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A brand new year
Another chance to set your sights high
Fulfill new goals
Reach towards the sky
Here is an opportunity to reinvent yourself
And get off to a fresh start
Take charge and inspire
Be the star that provides a spark
Accept the challenge
And build your strength
It is simply up to you
Set the standard and be excellent
Always have a heart
Success is yours
Maintain a positive demeanor
Be the one with the top score
Always be willing
To accomplish much more
Continue to open your mind
Spread those wings in order to soar
Learn a trade or two
Do not waste your time
Continue to forge ahead
In order to keep it all in line
A clear path in sight
You are on your way to victory
Shining that beacon of light
And finding your dignity
Continue to travel forward
The magic is back
Promote nothing but grand thoughts
And remain on the right track
Acquire a new skill
Do not waste valuable time
Broaden your knowledge
Remember, it is all in the mind
Continue to occupy yourself
Visualize being a success
Just put your heart into everything
And give it your best
Acquire more knowledge
Continue to get ahead
Apply yourself a great deal
Brighten your world instead
Never stop improving
Ameliorate your vocabulary
Learning is a lifelong experience
Edify yourself greatly
Acquire more knowledge
Always learn more
Be willing to sharpen your mind
And that is for sure
For every nuance
There is a deeper shade of meaning
You see things more clearly
With that, there is a greater feeling
Action and determination
Will get you places
You have the power
In order to make your cases
It all starts with one step
Go forward and conquer
Let the battle challenge you
And make you wiser
Adept and adroit
Skillful they are
Always willing to go above and beyond
They strive to reach for the stars
Handling things with care
Fierce with determination
They find their strength
Always there for inspiration
Affable and friendly
Courteous and kind
Always willing to help others
Bringing the rays of sunshine
She believes in herself
This demeanor will carry her far
Promoting the positivity
She is a shining star
After the moment is gone
There sadly, will not be any more time
Take advantage of opportunity
And get everything in line
Put yourself in a position to do well
Get at it and forge ahead
Lift yourself up completely
Always be willing to learn more instead
A gentle heart
Always showing that she cares
Setting her priorities straight
By just being there
Guidance and protection
Encouraging her little one to be her best
Teaching her to give it her all
And reach for success
All it takes is one step
It all starts with you
Continue to climb those stairs
And guide your way through
Challenge yourself on a daily basis
Build your world accordingly
Have strength and courage
Follow through effectively
All of the answers are there
They are within your soul
Take the time to find them
Empower yourself and be bold
Utilize those tools
And sharpen your mind
Never ever stop learning
Continue to be gentle and kind
All of the tools are there
Utilize them wisely
Just spread those wings and fly
Apply yourself accordingly
You can do it
Never settle for less
Put your heart into everything
And do your best
All that is left are memories
When a loved one sadly passes on
One never really gets over the loss
But, you must be strong
Never forget what your mother taught you
She always wanted you to do your best
Just carry on with your mission
And reach for excellence
All the tools are there
Apply yourself efficiently
You can be great
Just broaden your mind immensely
Have a heart
And take center stage
Continue to edify yourself
Just be sage
All the tools are there
Utilize them wisely
Believe and achieve
Open your eyes and look lively
Success is yours
Focus on your opportunity
Just lift your spirit
And follow through completely
All you have is memories
When a loved one sadly passes away
The thought of them lingers in your mind
With each and every passing day
You just wish that you had one more chance
To speak to them one last time
Never forget the lessons that you learned
Especially, those on how to make every nickel and dime
The path that you are on
May indeed be filled with pitfalls
But, you must be strong
Learn to stand up tall
Rise up to the challenge
And embrace the journey
Go through those dark clouds
In order for you to see
All you have to do is try
Believe that you can
Just put your heart into everything
That should be your master plan
Continue to march on
And rise above every mountain
Carry out your mission
Stay driven from within
Be the one to never give up hope
Strike with a power source
Yes, it is an arduous situation
Have a vision along with a tender force
The battle will test you
Show them that you have the fire
Just push right on through
And continue to reach higher
All you have to do is try
Life was not meant to be easy
Let those challenges strengthen you
Put your heart into everything you do
Go forth and go for the gold
Shine that bell
Reach for the light
In order to make your world bright
Alone and staring at the wall
Surrounding yourself with darkness
Hanging around the wrong crowd
Has sadly, robbed you of your happiness
If you do not take those steps
And move towards the right direction
You will further keep yourself back
There would be mass confusion
A loved one may have passed on
Never forget that she taught you how to be strong
She is still there as a guide
To help you carry on
You were always her precious jewel
She wanted you to give it your all
To be that beacon of light to empower
And to have the will to stand up tall
A loving soul
She is always there
Show her some affection
Just be sincere
Brighten her world
Hold her so dearly
Shower her with tender kisses
And love her completely
Always adept
One to possess a good skill
Such fierce and determination
Along with a strong will
You will go a long way
Strive to be the best
Put your heart into everything
Set the standard of excellence
Always a hero
Looking from within
Maintaining that positive attitude
And showing a lot of gratitude
Making sacrifices
And helping others out
Putting yourself to the test
Encouraging others to do their best
Always appreciate what you have
Set forth your priorities
Moments will come to pass
And all you will have is memories
Get your life together
Spread nothing but good cheer
Learn to stand up tall
Empower yourself year after year
Always be determined
To give it your best
Put your heart into everything
Climb the ladder of success
Believe that you can do it
Be the one who achieves
Just keep at it
No matter how arduous the battle may seem
Always be determined
To give it one hundred percent
Rise to the occasion
Be great, be excellent
Never stop believing
Possess a winning attitude
Lift yourself upward
And show your gratitude
Always be driven from within
Be the one who achieves
Set your standards high
Put your mind to it and believe
Success awaits you
Go through the testimony
Let the rhythm move you
Reach for your victory
Always be grateful
To live to see another day
Here is an opportunity to better yourself
What more is there to say?
