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 Jun 2015 burning bright
There's still that small part
of me that whispers "I know
you'll hurt me, too."
Almost a haiku. You're not the last one but I'm afraid that you'll break me the same and I won't be ok. I'm still fragile. Don't drop me.
I woke up with thoughts of you in my head
I guess they never really left my bed
I can feel my heart breaking
But at least i'm feeling something

I can't speak
Because if i do, sand will spill
As my love is countless
But i'm afraid you'll leave it
Lying there, a mess
I wish you'd put it into a bottle
safe and yours alone

Far away
You're so far away
But even so
I still stay
Hoping for our someday

Woke up
Just another day
Everything's the same
Like the way i say your name
 Jun 2015 burning bright
with every breath i took
my lungs filled with you;
and for every second that
your heart was closed to me
I taught myself how to breathe
I lost all self respect waiting for you to come around
but I don't write about you anymore.
Teach me how to paint.
With my tongue as the brush and your body as a canvas, we could craft a masterpiece.
It's a race that no one wants to win.
Your heart has empty corners;
You'll never know I'm there.
I just need a place
to rest my weary bones.
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