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Alexis Apr 2014
At first, all is good.  Everything’s ok, until Christina starts to realize what kind of world we live in.  A cruel one.  Then everything starts to crumble into pieces.  She’s hurt.  People are suffering from the pain that society gives to us. ‘We blame society but we are society’- we are blaming society that that is the reason why everyone is hurting, dying of pain.  Constantly being judged by one another, slowly leaving the world because the pain is too overwhelming.  But we are blaming ourselves because we are the ones who are doing these actions, but sometimes, we just don’t know it.  I know two people that left because they were constantly being judged on being ‘gay.’  I know people that bullied, or once bullied.  I bullied too.  I bullied others, because I didn’t want to be the only one feeling the pain.  I’m sure you must have been bullied once in your lifetime, and you have made fun of or bullied someone else to for the same reason, or probably for a different reason. Some people tell each other to ‘**** themselves’ and then they say it’s a joke.  This is totally off topic (sorta) but I just want to say this.  Telling someone to **** themselves.  People have the nerve to say this, have the nerve to think its funny even if it was a joke. But that person might take it seriously, and how would you feel if that person was gone the next day, because of you.  Now, I’m not saying you have done this, but im just saying in general.  
Words have the power people give them.
But anyways, don’t let anyone make you feel less in any way because we are all equal.  We should all be treated the same, but unfortunately we are not.
interpretation.. last one though
Apr 2014 · 2.7k
flaws by bastille
Alexis Apr 2014
We all have flaws, and we know it.  No one is perfect, and perfect shouldn’t even be a word in the dictionary, because what use does it have? Perfect body? What makes some of us think it’s perfect? Oh yeah, that’s right, the ******* media.  Trying to tell us our flaws won’t be accepted in the real world so we must change ourselves to look like the ‘perfect’ celebrity. The lyrics are saying that he didn’t accept his flaws, and kept them hidden.  But the person being addressed to accepted their flaws and is trying to help the singer accept them too.  ‘We’ll see that we need them to be who we are…’  We must all accept them.  We are scared of being different because it’s not ‘normal.’  If we were all the same, there would be nothing special about us.  The internal struggle of not accepting who we are is normal.  We are struggling to hide ourselves, because we are ashamed of whom we really are.  We single out our flaws and try to ‘fix’ them and try to be perfect.  But in the end, we’re not.  
another interpretation..also *****
Alexis Apr 2014
Society is so focused on being flawless.  Perfect.  No one is flawless, not even Beyonce.  We will forget who we are on the inside, and soon that won’t even matter because the physical appearance is the main priority.  Women these days are spending so much effort trying to look perfect, which hurts.  Pretty hurts.  Society is expecting women to look perfect, otherwise people will judge.  ‘Perfection is a disease of a nation’. The showbiz industry is giving a negative message to the world.  Photoshop is one of them.  Making a celebrity look flawless is fooling the world into thinking we must look like that.  Spending so much money on clothes, hair etc. but we don’t need to focus on that because all that matters is on the inside, which most people don’t seem to see anymore.  We are constantly getting the messages in our mind that we must be flawless, and sooner or later, this is a disease.  Some of us can’t take it anymore, which leads to anorexia, bulimia, insecurities, and issues with body image.  Pain also takes over our minds, which is ridiculous.  Even celebrities have gone through this because in our naïve little minds, we are thinking we have to be pretty.  There is so much pressure it takes over our minds, and that’s the only thing we think about.  We look into the mirror despising ourselves, because we are who we are.  Society has created us into thinking there’s a certain way we must look, which there is not.  Our flaws make us who we are, makes us positively different.  Unique.  But we aren’t allowed to think that way because the media isn’t allowing us to.  When people change, they are only cheating on themselves because media displays images of what we should and shouldn’t look like.  It’s not their fault though.  They can’t help it.  Changing, like getting botox or body implant is only giving us a masquerade.  It’s a mask to hide our real, inner beauty, which the media has taken the idea away from us, to become people who we actually aren’t.