Get at it
Strive for improvement and more
Never give up hope
Take charge and go with the flow
Always be in motion
And find that inner strength
With everything that you do
It all starts with that one step
Be that motivating force
Be fierce with determination
Move towards that goal
Carry on with your dedication
Always believe that you can
Remove self-doubt
Be the one to never quit
Show them what it is all about
Situations will appear
You never know what you may face each day
Keep going through the struggles
You will eventually find your way
Always believe that you can
Be splendid and magnificent
Success is yours
Just reach out and grab it
Never give up
Try and try once again
The battle may be tough
It will be worth it in the end
Always be positive and uplifting
Encourage one another to give it there all
With a noble and regal demeanor
Teach them to stand up tall
Stay determined and dedicated
Just put your heart into everything
Continue to climb up that ladder
Envision the joy that you would bring
Always be thankful
Remember, it can always be worse
You could have nothing
And sadly, go through a terrible curse
Life is very fickle
Rise up through the air
Keep your eyes wide open
Just be aware
Always be thankful
Learn to be more appreciative
Do not focus on the negative
We all have one life to live
Think grand thoughts
Good things will come your way
Keep your head upward
Each and every day
Always be that beacon of light
In order to lift the children up
Be their inspiration with gratitude
To help them rise to the top
Be a mentor to the little children
They need someone as their guide
Always show them the way
Help them enjoy the ride
Always be that spark
Have a nature that is good
Go that extra mile
Be an inspiration to the neighboorhood
Mentor our youth
Guide and show them the way
Provide words of positivity
Teach them everyday
Always be that sunshine
Who brightens someone's day
Continue to uplift and empower
Be that mentor that enshrines accordingly
If you can encourage others to do their best
People will always see you as an inspiration
This will give them that vibrant energy
To thrive in any given situation
Always be the one who is thankful
You have lots to live for
Take it all in stride
There is much more in store
Empower yourself greatly
Manifest your destiny
Take things one step at a time
Remember to live life carefully
Always be the sun
To light all darkness
Bring yourself back to life
When you feel hopeless
Strength is in you
Guide yourself respectfully
Be willing and able
Stay determined accordingly
Always be willing
To exercise your mind
Do not settle for mediocrity
Be the one who enshrines
You have the ability
Go forward and conquer
Believe that you can do it
Be the one who prospers
Always be willing
To sharpen your mind
Continue to gain knowledge
As you move forward in line
You have the ability
Make good use of the opportunity
Empower your world
Take control of your destiny
Always be willing
To edify your mind even more
Learning is a lifelong experience
There is so much in store
We enrich our world greatly
When we take on a new challenge my friend
The clouds make way for the sun
Brightness will shine yet once again
Always be willing to find a way
To be your guide and shine that light
In times of darkness and despair
Travel along your path and make things bright
It really is never easy
There is a lot of treacherous terrain
Maintain your inner strength
Wisdom and knowledge is there for you to gain
Always be willing to push yourself
And charge a lot harder
Rise up to the challenge
Let it make your visions sharper
Continue on your climb
Just reach for the sky
Be fierce with determination
And always aim high
Always be willing to try
And give it your best
Situations are not going to be easy
Be a cut above the rest
Continue on your climb
Learn to stand up tall
Keep your chin upward
And rise above those pitfalls
Always be willing to try
Just give it an effort
You just may surprise yourself
Be courageous, be valiant
Do not hide in those dark shadows
Move towards the light
Enrich yourself a great deal
Invigorate yourself and be bright
Always boost yourself
Draw strength from within
You can get the job done
It is all up to you my friend
Greatness is in you
Build your foundation
Be stellar in the performance of your duties
Fulfill your obligations
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