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brandon nagley Jul 2015
To clear the tears from mi amour's eye's,
I shalt maketh mineself a clown!!!!
For the world to laugh at me
And for her to giggle,
Not cry....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wherein love is,
Forgiveness endure's there as well.....
Because tis as I've said before.
Forgiveness without love is not love,
And love without forgiveness is not love...
They must be a duo in order for true love to be...
Jul 2015 · 660
God, the magic pill
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In honesty
As an addict to pain pills
I've felt like just getting back on the ****** train
And saying the hell with it all,
Though when I think about it
I know,

God is that pill
That heals all pain
Sleep apnea
Suicidal thoughts

As when I want to pop a nice ****** elixer
I must first think to mineself...
Is the elixer to all...

God is the magic pill...
Jul 2015 · 305
Wherein i am
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Wherein the glistening streams floweth from heaven to the dunes of the desert's of earth, I shalt be there. Wherein the cloud's touch the ground, wherein the angels swoop down, I shalt be there. Wherein the pain and suffering is, I shalt be there to healeth it. Wherein the trumpet's of God play and harps, and piano's amaze, I shalt be there. Wherein the art of poet's art written as commandment's, I shalt be there to.. Wherein the light overtakes the darkness, I'll help the light get through, wherein the sun shalt bask the natives face, wherein no evil shalt embrace, I shalt be there... Wherein the tribals dance to rain and thunder, mine feet shalt trample under... Wherein the shaman calleth me out for help..  The shaman's side I shalt taketh, in afflictions of doubt!!!
Jul 2015 · 289
No more looking back
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Just walking away,
Not looking back
due to the pain we shalt feeleth.......
Is the best answer,
Though we shalt always forgive...
Just looking back isn't an option anymore...
Jul 2015 · 273
Twin me's
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I think I'm sick from all of this pain
Just me and mine self
Staring at eachother again

And trust me,
Me left with me
Not exactly the best couple!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Not known to man
Only to angel's...
And trust me
Angels do cryeth alot......

©Brandon  nagley - Lonesome poet's poetry....
Jul 2015 · 199
Dream on
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When we shalt want dream's to turn into reality for us realist's
Those dream's stayeth just as that,

©By Brandon nagley
©Lonesome poet's poetry
Jul 2015 · 490
Hp read new troll info
brandon nagley Jul 2015
So you all know Bryce Hellion Christiansen is another profile now for one of the trolls

Thanks brandon!!!
Jul 2015 · 439
Dying breed, yet not to me
brandon nagley Jul 2015
She's a dying breed
She's not dying to me
Me and her art unearthly
Flapping winged arms to ourn plume's to the moon,
Spiritually aware
With eachother in tune
For she is me
We art free
To cometh and goeth as we choose...
Tis just what cherubs do...
I shalt put a falcon feather in her hair
To court her mine!!!!!
In a liaison affair
For taking risk's we do dare
Yet their shalt be no ghouls, goblin's nor troll's there
To ruin ourn scene!!!

©Brandon nagley ( Lonesome poet's poetry)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mine blood pressure when thou art near rises, not from anything bad, just a simple fact thineself maketh me tremble at thy beauty and at thine own angelic aura that surrounds thee. Thou art heaven to me, for when I looketh into thy cosmos iris, I canst seeith all creation pinpointed to a marvelous canvas portrait, and it maketh me cryeth......... Not a sadly cry, not a hurtful cry, a cry because all the grace I canst seeith in that iris, is as if God hath sent michelangelo in the core of thy lid's to showeth me a piece of heaven I've never known couldst exist here on a planet that's been ruined by it's own kind, disgustingly!!!! And looking into those michelangelo eyes of thy own, I canst seeith so much refinement and artistry, and so much love they giveth off to me, as something I've never known, I was looking into an iris of an aingeal, and thou art mine one and only aingeal sent from God to me, as I to thee...  What a blessing underserved!!!!

©By-Brandon nagley (Lonesome poet's poetry)
aingeal means angel in old Irish
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Thyself shouldst knoweth
That thou art mine only queen,
No other soul to me belongeth....
Thou belongeth to me,
As tis I to thee,
Thou hath shown me heaven,
Thou hath set me free,
So please believe
Thou art what I want,
No other queen hast got me
Only thee mine amare of whom I want.
Heareth me?
I'll sayeth this again!
(Thou art who I want)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not them!
I am on mine bended knees for thou,
Canst thou seeith this?
I need thee in all vows!!!!
So just so thou knoweth,
It's only THEE whom I want
No other woman hath caught mine eye's
Their just false wordly front's,
But thou art real
Not another being,
I am thou lover
As thou art me
So before thou wilt believeth I want another
Guess what amour'?
Me and thee were made for eachother...
So no more questions,
Of course I ask them as well ,
So I canst talk!!!
For feeling how thou wilt feel....
But again it's only thee
The queen who's got mine heart
I seeith noone else
I seeith thou and me

I loveth thee mine queen
I'll sayeth it again
It's THEE whom I wanteth,

Noone else....

