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192 · Dec 2018
Emily Dec 2018
A camera can't capture the true feeling of a moment.
It can show an image of two motionless hands,
clasped together in a strong embrace.
But a series of ink on a page
can’t be replaced by the warm caress of a hand,
the feeling of fingers lacing with yours.
The spark it starts in the tips of your fingers,
shooting through your veins like a bolt of lightning.
Moments like these are the very few
that seem to bring time to a stop.
It’s like the whole world stops revolving for a split second,
the birds fall silent,
leaves stop falling.
in a heart beat,
it starts again.
Starts with a small squeeze of the hand,
starts with laughter,
a first kiss,
a last.
Time shouldn’t be wasted,
moments like these should be cherished.
You never know when they will happen again.
185 · Dec 2018
forever and a day
Emily Dec 2018
seeping through the curtains
casting shadows
onto our entwined bodies.
feeling your hands in my hair
and our love in the silence.
forever will never be long enough,
here with you
180 · Nov 2018
last first kiss
Emily Nov 2018
do you remember
our first kiss?
because I’m sure
if you did
this wouldn’t be
our last
173 · Nov 2019
Emily Nov 2019
cherry coloured lips,
peach flavoured bubble gum.
sounds of the summer,
echoing through my ears.
memories engraved into the lines of my body.
memories of laughter,
and memories of you.
memories of us,
and the things we do,
the things we did,
and the things we were.
just kids.
with sand in between our toes,
and stars bundled between our fingers.
just you,
just me.
just us.
169 · Nov 2018
love myself
Emily Nov 2018
and if I learnt
to love myself
as much as I love you
then maybe the world
wouldn’t be
so heavy
163 · Oct 2019
I like it better here
Emily Oct 2019
I dream in technicolour,
Standing between the green green grass
I look up at a rose painted sky.

This world shines bright,
Glistens like a blue sea
Reflected by the warm sun.

I’m surrounded by myself,
And I look happy
Happy to be home.

I dream in Technicolour,
So I close my eyes.

Feel the warmth kissing my cheeks,
Lulling me into its soft embrace.

I dream in Technicolor,
And I’ll never go back to black and white.
157 · Nov 2018
Emily Nov 2018
he shined so bright
that even the stars
were jealous
of his existence.
157 · Dec 2018
Emily Dec 2018
don’t come looking for me
there’s a reason I can’t be found
143 · Nov 2018
Emily Nov 2018
how beautiful you lay
with ink stained skin
my messy words
painting your body
139 · Dec 2018
i get burnt every time
Emily Dec 2018
trying to hold onto you
is like trying
to hold onto


but yet I keep trying
138 · Dec 2018
notice me
Emily Dec 2018
i painted the sky blue for you.
yet you never even bothered
to look up.
136 · Nov 2018
Emily Nov 2018
a love so bright
that even a thousand suns
couldn’t compare.

i am already blinded
by the pure possibility
of us.
136 · Nov 2018
I wish
Emily Nov 2018
i wish you could understand
why i am
the way i am

i wish you could understand
why i think too much.
why i hate wednesdays.
why mornings are difficult and nights are not.
why i prefer the moon over the sun.
and why i don’t love myself,
as much as you love me.

i just wish you could understand.
but you don’t.
and that’s fine.
because i don’t understand,
132 · Nov 2018
Emily Nov 2018
we can all say stupid things sometimes.
we can all regret the words
that stumble from our mouths
at 4am
when we’re drunk
and maybe we can’t take back
the things we’ve said
collect them from the sky
and bottle them up
like they were never spoken.
but that doesn’t mean
we can’t make things better.
that doesn’t mean
that the person won’t forgive us
for being a little silly.
because at the end of the day,
we can all say stupid things sometimes
131 · Jan 2022
Find me
Emily Jan 2022
if you look hard enough,
you'll find it.

buried within that burgundy sweater you wore last tuesday.
last tuesday,
when the sun reflected its pretty pink rays on the window,
lighting your cheeks with the promise of the new day.

if you look hard enough,
you'll find it.

undiscovered like a child playing hide and seek,
buzzing with excitement,
yet nervous with every sound and movement sent their way.

if you look hard enough,
you'll find it.

engraved on the back of your hands,
disguised as accidental touches,
and unspoken words.

if you look hard enough,
you'll find it.

and once you find it,
there's a hope,
that you'll find me,
130 · Nov 2018
what can happen in a second
Emily Nov 2018
a first hello; a last goodbye; i love; i hate; breathe; the sun; the rain; a laugh; a cry; breathe; please stay; please leave; the calm; the storm; breathe; a whisper; a scream; breathe; life; death; breathe; stop; blink; wait; breathe; breathe; breathe...
129 · Nov 2018
Emily Nov 2018
I don’t know
if I’m more afraid
of loosing you,
or being alone.
And I guess,
that’s the scariest part
of it all
129 · Oct 2021
Emily Oct 2021
my thoughts come alive at dusk.
they come alive when the sky is lit by a soft pink glow,
reflecting the last seconds of the day against rosy cheeks and sun kissed skin.
they come alive when the birds fall silent,
their song drowned out by streetlights and fast cars.
my thoughts come alive while the rest of the world goes to sleep.
129 · Dec 2018
wel(come) home
Emily Dec 2018
and I’ll wait
for as long as it takes
for you to find
with me
128 · Nov 2020
broken record
Emily Nov 2020
i wish you could understand
why i am,
the way i am.