And in the end, we know that pretty hurts.
this probably ******
Dec 2013 · 1.1k
i was born this way
Alexis Dec 2013
I feel like I was born a mistake
like I was born the wrong time period
or maybe I shouldn’t have been born at all
because my life is a ******* mess
everyday it’s so messed up
I can tell you my fate like it already happened
Because nothing good happens
Because I’m me, me who is not unique
But a just a shadow in the crowd
A small twig in the dark forest
A speck of dust in the air
I’m just not important
I’m me, the pathetic loser in the background
The one who isn’t accepted for who I am
Every day, my eyes are blackened with fear
For being me because I’m not good enough
Alexis Nov 2013
beauty is ******* overrated
everyone thinks that I'm pretty
have no flaws
but if they actually saw what was really inside
and if they were to feel my feelings
I bet you they would ******* shut the hell up
because people **** me off
when they think I have a perfect life
because I don't, and I don't think you do either
but those people, if you know what I mean
can go to ******* hell
and never rise up again
for they belong there
but now, I have more important **** to worry about
right now
Nov 2013 · 499
what is wrong with me
Alexis Nov 2013
I’m sorry for being alive
for being myself
I guess I just wasn’t good enough for you
maybe your better off without me
but I will always love you
in a room full of darkness
your presence can shun the demons away
and you bring light into my world
and those demons that were inside of me
are now gone
your beautiful presence
helps me survive each day
without you
I don’t know where I would be
be now I’m just a no one to you
I guess this is goodbye.
Nov 2013 · 415
what is wrong with me
Alexis Nov 2013
I’m sorry for being alive
for being myself
I guess I just wasn’t good enough for you
maybe your better off without me
but I will always love you
in a room full of darkness
your presence can shun the demons away
and you bring light into my world
and those demons that were inside of me
are now gone
your beautiful presence
helps me survive each day
without you
I don’t know where I would be
be now I’m just a no one to you
I guess this is goodbye.
Alexis Nov 2013
It’s impossible to understand my sea of grief
when no one  is there to understand
what it feels like to have pain
deep inside my body
I wish you could understand
if I told you
and I wish that you would not judge me
for my past
and who I am
you can only know someone so deeply
when they can tell you their darkest secret
that’s when you know that you have their trust
but right now you don’t have mine
Alexis Nov 2013
The voices inside her head its where her demons hide
time is paralyzed and  she catches her breath
where there is a flames someone’s bound to get hurt the
blade as the brush with slowly skimming on the canvas
the crimson paint will steadily dribble down the pale canvas
she has a story to her hazy existence and if she is to let her walls come
down, the inside wall be annihilated by shallowness and cruelty
in the past she was isolated so she covered her feelings with a tight
smile, she goes through life aching with eternal agonizing pain
there is no one to have faith in if one shall live on this sadistic  earth
no one is there to be her superhero before the hour has come,
before it is too late, the spell must be broken
before it all scatters on the floor; before it goes boom; before
it drains out on the white floor; before the stool is pushed away; before it
thuds in the city lights; before it makes a splash in the navy pool of salt;
before those gray eyes shut completely, exiting the world
just before it is too late
but wait, are those five guys, running towards her? They are quite
unnoticeable, who can they be?
These boys saved her life before the time has come
they are her saviors, they understood the grief
for she is thankful and
they are in her heart, and she is in their hearts, engraved

Nov 2013 · 902
the monster
Alexis Nov 2013
In the darkness, where death is waiting; the
monster desiring to devour the innocent soul
the angel of death calling the unimpeachable body to
come forth so the body shall be overthrown with
affliction, death, grief, dejection,
the body unconsciously comes towards darkness,
attracted and impotent
’tis like a universe without the glowing
the body is too soon infatuated by evil
now it is haunting her, to her death


— The End —