©By Brandon cory nagley
©Lonesome poets Poetry- creator/logo
brandon nagley Jul 2015
For whilst I layeth down
And closeth mine ancient lid's....

I just wish mine amour' was here
To shelter me with her body,

To cuddle me with her kiss....

Goodnight HP family (;
Jul 2015 · 311
brandon nagley Jul 2015
If I couldst I wouldn't giveth her the world
For tis the world is to flawed
And other than that,
She's an angel!!
And because of that fact....
I'd giveth mine angel or
(Mi amour',) as thou knoweth her as.
All the heaven's
To be her garden,
To do as she pleases...
Though tis I haveth not much loot,
I shalt giveth her the clothes off mine back
To showeth her loves truth....
And that I'm just a begging peasant romantic
Banging at her angelic door!!!!
Calleth me a loving fool
But at least I'm a fool who knoweth pure amare ..
Jul 2015 · 425
Rockstar poetics
brandon nagley Jul 2015
         The rock stars of the art world.......
Since everyone sais poet's art crazy....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Everytime she feeleth a pain coming on
I feeleth it ten times MORE
Due to the fact we are one being!!!!!
She's mine amour'....
Jul 2015 · 597
Inhale, exhale
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Everytime she inhale's
She giveth me animation,
Everytime she exhales
She giveth me life,
Everytime her heart beats.....

I know I'm still alive. .....

Because I am her
Tis she is me...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
We shalt Noel ourn favorite aria
A chorale of valiant rendezvous,

Overcome by ourn setting sun
Enchanted by ourn moon,

Fixated and elevated, by flying bolide's in the empyrean
Statue's of us to be built, with ourn amour' as its coliseum,

Dozy by ourn ardor spree, worn out from long heartfelt night
Covering eachother with balm, mollified by ourn spice...

The birds to maketh their fly-by, the bugs to creep on foot
The sand beneathe ourn locked feet, touched by the soot....

Her head on mine chest, as this she Whisper's ( I loveth thee mine rey)

I whisper back (I loveth thee more, reina of mine heart's display)

As tis
The passer-byers witnessed two angels lost in the moment
Forgetting the world ever existed...

Looking into eachother's extraterrestrial pupil's!!!!!
Rey is king in Spanish and reina is queen in Spanish... So you know ():
brandon nagley Jul 2015
What man maketh as his footstool,
What a king calleth as his queen...

Which art thou oh man?

A man? Or a king???
This is truth harsh truth. Men makes woman his slave and footstool when he should make her a queen as she is. men are u the king to a queen? Or a man beast who makes women his slave to make as another material? For you to choose.  I choose to treat one as queen
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This is a tribute to thee
If it wasn't for thyself helping me
I don't knoweth where I'd be!!!!
See everyone,
If it wasn't for elsa angelica sharing all mine works
Since I first came here,
I'd be a nobody poet!!!!
But out of her angel unearthly ways
She's madeth me a star for the hopeless!!!!
She's given us all a light
As tis lately she's been down and feels no worth,
Everyone should write elsa
And showeth her she's a poetic angel of gods work!!!
She wasn't sculpted here by mere creatures
The stars of ourn creator madeth her to be,
She's not any of us!!!
Canst thou see?
don't thou seeith?
She's been here for all of us,
Especially me....
She's a king's fantasy
And every real man's dream!!!
She may haveth her haters
Yet don't we all!!!
Yet we need to remind her
She's a seraphim we look to for her love...
Though she's struggling much
Why else art we here?
To help one another
As we shalt help her in these evil year's....
Giveth her notice,
Because angels cometh and goeth
She's a friend here to so many
As her affections to us she showeth...
She's an astronaut cherub from her moon
Yet she shalt return soon.
So whilst she's here HP,
Showeth her love
And let her know she's a true queen!!!!!
And she doesn't feel so beautiful inside
So I make a command to tell her different,
Because she's fulfilled all of ourn happiness
She's the serpahim of poet's wishes.  