i wish you could understand,
why i think too much.
why i hate wednesdays.
why mornings are difficult and nights are not.
why i prefer the moon over the sun.
and why i don’t love myself,
as much as you love me.

i just wish you could understand me.
but you don’t.
and that’s fine.
because i don’t understand me,
128 · Dec 2018
start again
Emily Dec 2018
you’ll be surprised
how insignificant it all seems
after sunrise
120 · Jun 2021
my petals are dying
Emily Jun 2021
just like a flower,

i sit and wait,

for the butterflies to return home.

i wait,
and i wait,
and i wait.

and as i wait,
i wonder.
are you on your way?

i know,

things are not the same anymore.


  not the same


i sit.

and i wait,

and i wait.

for the butterflies to return home.
119 · Dec 2021
an artists easel
Emily Dec 2021
the colour of your cheeks,
after you told me you loved me.

skin adorned with rose colour markings,
kissing every corner of your face
and blessing you with the beauty of love.

i never thought i could be jealous of a colour.
until i itched to fill your body with pigment,
like tattoo ink seeping into your skin.

the colour of your heart,
after i told you i didn’t love you.

the sky opened up that day,
creating puddles around my feet,
deep enough to drown my sorrows.

was the only colour i could offer you.

burning red.
was the colour you deserved.
Emily Jun 2021
i followed you blindly
down this path they call love,
leaving myself behind
without a bread crumb in sight.

i left her standing there,
next to the wilting rose bush,
powered by the endless possibilities
of life before you.

the house in which you built for me
looked soft and inviting,
adorned with heart shaped pillows
made from hand plucked feathers.

the home in which you built for me
looked soft and inviting.

soft and inviting,
until i realised.

that the feathers in which i laid upon,
were my own.

and now
i am without

wings to fly.
117 · Jun 2021
through you
Emily Jun 2021
i want you to notice me,
the way i notice the sunset.
how golden rays reflect along the shore,
promising to bring the light of a new day.

i want you to notice me,
the way he notices her.
how long eyelashes kiss her rosy cheeks,
as they whisper words of love into the night.

i want you to notice me,
the way i notice you.
all at once,
yet little by little.

uncovering you,

so one day,

you’ll uncover me too.
116 · Mar 2021
maybe tomorrow
Emily Mar 2021
loving is easier in the dark.
there is only room for moonlight.
no questions,
no answers.
just you.
always you.

so love me tonight,
in our darkest hour.
hold me until the sun comes up.

and maybe we'll meet again,
under our own twilight sky.

for tonight,
while engulfed in the dark,
we are infinite.
110 · Sep 2020
roses are red
Emily Sep 2020
the house we built
from roses grown in our garden
began to wilt last tuesday
and i’m not sure why
broken petals began to gather at my feet
but i’m afraid that soon
the thorns will begin to cut deeper
and red will become my least favourite colour
when it used to be my favourite
105 · Sep 2020
Emily Sep 2020
i was always amazed
how you were capable
of loving
while hurting.
and i guess
i’ll continue to be amazed
as you love me
while I hurt you
Emily Sep 2020
here it was dark,
there were no trees,
nor sunlight.
she wore her lipstick,
like a scarlet letter.
in the dusty light,
stood next to his car,
she found him.
painted like a fools fantasy.
on the verge of sinking,
was better suited to the dark.
in the light,
everything looked temporary
as if built by a giant toddler.
she reminded herself,
why she was here.
she took his hand,
and drove until the morning.
103 · Nov 2020
with the tide
Emily Nov 2020
it’s almost a crime,
to visit the beach,
and not touch the sea.
that’s what you had told me,
that night.
that night,
where the stars shined,
almost as bright as you.
i remember every little detail,
capturing every moment,
like it was the last thing i’d ever do.
those photographic memories,
will always be kept,
in the back of my mind.
tucked away in Pandora's box,
only to be opened on nights,
like tonight.
nights where i think about you,
everything we were.
everything we could have been.

in a world,
where everyone seemed to look through me,
you looked right at me.
looked at me,
like i was special.
like nothing in the world could quite compare,
to the feeling of both of us,
being together.
and i believed it,

unapologetically you.
unapologetically us.
87 · Aug 2020
rising tide
Emily Aug 2020
there’s something about the way,
the sun hits the shore in the afternoon.
how the rays reflect along the water,
warming the ocean with its smile.
i settle on the sand and face the sky,
eyelashes kissing my cheeks with every breath.
the birds are flying south for winter,
leaving behind the essence of summer.
salty air fills my lungs
while the sound of waves crash against the rocks.

there’s something about the way
i can be here alone
but not feel lonely at all.
and even though
the water washes away my footprints
it doesn’t make me sad.
because i know
that’s just the beaches way
of telling me to always make new memories
57 · Jan 2020
Emily Jan 2020
I used to be jealous,
Of the way other people kept their gardens.
Their flowers flourished,
And laced a pathway with bright colours.
I couldn’t understand why,
Mine always seemed so dull.
Almost like I was watching through a black and white screen.

I couldn’t understand why,
Mine wasn’t as pretty as theirs.

I couldn’t understand why,
Until one day
I realised
That letting the sunshine in,
Does absolute wonders.

— The End —