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Jun 2019 · 212
delilah Jun 2019
an idle heart is a factory for poor decisions
Apr 2019 · 129
if i carry on forever
delilah Apr 2019
if i carry on forever
i won't have to let go
let go of your stare
i rather let you pierce me
with the abyss you call eyes
because i rather stay lost
where the light can't reach me
i rather collapse your lungs
to hollow out a space for me
closer to your heart so i can mimic your rhythm
synchronized to fool you best
i rather be a motion picture of our past
forever a loop of love
because this is easier
easier to hear you love me
easier to say i love you
easier to play i love you
easier not better
but i can wait on better
Apr 2019 · 237
delilah Apr 2019
i feel like we're magnetic
but you like to switch up your charge
you pull me in
and i get trapped
by your lovely
and just when i grow attached
just when i grow comfy
in the hollow of your chest
just when i grow to love you
all over again
you pull a 180
and push me away
and no matter how far i go
i can't reach you
and just when i start to let go
just when i grow comfy
in the warmth of my own skin
just when i grow to love myself
all on my own
you come back again
and i let you
because i feel like we're magnetic
when i say attractiveness i don't mean that necessarily in the physical sense
Apr 2019 · 142
~i know how to play~
delilah Apr 2019
i want to like you
not because its natural
but because i know how to play this game
i know how you like my laugh
and when you want to hear it
i know where you like my hands
and when you want to feel them
i know you like lace
and when you want to see it
i know you like strawberrys
and when you want a taste
i know how to make you love me
Mar 2019 · 139
delilah Mar 2019
it's midnight
and my mind is filled to the brim
not with ideas or fake scenarios
but rather tears waiting to burst
i can feel the dam giving way
i haven't the tools or manpower to mend it
this **** dam will burst
i just hope not in front of you
i don't need my breakdown to be apart of your narrative
my sadness is not a story element for you
my sadness has nothing to do with you
but i know you'd prefer it did
Mar 2019 · 124
delilah Mar 2019
i was given the role of love interest #1
it wasn't the role i auditioned for
but it was the role i was given
i was left two choices
play the part
leave your show
and so i played my part
but the script wasn't so nice
and neither were the other characters
so i dropped the act
and you dropped me
because i guess i never really mattered
i never was your friend huh?
just love interest #1
i don't know just found this in my notes
Mar 2019 · 229
pretty girl
delilah Mar 2019
let me play make-believe
make you believe i'm not inferior
string together stolen words
just to sound as though i know you best
copy and paste works of art
just to look as though i belong beside you
let me be your leading lady
just for a moment
maybe you'll see i can play the part
i can be a pretty girl
let me play make-believe
maybe i can find a better role
pretty girl came on shuffle again
and this time i didn't skip it
Mar 2019 · 253
i don't want to be friends
delilah Mar 2019
it hurts more to break-up with a friend
but it's better this way
better for my heart and soul
to let you go
if only it was that simple
you never did make things easy
so give me your best shot
try to paint a picture of purity from this mess
the one benefit of wasting 8 years with you:
i know all your tricks
i've had a front seat to every lie
to every twist and turn
every attempt to be the victim
and i've got a copy of every secret
and i know i sound vengeful
i know i sound petty
i know
but i don't really give a ****
because i'm just a ***** after all,
to ******* friend i've ever had.
Feb 2019 · 142
for me, myself, and i
delilah Feb 2019
i won't be sitting around waiting for someone to write love poems about me
not when i can write them myself
because i do love myself
though that's been a struggle to say
now that it's out i won't be stopping
i love all the small things that add to be me
because i am many things
a puzzle in which each piece is a work of art
i am a collection of beauty
beauty beyond a face
though i do also love the view i create
little self-love doesn't hurt
Feb 2019 · 2.4k
moments not more
delilah Feb 2019
i'm here for a good time not for a long time
and i know that sounds like a joke
but i mean it
i'm not living forever
and i'm not growing old
my life will sizzle out
like a burnout matchstick
and so
i would like to live in moments not more
wanting more is an appetite you can't satisfy
i'll feast on moments of bliss
moments in which i don't wish, i revel in what i've been given
moments in which i don't need, i have your love
moments in which
all i know
all i want
all i need
but only for a moment
and what a moment it'll be
Jan 2019 · 152
i'm sorry i loved you
delilah Jan 2019
i'm sorry
i know it wasn't meant to be like this
i wasn't meant to feel more
more than butterflies
more than a rush
more than lust
i know i messed up
i know i got greedy
i know
and i'm sorry
sorry that i loved you
sorry that i felt beyond
beyond a small backseat
beyond your navy sheets
beyond late night meets
i'm sorry i felt more
more than you would match
i'm sorry
Jan 2019 · 360
i censor my diary
delilah Jan 2019
frays from ripped pages
forced cover up art
wrinkles from excess ink
makeshift scrap-booking
all to hide
hide everything i wish to forget
everything that was worth writing down
omitting names to avoid writing them away
or into existence
code words i'll never remember
because i don't want
imagine lying to yourself everyday
imagine teasing yourself with the truth
imagine covering reality with stickers
i have kept a diary for all four years of high school
i started re-reading them and found i censor myself
as though that'll stop me from remembering every moment
Jan 2019 · 211
i don't miss you
delilah Jan 2019
i miss the warmth of being held in your arms
i miss the echo of your chest above my ears
i miss the thud of your heart beneath my head
i miss tickling your neck with my breath
i miss your attention
but i don't miss you
could be anyone else
and i'd get the same buzz
i loved your attention
more than i could ever love you
i'm kinda a bad person
but only kinda
cuz its not like i hide my intentions
put everyone thinks i'm joking when i say i just want attention
Jan 2019 · 142
done with driving lessons
delilah Jan 2019
you said we'd go somewhere safe
but i still feared
feared a seat-belt wouldn't be enough
to keep me from crashing through the glass
you were willing to take the chance
and i hoped
but hope isn't enough
because i got scared
and let go of the wheel
slammed the breaks before we crashed
i'm sorry
but i could barely think
think beyond fogged windows and small backseats
and i hated it
i hated being confined to a two-door egg
i hated being nothing more than nighttime rides
i'm sorry
but the droplets on your windows could only blind me for so long
a follow up to driving lessons
delilah Jan 2019
i don't need you