( this is a thank you elsa) when I first got here you showed all me work to the world)
If it wasn't for you alot of us would be nothing!!!!!
Ps- this goes for other poets to who have boosted me
God bless you all!!!! Thank you
Especially you elsa angel !!!!!
Jul 2015 · 655
Pariah's of old
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis whimsical yes?
How the pariah's of old
Such as Picasso
Egon schiele
El Greco
Oscar Wilde
Emily Dickinson
John Keats
( all poet's or artists)
All were the relic age nobody's to quote (popular society.).....
And they went broke pushing their beauties,

Yet now look at them
Millionaires in their graves....

Bet their looking down thinking
Pariah is pretty much a loser lol thanks wolf for telling me this so I used it as title lol
Inspired by Wolfie
Jul 2015 · 204
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Just because many spread their loved ones ashes
In the dirt
Or on some mountain
Or ocean wave,

Doesn't mean their souls art in ashes.....
Jul 2015 · 647
Amazing grace (remake)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Amazing queen, how sweet thine voice
That saved a sinner like me
I once was dead, but now alive
Was a slave, but now I'm free.....

Twas the queen who taught me amour not fear
Tis the queen removed them all
How precious did mine queen appear
In hell, her light I saw....

Through much depression, hurt, and loneliness
I haveth already felt,
The queen delivered me far from there
And the queen sheltered me with help....

The queen hath given good to me
Her words mine hope secure's
She'll be mine armor and pleasant sleep
As long as her love endures....

Yet when mine carcass and last breathe shalt fail
And human life shalt fade,
I shalt possess within the queen
The light of mi amour's own stage.....

This planet shalt soon implode itself
The queen wilt continue to be
But the queen hath called me up above
She shalt be forever mine to keep... ...

When me and mine queen hast been here, many past life years
Her moon and mine sun doth shine
We shalt haveth new days, to be with each other in embrace
Mine queen wiped the tears from mine eyes..
Mine own remake of amazing grace
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Tis not the dead who art the true ghost's
Tis the living that art ghostly .
Jul 2015 · 172
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Took a bite of her apple
I was tempted
So good. !

Than I fell deeply in love
With mine favorite apple tree.
Jul 2015 · 351
amour baby
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Her harmonious melody
Is when she thinketh of me
She's fine
She's pure
She's caught me
In her allure......

A woman
Not a girl
Who giveth all to other's
Though needs guided herself
A beautiful inner being
With demons who tryeth to take her to hell,
Though she stomps them!!!!!
Back to hades
Forever I shalt be here
For mine unearthly baby..
Jul 2015 · 228
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When we walk
We shouldn't look back
The past will hurt us..
For noone just thought of this (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
K so you all know lol Frank ruland Jr has all these profiles
Frank ruland Jr
Bear dove
Ormend's dog
And Lena Walters

All his profiles so you all know
Troll smasher Brandon nagley
Jul 2015 · 465
Mi amour of god
brandon nagley Jul 2015
For I shalt loveth thee forever
Even if mine soul
Passes the great beyond,
Mi amour of God.
For now I must travel
To that place called the hospital down the road
Hopefully the other angels don't needeth me yet,
Though tis
I'm not a human soul.
They might want me
To returneth home ...
Jul 2015 · 255
Happy happy oh yes happy (:
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Two words today
Not poem just truth lol I'm actually a pretty OK writer lol not this though
brandon nagley Jul 2015
When one hateth thee friend
Doth thou repayeth them with love? Or scorn?
Doth thou taketh for granite, thy true amour'?
Doth thou forgiveth as the God thou forgot taught?
What's wrong?
Hooked on technology? Machines? Materials? Store bought!!!!
Hath thou forgotten thy family?
The ones thyself hath left out?
Hath thou treated other's unfairly?
Not giving them the benefit of the doubt?
Wherein is thy heart oh reader?
Hooked into false tales in thy own head?
Thou canst even notice the ones who art living,
Guess thyself hath forgotten thine own dead...
Hath thou been charitable today?
Or buying fast food again passing the homeless beggar?
Hath thou lost communications with true romance?
Can't even write a heartfelt love letter?
Art thou hooked on texting?
Cloaking thyself in?
Guilty from thy own actions?
Doth thou knowest thou canst be forgiven?
Art thou happy?
In thy fantasy world?
Doth thou giveth all?
Or seeketh wrong people and places of boys and girls....
Doth thou get mad?
When others to thee speak truth?
Didint thy mum or dad
Telleth thee of everything shalt be made brand new???
Doth thou knoweth oh man and woman,
That inside thou hath a spirit????
Try opening up for once
Let god and thy loved one thyself taketh for granite cometh near it ..!!!!!!
This is for all not any one person... Pure truth. Thanks
Jul 2015 · 659
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Some wouldst loveth to seeith me buried alive
Choking on the dirt coming down on me
One problem
I'm already a cadaverous ghost!!!
Jul 2015 · 222
Break free
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Man canst waiteth to get out of his prison cage
Meaning his body
Jul 2015 · 286
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Angels haveth the same attribute as human's
They both cryeth....
brandon nagley Jul 2015
What canst I sayeth?
We never really talked before...
Yet yesterday thou hath written a poem for me to stay
Thyself hath shown me kindness
In a world full of pain.
Though we don't know each other that well
I saweth a light in thee
So wonderfully swell
As a friend I need to thanketh thou
For the poem thou hath made me to not leave HP but stay...
Now I seeith the real people
And today shalt be brighter for me
And I canst be happy once again....


