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Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Threads are woven,
like streams into a river;
or wisps into a cloud --
they weave into something beautiful.
Memories laced in violet,
peacock colored romance,
a tear doused in sky blue:
it is the tapestry of a mind
one withering and eroding
like the base of a mighty waterfall;
or the land under a tornado --
it despairs into emptiness
until my name is nothing but
conjoined syllables on her lips.
The unraveling of a tapestry is slow,
a simple snag in the seam.
Over time it falls apart
like a river scattering into the swamps;
or leaves in the four winds --
it lets gravity weigh it down.
We are told that love holds things together
but as she slips away
my weapon is nothing but an empty hand.
Time took something precious from her
without flinching; without a first glance,
leaving no evidence in her mind
but a river of blood in ours
and an eerie reminder
that time is as unforgiving
as the gravity that tore that first thread.
She unravels before my eyes
and time has me by the throat,
the best I can do is follow behind her
and pick up the pieces as she marches
unknowing and unbending.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
The hardest promise
to keep is written in blood
for and of yourself.
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Time does not bring relief; you all have lied  
Who told me time would ease me of my pain!  
I miss him in the weeping of the rain;  
I want him at the shrinking of the tide;
The old snows melt from every mountain-side,  
And last year’s leaves are smoke in every lane;  
But last year’s bitter loving must remain
Heaped on my heart, and my old thoughts abide.  
There are a hundred places where I fear  
To go,—so with his memory they brim.  
And entering with relief some quiet place  
Where never fell his foot or shone his face  
I say, “There is no memory of him here!”  
And so stand stricken, so remembering him.
One of the poems I'm reading for Poetry Out Loud <3 </3
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
Little boy praying at the shore,
do you not realize what you have done?
That flower, soft red petals and sharp thorns,
freshly picked and found home in your hands --
you tossed it into that achingly slow creek.
Little boy you must've known
that a flower like that would float away;
Yet here you kneel, tired eyes searching for it
and a hoarse voice calling out a name.
Little boy you could've stopped this.
Fingers were meant to hold things dear
yet it slipped, and you used them to point.
Feet were meant to bring people together
yet you watched, sitting, while it slowly washed away.
Little boy, what if I told you a secret?
That flower, with broken stem and burnt leaves,
held onto a passing rock and waited.
It waited for you to fight for it, but you didn't,
so that flower let go, drifting slowly away,
listening to the cries of a Little boy who could have.
baffling how he cried to me when he was the one to let her walk away
Carsyn Smith Dec 2014
What a dark time it's been,
no dreams to fill this void.
I don't need them when I'm with you.
You make me forget the lost hours,
the blank darkness, the cold silence.
I no longer wake because the sun rises,
but merely because I must see you.
          You may never know that
          your laugh makes me smile,
          your smile keeps me warm,
          your touch drives me crazy,
          your eyes hold me tight and
          your arms house me.
               You may never know;
               that's okay --
               I'm the quiet type.
11/13/13** found in an old notebook and needed to be shared.
  Dec 2014 Carsyn Smith
The way I look at you two
Is like a sweet syrupy luster
That coats and envelops you both
Like a dream of only the most divine

My heart bursts with how I feel
For both of you
And I can't quite articulate how I feel
Out loud without breaking into tears

I know already of the missing I will do:
I will miss you both
I will miss living here
I will miss you asking me if I'm going to bed soon
When I am staying up late doing homework
I will miss car rides talking
I will miss laughing with you
I will miss being close to you
I will miss crude humor
I will miss piano lessons
I will miss home cooked dinners
I will miss sitting on your bed at three in the morning asking advice
I will miss your laugh that resonates throughout a room
I will miss his smile
I will miss his stubborn ways of tying railroad spikes to everything
To keep them in place
I will miss the "Do you need a rides?"
The "Is there anything I can do to help?"'s
I will miss the way you make me feel better
Even after the worst day of my life
I will miss the bond we share

And even though you will only be a phone call away
I will miss *us
For my incredible parents. Because sometimes being a phone call away isn't close enough. Just thinking ahead to next year, which is approaching way too rapidly.
  Dec 2014 Carsyn Smith
A wise man once told me:
"All relationships have their life span"
We can't force a time period on them
They are guided only by fate's hand

Ours lived and died in its time
When I wanted it to live on forever
I wanted to conquer life with you
I wanted to face it together

Fate decided ours in its time
And I can say that I never knew
And after all of this time only I can say
That, honestly, I think of you

It's not that you consume my thoughts
I am still happy on any given day
But I see you even though it appears that I don't
And I instinctively look the other way

I can't face you directly
So, instead, I just look at my shoes
Although everyone has repeatedly said
To not care at all about you

But some part of me wonders
If you hear me thinking out loud
And if you still look onward
To see my face in a crowd
The Other One. This is the first time in a while I reflected on everything like this.
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