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You told me "I loved you and now I dont. Its as simple as that."
It's as simple as that?
How can you love someone one day and not love them the next?
How can you promise someone forever and then just up and leave?
It was "simple"?
You never really loved me.
Because it's not simple to just stop loving somebody.

Believe me,
I've been trying...
So, what’s this all about love?
Everyone talks about it
Like it’s some gift from above
I don’t know what it tastes like
The sight of it eludes me
But I hear it’s like a lightning strike.
Call me cynical but I have other stuff to do
Thing’s to write, arguments to make
A lot of different things to go through
I’m still hearing “why can’t guys be like you?”
Instead of something nice like
“I think I care about you”
But with all that’s happening here
I find the simple idea of love
Something impossible to bear
Because I’ve got suff to do
So I can’t be weighed down
By useless dances of two
Of course, I’m lying right now
I really do want to love,
I just don’t know how.
I tune the radio to a station I know won't come in.
Because it sounds just like the ocean to me.
And a fake ocean is far better than no ocean at all.
It sounds like a place so far away from here, so free.

I place blankets over my curtains, which are over my windows.
Because it makes me feel safe when I sleep.
And a bit of sleep is a lot better than none at all.
It seems this new habit I've formed, I'll keep.

I run outside every single time it rains.
Because the cold jars my lifeless body awake.
And some feeling is nicer than no feeling at all.
It hopefully cleanses me, for I know my soul's at stake.
One day when this is all over,
I'll take you to Paris.
We can walk over bridges with our fingers intwined and talk about how funny it is that things weren't always perfect between us.
We'll laugh because it seems ridiculous that once upon a time,
we weren't happy together and we shed blood and tears over the feel of our lips on the other's.

One day when this is all over,
I'll tell you how much you've always meant to me.
How you brought me out of the dark and taught me how to shine a light and find the way out,
and even though I left you half way and when you finally escaped you stole my light for your own,
I still loved you.

At least,
that's what I tell myself to get to sleep at night.
I know there won't be a one day,
there won't ever be an us again.
I made sure of that the day I left you in the dark without a light,
but now the memory of that bright, shining warmth that you brought into my life is the only thing that stops me from being consumed all together.
stupid stupid ignore this i am in such a wallowing self pitying mood its disgusting

— The End —