurul
Yellow Rain
 Nov 2014 nurul
The soft texture tickled her toes
And she was quick to replace her bare foot,
Searching for a place free of the
Delicate petals
That fell from her hands.

Twelve more fragile futures fell to the ground,
Collecting in an indecisive heap
Whose beautiful, red hues
Played tricks with the sun,
Filling her head with illusions
That all will be alright.

She slashed at the other flowers
Standing tall and proud around her,
Dancing with the wind
To heart stopping lyrics
Sung in a language she could not understand.
Tearing them up from the roots,
She cursed their peaceful attitude
And cold, heartless souls
That continued to exude radiance
As they teased her fragile heart,
Dishing out good and bad news
With a lovely toss of their golden center.

It began to rain on their flawless figures,
Yellow drops burning imperfect circles
Through the otherwise perfect surface of their petals.
For minutes, it continued to pour on the flowers,
The large bottle held in the girl's trembling hand,
Marked kerosene,
Seemed to never run dry,
Drowning the roots in a deadly poison.

"He loves me not!"
She shouted,
Tossing the bottle aside,
Only after showering herself in the
Polluted rain,
Becoming momentarily fixated on the way she reflected the light
With dozens of drops clinging to her skin.

The lighter was ruby red,
Just like the petals who told of such a gloomy future.
She had purchased it at the drug store because of its color,
Her reflection bathed in red hid her uneven skin tone,
Making her for the first time an image of beauty.  

Flames took to the parched earth
Like a teenage girl to dreams of happily ever after.
Petals turned to ashes
And skin to a yellow, melted liquid,
Which fueled the inferno better than the yellow rain.

Blistered fingers still held the lighter,
The only thing visible in the dark,
Smoky air.
She clung to the image of her reflection,
Staring at the face that had never been loved,
And never would be,
Long after flames took her sight.
My take on "He loves me, he loves me not."
 Nov 2014 nurul
Nur Aishah Azman
She can make you feel secure, safe,
She can make you feel empowered, brave,
She can make you feel like you can do anything and everything.

To the point that 'fear' does not exist in your vocabulary,
You, the greatest person to be walking on the face of this earth,
Just by an embrace, a few words of assurance,
That's what she can do,
What she does best,
The effect she can have,
And only she.

Your mother.
 Nov 2014 nurul
Ember Evanescent
Hey you.
Yeah, you.
The one looking in the mirror and hating yourself.
The one muttering your flaws to yourself.
STOP bullying yourself.
It is not okay to bully anyone.
That includes you.
When you insult yourself decide if you would say that to a sweet 7 year old. Decide if you would say that to your best friend. Decide if you would say that to your mother.
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