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A poet in love
Is a match soaked
In gasoline.

follow my writing!

it will kick you in the diaphragm.
  Apr 2014 Cassie Stoddard
I won't write about how many constellations I could form with your freckles or how there are an endless collection of galaxies hidden underneath your eyelids. you see, I fell in love with the way you drank your coffee and the way you would always wake up at 4 am just so you could watch the sun come up because you always found him so ******* beautiful; I still wish you had thought of me that way. I'm still trying to get over your laughter and the way your eyes shined so brightly I was convinced I would someday go blind. it's nearly been five months but you somehow always find your way into my poems no matter how they start out. this is my way of saying I miss you. I am not angry anymore, I simply wish I would stop writing so many poems about you because they won't ever bring you back. I stay up all night thinking of you. I don't even know where you are in this world but I do know I can't reach you. it seems the stars were not aligned in our favor. maybe we were not meant to be but I can't get myself to admit that because it hurts too much. I can't wash you out of my hair and I am not sure I want to.
  Apr 2014 Cassie Stoddard
and the light loved you in broken moments of eternity
Cassie Stoddard Apr 2014
I am composed of
Cassie Stoddard Apr 2014
She believed
She wasn't
and so
  Apr 2014 Cassie Stoddard
If a boy teases you,
he is a ****.
Stand up for yourself.

It is entirely acceptable
to wear brown with black
and silver with gold.

If it is three a.m.
and you still don't understand the quadratic formula,
go to bed.

When you get your heart broken
(and you definitely will),
ask yourself if they are worth crying over.

By all means,
whenever there is rain,
go outside.

You are not a girl,
you are a person.
Behave as such.

Dress however you want.
Dye your hair unnatural colors.
Wear men's clothing.

Have seconds.
Eat dessert.
Eat second dessert.

Love until it hurts,
and then ask yourself
if it is still worth it.

Always be truthful,
and fearless.
  Apr 2014 Cassie Stoddard
I saw you holding her hand today
and I almost smiled at the two of you
but I stopped myself.

It's been two weeks since we've talked,
and I almost called you last night
but now I'm glad I didn't
because if you are with her now
I probably seem like the clingy one.

Funny how things change.

I remember when you used to talk about her,
you said she was your favorite person in the world
and I tried to act like I wasn't offended
since you were finally talking about something good.
I could tell by the way you smiled
when you told stories about her
that she made you happier than I ever could.

That's what you need:
to be happy.

I am glad you have her now,
and she can make you happy
in the ways I couldn't.
I want you to be okay.
I hope she can do that for you.

God knows I tried.
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