are simply filler
filling my time
filling my mind
are just my now
my now i have time
my now i don't care for tomorrow
are nothing more
nothing more than busy work
nothing more than idle love

i don't need you to be happy
i need someone to waste my time
i need someone to busy my mind
"idle hands are the devil's workshop"
and an idle mind is my down fall
Jan 2019 · 231
delilah Jan 2019
i'll create constellations in your eyes
shatter your soft brown
fill the cracks with fragments of me
taint your vision with moments of me

i can't bring myself to love you
without breaking you first
cloudy vision so as to adore me best

i'll paint you pretty
lay you down as my canvas
taint your skin with bits of love
hues of pinks and purples

i can't bring myself to love you
i haven't any love to give
i hope you won't notice
i'm simply re-gifting borrowed love
delilah Dec 2018
i'm in the kinda mood
where sitting in the freezing rain doesn't seem half bad
letting the droplets pelt my skin
numb me
match my limbs to the freeze in my chest
my chest was frozen before the rain began
my chest is not heavy
it's empty
hollow enough for the wind to knock me down
and my head is heavy enough for me to stay down
i'm in the kinda mood
where i wish i could disappear as quickly as the rain
Dec 2018 · 174
i feel like an idiot
delilah Dec 2018
you asked me not to hate you
and i don't
i hate the way you make me feel
you make me feel embarrassed
i don't tell my friends about you anymore
because who wants to say they're a night-time girlfriend
that their boyfriend hits them up about once week when the suns down
that they're the midnight, no one's around, backseat make-out
you make me feel like an idiot
because i still want to be with you
because even while writting this i know that if you hit me up tonight i would go with you
Dec 2018 · 131
i wrote you a letter
delilah Dec 2018
first semester freshmen year
i wrote you a letter
i wrote about
i wrote about
the butterflies,
the tears,
the 3 am chats,
the good morning pick-up lines,
and all about you
because you deserved to know
know that i loved you
even if not as you had loved me
then i found out about her
your girlfriend
my bestfriend
so i hid it
it collected dust in the back of my closet
until today
today was and is very different from then
because today i get to cuddle up in your backseat
because today 3 am chats happen in your arms
because today i have no reason to hide
i wrote you a letter
and i hope you'd love to read it
so i was going through old **** i collect cuz i like to pretend everything has sentimental value
and i found i letter i wrote to my current boyfriend from freshmen year
soooooo weird
(he did love the letter btw)
Dec 2018 · 136
i'm sad
delilah Dec 2018
i'm the kinda sad where
i can't bring myself to cry
i can't bring myself to eat
i can't bring myself to wake up
i can't bring myself to give a **** either
i can't bring myself to try
to try and climb my way out of this
i rather let it envelope me
i rather sink further
because not caring seems so much better
better than when i cared too much
when caring was my downfall
how can i fall now when i've already sunk below the surface
Dec 2018 · 118
to drown
delilah Dec 2018
i feel like a feather made of lead
so heavy
but only in the head
because my chest feels paper thin
as though every breeze pushes me down
because i feel as though i am gliding through this world
as though i am not apart of it
because i wish i wasn't
i wish i could just disconnect
for just a second
or two
(or more)
i wish i could just exist
because right now i feel as though i'm drowning
as though every troublesome thought that fills my head is pulling me under
further and further
beneath the waves
further and further
from the sun rays
closer and closer
to disconnecting
Nov 2018 · 143
driving lessons
delilah Nov 2018
how did this happen
how did teaching me to drive
turn into riding swings at night
to sitting under the stars
to cuddling in your backseat
i don't know whats happening
but i'm not minding the limbo
i dont mind accidental dates
Nov 2018 · 348
love me
delilah Nov 2018
love me
i want you to love me
i want you to want me
i know i sound selfish
and that's because i am
i want to be wanted
i want to be on your mind
i want to be a post-it note over your eyes
i want to be in the margins of all your pages
i want to be your what-ifs
i want to be your every second-thought
i want to be your muse
i want to be the subject of all your sappy poems
i want to be molded into cliches
i want to be a forced metaphor
i want to be
many things
to you
& for you
and yes i am selfish
i want your attention
and i want it all
Nov 2018 · 283
~happy birthday to me~
delilah Nov 2018
what's with the romanization of 17
why is it made out to be a pinnacal of teenage
why is it the highlight of punk songs
why was it the ******* year
17 was quite awful to me
let's see
i began by getting my heart broken
proceeded to spiral
so i chopped off my hair
because that's what the pretty girl does in every coming of age movie
she chops off her hair then everything gets better
well not for me
i kept spiraling
spiraled more and more as each piece of my hair hit the floor
then i chose to be a *****
i was desperate for attention
desperate to be wanted
and then i was
by one
then i went green
before i chopped it all again
and maybe the end of 17 hasn't been so bad
minus my ***** friends
but overall
i'd rate it a 6/10
let's hope 18 is better
tomorrow (november 6) is my 18th birthday
mainly excited to vote
and for pasta
delilah Nov 2018
i don't know why i'm not ******* over you
maybe it's because we never really had an ending
cuz ya know
you just stopped talking to me
you just didn't say a word to me when i sat down beside you
you just didn't say a word while i cried beside you
you didn't even look at me
it was if i never existed to you to begin with
and that ******* hurt
and it kept hurting
because it was like i never mattered to begin with
like i was so insignificant you could drop me from your mind in a second
i guess you really are the only boy i ever liked more
i don't know what i'm looking to gain from this
maybe i just want you to tell me that i did never matter
maybe then i can finally hate you for real
because it's hard to miss those you hate

wow sad face
Nov 2018 · 121
i hate to love you
delilah Nov 2018
i hate you

i hate the way you smile to yourself like the world inside your head is constantly better than the world with me in it

i hate the way you tap along to silent beats as if your ears are flooded with better melodies than my voice

i hate the way you roam these halls as if you're looking to float away from me

i hate the way you fill your notebook with tales where you're the sole heroine as though i'm not here as well

