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I drank the bottle of ***** with hopes that it might erase you from my mind.
I burned the things you gave me hoping nothing would remind me that you existed.
I wrote you 3 pages of how I felt hoping it might bring me peace.
But none of them worked.
I still remember your face, how your cheek bones are perfectly shaped.
I was addicted to you, God, How you made me feel.
You're still in my mind rushing through my veins.
I can still remember the way you felt, your skin against mine.
You said I was your world but ****** you were my galaxy.
Nothing but sadness consumes me now,
dead flowers and butterflies lay in my stomach.
You killed them the day you started doing what you did.
This human skin,
why is it so hard to live in?
The human mind,
why is it unkind?
Does my existence even matter?
Do I have a purpose?
To live in a world that is only best seen when your drunk.
To live in a world where oxygen is every where but I still suffocate.
I know cigarettes are meant to ****, maybe thats why I smoke so much.
Maybe its because I strive to live in a place of tranquility,
I crave the feeling of serenity
but god ****** will I ever get there?
My cold fingers remember your warm skin.
My dead heart remembers you.
I lost myself, between the oceans in your eyes.
I was afraid of you
I buried you deep down beneath my lies.
But now you're gone
and I wish I gave you me
Now I can't sleep ti'll dawn
Staring at empty space and catching debris

— The End —