There are days
when the rain seems
like nothing more
than inconvenience,
and puddles, messes,
and noise.
More often than not, though,
the rain has been a friend,
a companion of sorts.
It has lessened the
loneliness in moments
of grief and despair,
as it shared in
and silent tears.
It has covered me
like a warm blanket,
as it washed away
the fears.
More often than not,
the rain has been
a path to renewal,
a baptism most sacred.
Even the melody
and timber of the rain
has often soothed me,
like white noise
can comfort a
restless child.
The rain can consume
and wash out
and drown,
pushing unwanted
memories and dreams
down an any-named road,
for miles and miles.
For me, more often
than not,
it provides shroud
and cover from the sun’s
intense heat,
inspiring gratitude
and most joyful
~ by Mercurychyld