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Apr 2014 · 699
Its Over
Cierra Rose Apr 2014
I asked for a sign.
A sign that would tell me if
This thing between you and I
Was worth it...
I believe that sign was given to me.
Given to me as I feel my heart race
When I see a girls ***, not her face
And it wasn't mine...
I will be doing me.
Doing me because the guy I thought was great
Turned out to be fake
So now its over...
Cierra Rose Apr 2014
Call me a million things
But never refer to me as a *****.
My friends say it jokingly
But from you it's offensive.
I don't care if you're playing around.
The word ***** should never
escape your lips.
Not when speaking of me.
I do so much for you...
I am not your *****,
I will never be your *****,
Don't refer to me as a *****.
You catching my drift?
Cause baby as soon as the word
leaks through those lips I kiss on a daily...
It'll be over faster then you can say
I'm sorry baby.

— The End —