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  Mar 2018 Breeze-Mist
i'd like to say that i've always been into clean living
but there's nothing really clean
about *** on your brother's living room floor
making you ache in movie theaters
with just a glance
handjobs and ruining your pants
somehow have this strange power over men
wanna look into my eyes
when i **** them
like i was prepackaged
batteries included
a little machine
with thick thighs and big lips
the prettiest eyes you've ever seen
below your belt
hang on my words like they're something
you've never felt

have a pretty smile
taste like something you've wanted
but never had
with crinkles in my cheeks and the dimples on my back
could make a grown man crack
and i
do -
the middle aged men at my job
love me
wait outside after closing tryna touch me
and i get scared
walking home
fingers shake
in the cold
one mile till i can let go
of the breath
that i hold
and i

try my hand at clean living.
eat salads,
stay home on the weekends
cut off boys
that make me
joe at work
tells me to wear less makeup
maybe then
men won't follow me home
maybe then
mike will leave me alone
stop calling the store phone
looking for the prettiest smile
he says he's ever seen
i stand behind the counter
ready to dial
on my screen

clean living doesn't feel very clean
when everyone you touch
has dirt on them
i mean
i don't want to make a scene
at work
i just want to make money
go home
not get hurt
keep my head down
but red is too easy to spot
much easier than i thought
I fondled you with my hands
I didn't remember my eyes
I forgot my stories
When I felt you in my little heart
I don't know...
The grain field was beautiful in my dreams
My ******* are be beautiful, too
When your lips become golden
I didn't want the sky...

با دست هایم
...تو را نوازش می کردم
چشم هایم یادم نبود
قصه هایم را فراموش می کردم
وقتی که تو را در قلب کوچکم احساس می کردم
...نمی دانم
در خواب هایم  گندم زار زیبا باشد
سینه هایم زیبا باشند
لب های تو طلایی باشد
...من که آسمان را نمی خواستم
Breeze-Mist Mar 2018
Two minutes of time
Just to find a rhyme
In a student's mind
Reading of punishment and crime
Now when will my time come
Where did it all go
Graduation's almost here
And what do I even know
I've been counting down the years
Since I've entered middle school
Now I'm counting down the weeks
And saying it'll be soon
And before the bell rings
Before time is called
I can just pen in a poem
Before I hit the fall
I had two minutes at the end of a timed writing test, so I wrote this
Breeze-Mist Mar 2018
From ashes to ashes, and so from stardust to stardust
Despite the harsh stasis, a mind of wanderlust
From black holes to aliens to a history of time
We bid farewell to a man of great mind
Breeze-Mist Feb 2018
Someone who tastes like
Ramune and Faygo, smells
Like Shenandoah

Waiting for six months
Only to find that you are
Eighteen and fourteen

Eyes just like snowmelt
Soft, cool, and fresh in the spring
Small signs of some hope

A homecoming dance
Bumping bodies in a crowd
When your date ditches

The news surrounds us
Against suburban ap'thy
We are fighting back

Speaking of the sea
Advanced chemistry, and of
Secrets kept from mom

One year of dating
But the sun and earth go back
Farther than we do

Maybe we'll see it
Like a rose blooming forth from
Torrential blizzards
Breeze-Mist Feb 2018
Whenever I hear of something bad
Something terrible or quite sad
I don't feel a thing, I just stare
Like a fish that's been caught unaware
An hour after numbness, reality comes in
My feelings arrive like a costal wave breakin'
And in a place with nothing to do with the scene
It is all I can do not to cry and scream
And all through the week it's more of the same
First the lull, then the tidal wave
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