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 Mar 2021 Caleb Notte
A candlelit rage
Dances in Shadow and Light
Flickering our flame.
She said to me "Marc now there's something i just could never understand, where is your heart exactly because I don't know how you continue to stand. How many times has it broke and how many times has it healed, if it's healed, has it healed? I don't get it why don't you give up like any other man?" All I could do was smile as a took her hand and in its Palm I traced my heart like I would in the sand, and I said. "My heart is in your hand where it has always been, and all those struggles yeah they’re hard but it makes it all worth it when we gaze at the stars." And as I closed her hand her teardrops hit the sand and washed into the ocean blue as she grasped out for me yelling I love you. And in the silence of our embrace she realized our hands had found grace as our heartbeats sang a tune we felt through our palms on that warm afternoon.

"Just remember when you think you're free, that crack in your heart is me"

But I'll never be free from your company
My mind circles around you aimlessly
You know, Manson seems to know a thing or two
The crack in my heart will always be you
I was once in love with God
And Satan soon to follow
The Lord made me feel whole
While Satan more-so hollow
Neither could take my pain
So why did I bother
Their love was not the same
I was another lamb to the slaughter
All I asked was for a little push
God helped me along
While Satan with an ambush
Brought you in the form of a dashing smart man
I thought you were my savior
But instead you were a devil with another plan
 Mar 2021 Caleb Notte
Jessica B

Love just changes

Like Time
Here I am checking up on you again
Here I am going through your followers
Here I am looking at our mutual friends checking if you liked a picture or not
Here I am still getting so weak as I speak of you
My voice is trembling my hands are shaking
Wondering how much I’d fall apart if we spoke once more
Here I am still missing you
Here I am still so in love with you
Sitting here still so ****** up over you
Here I am blaming myself again
Trying to apologize for loving you too much
For being human
For making expected mistakes after being broken by you
Here I am wondering if you miss me too
Wondering if you think about me
Here I am thinking certain songs you post and the matching shirt you wear has something to do with you thinking about me
Here I am still thinking that you may be just as in love with me as I am with you still
Here I am still in denial
Here I am wasting my time and thoughts on you
Reliving my memories with you
Here I am wishing it was just us once again
Here I go getting all sad
Over someone who never really deserved me
But I love you anyway
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