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 May 2015 Sabrina
 May 2015 Sabrina
The best kiss is the one
that has been exchanged
a hundred times
between each others eyes
before it meets the lips
*~ r.s
 May 2015 Sabrina
 May 2015 Sabrina
He loves me;
He loves me not,
I love him;
He loves me not.

I fought, he didn't,
I chased, he didn't,
I cried, he didn't,
I plead, he didn't.

I saw the sparks in his eyes,
I saw the way he looked, at her.
I watched his movement,
I watched him kissed her.

I wrote a thousand words,
I sang a thousand songs,
I shipped a thousand feelings,
I watched them sink.

And now,
He loves me,
I love him not.
Thank you, my darling
 May 2015 Sabrina
 May 2015 Sabrina
I was in love with a boy who could calm my most fierce storms that were brewed inside my head, but he created a hurricane inside me when he left, flooding every crevice of my body with the memories of him.*

 May 2015 Sabrina
 May 2015 Sabrina
I would love if people would send me the story about the first time they fell in love. It doesn't have to be about a person. Please please please leave me stories to wake up to.

I praise The Lord
For the suffering
That I have been through
It has opened my consciousness
cleared my vision
To see the beauty
Of this world
I never knew
Fear of life & future death has died
True courage is always by my side
I sit here by the lake
It is a windy day
Absorbing peace
Listening to waves beating the rocks
Hearing blissfulness
In the sounds of the blackbirds squawks
My mind can scarcely go back
To those days in the past
When I never knew of such peace
Sitting watching blackbirds
Omnivorous nesting in the trees
Again I must thank
The Father for all
The strife that I have been through
That has led me to this joyous point
I pray others reach too
 Mar 2015 Sabrina
 Mar 2015 Sabrina
Islam is tolerance
and patience
Islam teaches us
regarding obedience
Islam told us to be
thanksful of what we have
We donate money
and clothes
to the needy so that
they would be save
Although people
call us terrorist
for no apparent reasom
we do not
fight back because
we are a peaceful citizen
we do not wish to fight
or cause any problem because
Islam is peace.
proud to be a muslim x
I Dodged a bullet but got hit by a train.
From one bad relationship, to a worse one >_<
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