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'I slept, and dreamed that life was beauty;
I woke, and found that life was duty.
Was thy dream then a shadowy lie?
Toil on, sad heart, courageously,
And thou shall find thy dream to be
A noonday light and truth to thee.'
 Apr 2018 Bharti Singh
What’s hidden and buried?

Takes a lot of digging.
But there’s just too many layers,
too much dirt.

What am I looking for?

Takes a lot of dismantling.
But there are too many
cogs and parts so tiny,
they simply fall
through the gaps between my fingers.

Can’t remember...

Takes too much to uncover.
To find a moment
of clarity however brief.
To find a speck in space,
a second in time where I am found.
 Apr 2018 Bharti Singh
 Apr 2018 Bharti Singh
Most times,
I wished these fragments...
These fractions of a whole
would come together...

Forming the most astute of thoughts.
Illuminating the darkest of corners.
Piecing together and revealing the grandest of pictures.

But such is the nature
of a convoluted mind
because often times
they do not.
 Apr 2017 Bharti Singh
Red, dark and light, apples,
They sell it for Rupees 80 a kg,
Available sans the ripples,
But sans bargaining not so easy.

Even the grapes, delicious,
They sell it for Rupees 80 a kg,
Appears to be so luscious,
There're many other fruits here.
My HP Poem #1510
©Atul Kaushal
 Apr 2017 Bharti Singh
       +         +

   +           ma-            
king d-
istress call-
          s in silent night      •     +
       +      kindling signals in   the          +
  dark•flames   casting  need-
ed light•requ-     esting aid, lo-
+          oud and stark         •embers red-            
den mad and          angry•glowi-
ng and thirst-        ing for more•
thrusting wood in this dem-
on's belly•fuelling large
its crackling roar•

imploring  passing
vessels     •to save      all that
   is dire            •see me          stripped
  of all                      mettle•                 as i pit
    my h-                           opes in                      this here

 Apr 2017 Bharti Singh
I always seem to miss you,
When I am a little sad
I don't always tell you this,
For fear it'll sound bad

But I miss you in sadness,
Not for cheering up,
I miss you in sadness,
For we drink from the same cup

These lines don't make much sense,
As most of life does not,
I'm just missing you right now,
Knowing you'd understand my thought
I am anti-social,
I choke at social gatherings,
My breath feels nothing more than lies ,
The lies when people's words,
Sublime into air.

While everyone brags about,
The last time the Sapiens
Had a good time,
I comfortablly drift off,
Into my little Pluto,
Of words, poetry and music.

I am there,
Yet I am not there.

People think I'm a snob,
The Sapiens think I'm lazy,
But what do they know,
The happiness in solitude.

I am anti social,
And the last thing,
I could care about,
Is You.
Sigh 1:30 am is an odd time to be alive.
 Oct 2016 Bharti Singh
Despite all the rejections we go through
life in writing is never ending.

© Pax
just a quote
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