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And out of the blue drops an awkward moment
The kind of awkward moment where nothing in itself is awkward.
Just a moment that passes in complete silence where nothing is actually wasted
nor publicized.
No focal point, nothing to rebuttal.
The kind of moment that is considered awkward, usually right before revealing the same exact thought.
The same exact expression.
Just a matter of opinion. Expressing the simplistic.

How awkward would it be if I were to think of you in a moment where there was nothing else to do.
A moment of vulnerability In an affair of stating the obvious, there is no way I'd consider this out of the blue though.
Really and truly there isn't anything of importance that can be found here,

Except the color blue but then again that should be obvious. Like how unimportant was that really?

You could have went the whole day without nothing being said. Just based off the thought alone.

I suppose the only thing that makes it somewhat awkward is that I didn't.

And really I just used a lot of unnecessarily long but short words to tell you that you were on my mind.

I know right, the perfect *******. And to think you were probably doing something important.

But since I now have your attention and we're just throwing things up out of the blue.

What color ******* Are you wearing? Are they the see through purple ones or the red see through ones
 Dec 2016 brian odongo
To properly show you my journeys
I would have to take you back
Hop into my little car
And spin the wheels of time

My life is like a glass globe
That rolls fast along a concrete floor
All the bumps and rocks
Crack the states and memories
And I sleep with both eyes broken

All these things I've seen
And voices stuck deep within the
Winding, twisting caverns of my head
They parch my throat
And to quench this thirst

Let me bend to you
One whisper
So that you may breathe
Similar breaths of knowing
And then...

...then you can tell me
"Keep going"
And you might realize
*She just needs to stop
 Dec 2016 brian odongo
fifi S
Snowflakes fall softly
On my pathway of lonely
life's cold without you
Love your talent
This is
more romantic
more passionate
more fruitful
And beautiful cloud
You can catch it but can't possess
 Dec 2016 brian odongo
a what if, not a certainty,
that is what you thought of what you thought you saw,
that was perhaps your mind and your uncertainties
painting horizons like death filled fields,
corn rows shorn,
trees toppled endlessly ,
the vastness of  the devastation,
are you sure,
was not imagination?
I have been there ,
on the warpath where
the arrows must fly
the scalps need severed,
I have also tasted peace,
and calm and love from my presumed enemy,
my war goes on,
in my head now judging
reality and futures good,
inside a head full of prejudice.
 Dec 2016 brian odongo
Ramin Ara
Worries is like a rocking chair
It gives you
something to do
But gets
You nowhere
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