i hate the way you make me wanna be selfish

making me want to busy your mind with me

making me want to be what you smile to yourself about

making me want to hold you down so you can't tap along to the beat of someone else's heart

making me want to hold your hand like an anchor because you can't leave just yet

making me want to write a world in which it's you and i against the odds

making me want to paint over your heart so no one else can find it

i hate loving you

because loving you is far too consuming

because loving you seems so single sided

because loving you means loving a ticking time-bomb
ticking away until you finally disappear
and you tell me it's not me you're looking to leave
but if that were true
you'd think you'd invite me to disappear as well

i hate that i love you
had a title came up with something to match
Nov 2018 · 121
delilah Nov 2018
it's so much easier to hate you
easier on my heart
easier on my mind
hating you keeps me from running through
every single i once knew you
hating you keeps my heart at bay
far away from skipping for you
far away from stopping for you
far away from you
it would be so much easier if i hated you
acting is second best
i'm ***** at titles
Oct 2018 · 2.0k
i do mind
delilah Oct 2018
you asked me if i minded
and i asked you why i would
i asked because i expected you to know
i expected that as my friend you'd know
know why i do mind
because i do mind very much
i mind hearing you laugh with him
i mind seeing him smile with you
i mind hearing him so happy with you
i mind seeing my secret fear come to life
i do mind
i mind because it hurts
it hurts to see him so quickly accept you again
it hurts because he so quickly ignored my existence
so quickly dropped me from his heart and mind
as if i never mattered to begin with
you watched this all unfold
you watched me begin to cry as he looked away
you saw me crumble as he left
and yet
you have the audacity to ask
if i mind you being his friend
Oct 2018 · 332
delilah Oct 2018
when it rains
i prefer it pours
i prefer it wash me away
i prefer i slide along the pavement
i prefer i ride along the curb
i prefer i get smacked over cars
i prefer i join the droplets of your window
i prefer you catch me before i'm gone
i prefer you look at me as beauty
i prefer you take a moment
i prefer you let me slide down to your wrist
i prefer you let you and i coexist
i prefer you do so forever
or least until the rain subsides
Oct 2018 · 788
i'm obsessed with dying
delilah Oct 2018
i have been
(and probably always will be)
this not to say i want to die
i don't want to die
but i will
i will die
my family will die
my pets will die
my friends will die
every living being i have encountered
will die
death is inevitable
and that's not necessarily bad
death is the reason i live
i live because there's a definite end point
i live to fill all the spaces in between
i live because i don't have forever
so maybe that's why it's stuck on my mind
it's as though being hyper-aware of my mortality
makes me want to live even more
yo i had to write an essay on some modern poems and i think i got too deep in it but like eh
gave me something to make into my own
Sep 2018 · 132
i am
delilah Sep 2018
i am petty
petty beyond belief
over what should have died with time
i am a *****
a ***** because i can't keep my mouth shut
and i love to cause a scene
i am an attention-*****
attention negative or positive
i'll do what it takes to gain it
i am a hot-head
little actions throw me into fits
fits of rage larger than need be
i am selfish
though not with materialistic things
that would be better than emotions
i am a crybaby
every inconvenience pushes me over the edge
every good and bad makes me ball
i am many
and cruel things
i am also a work in progress
working to be more
more than teenage angst
more than excuses
more than
delilah Sep 2018
i never thought of myself as someone with school spirit
i'll spend my fridays
decked out in purple