Thank you arlo
Though we don't know each other
You have shown me kindness when I was dealing with darkness
And I know you are going through your own darkened time right now .. Well I can say you ever need a friend im here miss arlo.
And thank you for believing me unlike the few that didint
You are real person and friend and all of HP is here for you to miss arlo (:

Thank you soo much
Brandon cory nagley
Ps- thank you all supporters to me again
God bless you all who have been there
For those who missed out there loss right lol
Thank you for help arlo and caring for me when others didint thank you
Jul 2015 · 374
going forward
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Behemoth's seem to weareth white robed apparel these day's
They giveth thee a gaze
And layeth in their own deceit,
Spreading their feet laxed to the hurt they causeth other's....
Monster's hateth light
Even one another.....
Yet I shalt bypass these fiery trials
Wherein it shalt taketh many miles
But passing through the fire furnace
I shalt be sparkling luminescent on the other side
I feeleth high from
This happiness that hit's,
For those that hit and miss
Sorry for thy loss
But mine soul's a glimmer
Of what thy jealousy hast lost....
I am being raised
To the cumulus elixer
Feeling good now
I'm free to go forward....
Not for noone just saying moving ahead looking to brighter days
Jul 2015 · 353
Cleared head/free mind
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Mine head is clearer now
I canst separate the have's and haveth not's
I shalt leaveth behind the nonsense
And forgiveth those who me they forgot...
I shalt explore new venture's
I shalt cometh across the snakes
And cut their heads by spiritual blades
I shalt not fade
As the sun blankets down
I shalt be pulled up by God's strings
Whilst the demons maketh frowns....
I shalt be who I am
No I'm not the best
But I shalt telleth thee this,
I'm not as all the rest
Some do already seeith that,
And for those who don't seeith,
I couldst careth less
I wilt overcome
Wherein the spirits run
A hopeless romantic tattoo to be written on mine chest....
I feeleth a peace now
It's overcome me quick
I shalt walk by feet with this message
( love not hate) so don't forget ...
I shalt voyage wherein the luminous art
I shalt transit all new faces
I shalt not stayeth in one spot now
I shalt be free
Dancing bare in vestige places!!!!!
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Even in the mist of those who hate
I shalt showeth love
And forgiveth their way's...

Even in the mist of those who canst loveth
I shalt move on
I'm blessed as tis its heaven I wanteth....

Even in the fog of those who shalt not believeth
I knoweth who I am
It's their own selves they deceiveth

Even in the dark wherein these lost souls linger
Mine soul is the light
The pinpoint of God by streamers.....

Even in all of mine crucifixions by many
They put holes in mine hand's
And a crown of Thorn's on mine head ......

One problem friend,
I'm already dead.........

Spiritually alive!!!!!

The true light....
Jul 2015 · 714
staying hp
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Thank you to all mine supporters here winn, arlo, Chris green, many others sorry so stressed can't think lol but for you who know I'm real and good person......and gives respect to all beings thank you for supporting me and being a real family unlike those who wanna harm and hurt me

Thank all of you I'm staying and will ignore trolls and forgive them their just jealous anyways lol
Jealous trolls!!!! Lollllllllllll
And I realized tonight I'm not wasting anymore time on certain people thank you all for making me realize that!!! Love you all gnite!!!
Oh last thing....
I've found out who the real people on here are   who believed me and supported me and for you people thank you with me soul......... Thank you
Jul 2015 · 663
Hp read
brandon nagley Jul 2015
So everyone here knows frank ruland aka ormend made other profiles now.  One is bear dove... The other he made a parody profile of me called Brandon nagley parody page so plz ignore Him

brandon nagley Jul 2015
Amperage of connections fallen out and lost
No carnival party to revive.
Ashore astronomical beholders vision,
A needle through the rich man's eye!!!!
Camilla scents,
Canopied distinguished in canistered tents.......
Century carols confine the interstate mind!!!
Circulation is impatient wherein clots block chloroform vine's....
Wed-lock intensifiers waiteth to be fed,
Chained to their beds....

