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I noticed when you stopped loving me.
Your smile became faint,
You no longer held me in your sleep.
Your attention wasn't given to me.
I shook hands with the distance you created between us.
Your phone became more important than the girl lying next to you,
Trying to adore you.
I was she.
You made time for everything but me,
Except for when you wanted to **** me,
You'd call me.
I noticed your changes and I let them be.
You don't love me,
You don't love me,
in my head i repeat.
All of those things
That people said
That planted rotten seeds in your mind…
You know, the ones that grew
Tall like a mutant ****
The ones that
Choked out all of your flowers
There are many
But it is a lovely day
In an infant May
You can go to your shed
Get your shovel
Go to where your garden grows
Dig each one up by its roots



in a night sky:

not there,
not there.

Our lives
in this world:

not here,
not here.

From nothing
a brief flash
of being
before nothing.

Death does
not end,
it resumes.

No fear.

* The fear of death disturbs me.
"No Gods. No Masters."*

Thursday last while
driving to the convenience store
I was pulled over by a local policeman.

It was midday. I wasn't drunk,
****** or driving recklessly.

He approached my car.
I rolled the window down.

He asked to see my papers.

I asked why.

He said just a "random traffic check."

I asked randomly checking for what.

He told me there was no need
to get belligerent.

I said I wasn't belligerent.

I said I was a free American
who lived in a country
where stopping people randomly
violated the Fouth Amendment
of the Constitution.

He asked again for my papers

I said not until he told me
for what probable cause
I had been stopped.

He said nothing, took a step back.

I asked him if I was under arrest
or being detained for arrest.

He said no.

I said I would be going then,
rolled down my window
and drove away,
being careful to signal.

He glared but did not follow.

Oh my sick and sorry America,
look what you have become.

He expected me to cower
before his uniform.

He was surprised when I didn't.

Never show fear to a cop or a dog.

He wasn't there
to serve and protect
but to harass and intimidate.

He was nothing but a ****
hired by the money that owns us.

Our police are beginning to act
like an arrogant, occupying army.

Let them beware and remember
what Thomas Jefferson said,

"The tree of liberty
must be refreshed
from time to time
with the blood
of patriots and tyrants."

Sometimes poetry can murmur gently,
but sometimes it must howl in rage.

I refuse to be occupied,
harassed or intimidated
by hired thugs and gangsters
in black uniforms with tin stars.

I want my country back.
I will have my country back.
I am not alone. There are many.

Let Officer Friendly consider:
There will come a reckoning.
The tree will be watered again,
even if it takes rivers of blood.

Those of you who don't live here may not understand this. I apologize.
People often ask me,
as if they care,
where poems derive.

I care and have
given it much thought
for decades.

It is a hard
and genuine question
that deserves
an answer.

I believe poems
come from a spring.

They begin as
the slightest trickle
beneath a mossy boulder
on a steep, green
Tennessee ridge
that manifests as a run,
a river, many rivers
until it flows into
the Gulf Stream.

The spring
is a place on earth
where something

The spring is not
the water.

I am the poet.
I am that spring.

But I am not the poems.

The poems are the water,

they flow,  
seeking something larger

than I can hope to be.

Pale green fire
that consumes me.

Your gaze
reduces me to ashes.


oh, my!

There are no more jokes to life.
WE are FALLING as a RACE and we should be ASHAMED in ourselves
Violence is erupting in our streets
Innocent people are dying
Yet instead of mourning over the lost we are being ignorant
The foolishness needs to stop!
Proving that we cannot be civilized, that we belong in shackles being whooped in cotton fields
Our ancestors would not be proud if they saw what we are doing today
In fact they would turn their heads and bow them in disgust
Thinking to themselves all that hard work for nothing
Is that really  what we want...history to repeat itself all over again
For us the black race to be treated like animals
To be treated as if we are inferior to dirt the other races step on
If that is what you really seek then continue
But if not...
Stop the meaningless violence
Public announcement idea borrowed from Frank Ruland. Ladies and Gentleman don't forget to read his work.
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