dotted with black and white
i'll dance in the crowd
while the band plays us out
i'll work on losing my voice
while we head to the tailgate
i'll work on numbing my feet
while we dance to knock-off dj beats
i'll jump to my feet
when our team takes the field
i'll join in on the cheers
when our band shows up
i'll worry about my voice tomorrow
cuz right now
we're losing it over touchdowns
i'll worry about my clothes tomorrow
cuz right now
we're laughing while the rain pours down
i'll worry about it all tomorrow
cuz right now
we're dancing under stadium lights
honestly in my first two years of high school i didn't give a **** about football games
but i went to my first two games in my junior year and the vibe is just amazing
so now as a senior of course i was gonna show up at our first game
especially since it was against our rival school
and yeah our team hasn't one in five years
but that hasn't crushed anyones school spirit
we lost 29-22
but we were still cheering in those stands
Aug 2018 · 135
i love
delilah Aug 2018
i love like all others
my love is no better or worse
my love is ordinary
so i must compensate
by loving the most
spread my love thin
over all that i love
Aug 2018 · 181
today i am tired
delilah Aug 2018
i was tired
and so i slept
i slept
and slept
till i woke on my own
and then i slept some more
until i couldn't anymore
but i was tired still
i dressed myself anyway
and went to school
my eyes were heavy
as were my arms
and legs
and head
i dragged myself about
quite like a corpse
or perhaps a puppet
though i was not the puppeteer
for i don't recall raising my hand
or moving my mouth
but i do recall what i heard
i heard myself say
"i'm too tired to speak
too tired to eat
too tired to think
and too tired to sleep"
yesterday i was tired
today i am tired
tomorrow i will be tired
i will stay tired
because when i say i am tired
i do not mean i need a nap
i do not need sleep
trust me i have slept
and slept
but i don't wanna sleep my life away
i am tired because...
well i'm not sure why
Aug 2018 · 151
delilah Aug 2018
how sad do i need to be
to get you to like me
Aug 2018 · 164
girl crazy
delilah Aug 2018
she's so beautiful
not just in her looks
(though i do adore her chestnut hair
and wide brown eyes)
but in the way she speaks
she speaks with such care
because she knows the weight of words
and she doesn't bring herself to the stars
even though she belongs among them
because she knows what it's like to be looked down upon
and she writes with as much care as when she speaks
each word written to be read
and i wish i could read them all
Aug 2018 · 101
today i did a bad
delilah Aug 2018
today i gave in
i gave in to what as been eating away at me
i gave in to who has been sat in the corner of my mind
i reached out
it was a simple hello
i got a simple reply
and nothing more
what did i expect
did i expect to go back
back to ten months ago
when we were fine
when a simple hello was met with more
when i was something to him
something more than simple
i thought i could go back
i really shouldn't have bothered
i should have known nothing would have come from reaching out
after all we haven't spoken in ten months
Aug 2018 · 607
delilah Aug 2018
i could grow daisies in your lungs
for they are filled with the purest air
that sometimes we share
i could grow tulips from your head
for you have imagined more fields than you can fill
maybe the one we count the stars in
i could grow roses from your eyes
for they would just add to your rosy vision
rosy enough to make me seem like enough
could grow nothing from your heart
for those fields have been over plowed
for the waves of your chestnut hair don't reach
for i haven't a clue what flower is worthy
worthy of trying
trying to prosper where other's have failed you
i fear my love not being enough
enough to wield blooms for you
for now
i hope daisies are enough
or calla lilies
or dahlias
maybe violets
perhaps even sunflowers
delilah Aug 2018

