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 Sep 2014 Brucey Liu
Madisen Kuhn
i want to dye
my hair and tattoo my skin
so that the changes
you’ve been noticing in me
look like they’re
on purpose.
 Sep 2014 Brucey Liu
I write about abandoned homes,
and forgotten souls, and memories
that creep in the darkest corners of my mind;

I write about loneliness,
and broken promises,
and words carved on my skin,

I write about the bloodstains on the snow,
and the remains of a car crash,
and how the wind hums a sad song

I write about the wolf
who cries at night,
howling for the moon’s response,

I write about shattered windows,
about empty halls,
and places with the stench of alcohol and regret

I write about cracks on the walls
and shadows that scare
the hell out of people,

I write about how that boy’s father died,
how his mother left,
and how that girl took her own life.

You see, I only write about tragedies;

don’t make me write about you.
 Sep 2014 Brucey Liu
There will come a time when the night air
won’t send chills down my spine
for it will no longer whisper your name.

I will stop telling stories about you,
for the moon has grew tired of hearing them
and weariness is an awful thing to feel.

The stars would appear
brighter than your eyes,
and I would hear lullabies again.

The winds would be warm,
the seas won’t crash waves,
and I will no longer drown.
 Sep 2014 Brucey Liu
still silence,
solemn darkness
broken only
by shouts of
and murmurs of

burst of white
from which daggers
of light

imagine the Psalms
would’ve written
if he could’ve seen

This is your work,
Your creation.
You are everywhere,
in everything.
In the vast silence
of space,
our galaxy is but a speck,
one bulb
on your strand
of Christmas lights,
and our earth
is even more miniscule.
You stand on the outside
of this glory,
surveying your work.
“All of creation
sings His name”—
how many times have I heard,
but paid no heed?
It’s true, though,
now I see.

how can they say
this all manifested
from a bang?
my English teacher showed us a 30 minute video consisting of pictures of various stars and galaxies.  he told us to write about what we saw.  this is the result.
 Sep 2014 Brucey Liu
 Sep 2014 Brucey Liu
Soldiers sown in the field
And bodies usually are the yield
Bodies of strangers , friends and
Leaving survivors with long lonely
Rendering life without taste or feel.

In this clash of elephants
The casualties include animals ,
civilians , even infants.
That is to say but the least .
Vultures gather in circles to feast
On the remains of once beautiful
living beings .

Where then is the profit of war ?
When rebuilding cost so much
Both humanly and materially .

— The End —