Hath thou lost thyself yet???
Prison poetry
Jul 2015 · 614
Caged labor (prison poetry)
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Untamed mammals release tensions before mine own eye's. Chains art broke, none more cloaks to hide those dreading thoughts of suicide. Raging dictating swearer's, jewels traded for tools as the sun lowers. Tis this place gets rarer and bare. . . . . . .Cars surround. Compound their rubbers to bullets of blood issued steel. . .Captivating and excruciating. Music to thy ear's turneth to bad news! ! Chess sweepers. Checker winners. Both losers whilst the rest born sinners. . . Costly state pay to fatcat pocket books hands; some issue warnings whilst protective custody issues dull demands. . . . . All prosecution standeth  to issued remaxed detective blogees. . . . . . .redneck respecters cometh with protectors whilst the odd breeds cometh with a dodger. . . . . .mystique, defeat. . . . .to thy hands thou art tied from behind! Move up the latter, tasteth thine coroded own chatter, the deaf art now the blind. . . . . . .
Jul 2015 · 631
Night night
brandon nagley Jul 2015
2:57 am
Guess what?
Sleepy time HP friends!!!!!!

Nightie night night (::::::
Jul 2015 · 249
Cursed so good
brandon nagley Jul 2015
In a commanding voice
She yelleth (thou canst not leaveth me)!!!!!!
( thou art under mine spell) she said
I replied,
Thou art right mi amour',
For thee I'm thy own,
And thy own only..!!
And tis this is no curse.  ( I told her)
It's a wonderful godly blessing....

And by the way
PS: amour'

If this is a curse
I love being CURSED by thee...
brandon nagley Jul 2015
I bow to thine feet,
Mine heart and soul is for thee to keepeth,
Mine minds tired, mine brains wired,
Needing thy completion....
When I sayeth I loveth thee, tis ******* truth!!!!
When I telleth thee I needeth thee, tis so more than anything thou kneweth!!!
אוהב layeth down with me in ourn dreams tonight and sleep...
I'm locking mine legs over yours,
Laying on ourn side.
Kissing thine forehead
Saying goodnight.
Stroking thy hair
Hands pulling  tight yet not to hard.......
Scratching thy head from thy back of it
Nails scratching far....
Thou turneth around
To look into mine eyes,
Ourn chests and heads art close together
This moment we lose time...
Ourn arms over another's shoulders
Soul ******* covering...
We kiss eachother's lips goodnight
With ourn love
We sleep and art smothering..
Though (not a bad smothering,).....
Just ourn warm breathe to meet the incense aroma room,
No fakes to get between ourn own universe...
Just ourn dreams, God, the sun, the moon
Me and thou to.
In the beginnings of the sentences like amour or agapi in Greek. Or other words in beginning you don't know all mean love in diff languages thanks for reading..
brandon nagley Jul 2015
This is a dear dedication to a woman who's like an auntie to me
Thou might knoweth her,
Her name's (soul survivor)
She understandeth me,
As I understandeth her...
She's a woman of pure love
An angel not meant for ourn world..
As there art only few Angels left
Who walk amongst as me
She giveth thee all a message
To love,
Forgive and be free!!!
I've seen so many tryeth to hurt her
Because of their own misery and pain!!!
Though I must sayeth that maketh her stronger
So its best for the taunter's to go away!!!
The one's who mock her
Mock her for her spiritual belief!!!
Her belief on showing love to even the hating one's
To the liar's
Pain bringer's
And thieves...
She's outspoken
That's why me and her get along
We're on the same page
We playeth the same tune
Of peace and kindness shown.
Some calleth her a Jesus freak
Though tis its (jesus) who forgives even those who hate,
So before thyself picks on soul-survivor
Taketh a look at thy own misery plate..
She giveth thee truth
And thineself turneth away,
We need more spirits like her
For her to be displayed....
She hath many friends here
Such as mine non-perfect self,
But soul thou ever needeth a friend
I'll be here for thee to help!!!
As soo many seem to be quick to judgeth her
Though they don't knoweth she's in mental pain because her wonderful mother is sick,
So be not quick to judge
An angel in thy presence...
Soul, thou art like an auntie to me
As I've said this before
May God shine his light inside thee
Let him walketh beside thee,
Forgive and continue to love those lost and broken ones
Who knoweth not thy souls real and for sure!!!!
Dedication to a good friend im praying for
Jul 2015 · 339
soul language
brandon nagley Jul 2015
Is what mine soul speaketh to thee
When it want's one to listen...
Jul 2015 · 316
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