attached you'll find my heart
and my hopes
my "hopefully they'll accept"
my "hopefully they'll mail their's next"
i doubt the latter
but expect the former
you'll have to keep my love
it's got nowhere to call home
thanks for letting me waste your time
i hope you make use of this spare love
i had nowhere to spend it

a nobody looking for a somebody
i came up with a title i really liked
so i had to make something to go with it
eh might use the title for something else later
Jul 2018 · 1.7k
boohoo i don't get attention
delilah Jul 2018
i started drawing
because my dad used to
i started writing
because my dad always did
i started watching football
so we could watch together
and so we did
every sunday
and the occasional monday
but slowly
every game
turned into every other
and eventually none
he stopped asking to see my work too
and i stopped trying to share
wow sad face when i went from daddy's favorite to daddy doesn't even notice when your home
Jul 2018 · 1.5k
me, myself, & everyone else
delilah Jul 2018
i am seventeen
my dad is thirty-five
so is my mother
do the math
my mother is nuts
and my dad is me
or i am my dad
i'm not really fond of either
neither seems to know me
but both will say they do
in fact
mother thinks she knows me better than i do
she loves to tell me how i feel
she loves to tell me how i am
she loves to tell me who i am
and who i ought to be
my dad isn't as bad
he's just grasping at the past
the past where i tried my best
my best to get his attention
my best to get his love
he's stuck holding onto thirteen
i'm sorry
but i am simply me
and apparently everyone else
Jul 2018 · 366
love poems about you
delilah Jul 2018
love poems about you
would not be so mystical
i can't find constellations in your eyes
your smile doesn't remind of spring
you haven't freckles speckled about like petals
your kisses don't come with fireworks
you don't make my lungs collapse

love poems about you
would be about the more mundane
the playing with your hem when you're nervous
the collection of pens "just in case"
the spirals you line with daisies
the kisses that follow with giggles
the way you fill my lungs with a life they hadn't had before
Jul 2018 · 792
i can't sleep
delilah Jul 2018
i can't sleep
so i tried to count sheep
but they all turned to roaches
so i opened my eyes
and tried to wear them out
by staring onto my room
but shadows turned to people
so i closed my eyes
and i tried to clear my mind
but it ran amiss
so i opened my eyes
and tried to read myself to sleep
but words were just ink
so i closed my eyes
and tried counting sheep
delilah Jul 2018
my brother ran from home
no one noticed among the chaos
every out of place step just mixed with the others
while i passed around laughs with friends
while i was blissfully unaware
my dad went to the police
they didn't ask for a picture
so everyone dropped their jobs
and piled into cars
and we drove
and drove
and we walked
as far as we could
and then we walked some more

my brother ran from home
to a home built on lies
filled to the brim with unwanted kids
until they dragged him back
and we lined ourselves up
and stood behind tears
and i watched
i watched them bury the truth
at least they used smaller shovels
my brother ran away from home for about 12 hours
he went to see his mother
the mother that dropped him off in a ***** diaper at 9 months
the mother with a herd of children she only kept because their dads didn't want them
the mother the appears as often as leap years
i'm really really over my family burying the truth
the day after we celebrated the fourth of july as if nothing happened
Jul 2018 · 1.5k
i'm an attention-whore
delilah Jul 2018
i love attention
particularly the male kind
they make it easy
play a damsel
with pouty lips
feed their egos
with soft lies
let 'em play hero
with heart strings
keep their attention
with ****-me eyes
i'm in need of attention
dude idk *** this is
Jul 2018 · 153
delilah Jul 2018
i love the tortured artist trope

i'll torture myself for the title


i always fall flat on the artist half
Jul 2018 · 158
delilah Jul 2018
i don't say i hate myself
for you to say i'm beautiful
i don't say i struggle to get out of bed
for you to say i have so much potential
i don't say i can't find joy in what i used to
for you to say try a new hobby
i don't say i wanna die
for you to say you love me
i don't know why i say what i do
but i know it's not
for copy&pasted love
Jun 2018 · 189
~i suck at titles~
delilah Jun 2018
why do i want to go back
back to being afraid
back to fast steps as my feet reach the stones
back to the burning of my lungs
back to the breeze sweeping petals to my hair
i'm hoping i have enough control
i'm hoping i'll embrace the warmth of summer nights
i'm hoping i won't reach ocean waves
i'm hoping i'll stop
stop at the edge
stop and stand
stand with teary eyes
teary eyed but that's just fine
i came up with the last line so had to make a begining
Jun 2018 · 169
delilah Jun 2018
i want moments to remember
when i'm old and frail
i want photos to show
to my children and their's
i want the story of
to be told long after it's end
growing old terrifies me most of the time
but then i remember
the older i am
the more there is to remember
Jun 2018 · 223
waiting and wondering
delilah Jun 2018
loving you means keeping my mind free at night
because nighttime is when you make me wonder
make me wonder how many stars had to die for us to see this sky tonight
make me wonder how i can be living a life so beautiful
so beautiful because i can hear your thoughts
because i can hold your hands
because i can hold a place in your heart
because a kiss can make me forget
forget the blue girl who spends her days wasting away
forget how slowly night comes
but i can wait
and i have waited
waited for warm silences
waited for the stars to fall
waited for the moon's soft song
waited for empty rooms to be filled with dreams once broken
when the sun begins to stand
i can walk away
walk to a bed less empty
because the memory of you is close by
i can rest without fear
because loving you makes me wonder
what was so scary before
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