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We are walking, we are chanting, we are praying
though many before us were killed and maimed
we stand in peace, we are in love with the sky,
the earth, the water, the father and the mother

We stand together, we watch the river flood
through the years spilling over with human blood
Praying peace and clean water for our earth mother
praying one day all will come to know
the intricate connection we have to each other
realize how we harm ourselves
when we harm another

We cry with the sky tears
water protectors in the river
Standing Rock

The pipeline is the bloodline,
of an Empirical Two Headed Dragon,
The Divided States of America used to be united,
can someone please tell me what the heck happened,

Standing Rock just might be the last stand for anyone that’s still standin’,

Standing Rock,
is not a photo op,
it’s not a festival,
it’s Indians and Cops,

more correctly,
it’s Native Americans and Corporate Hitmen,
it’s the crossroads,
where environmental defense intersects with big business interests,

it’s getting intense,

water cannons and flash grenades,
mock democracy and a Trump presidency,
military disguised as cops,
and cops disguised as military,

as the original defenders of this land,
continue to make a stand,
at Standing Rock this is not a photo op,
this is indirect imperial tactics meets Direct Action,

highly ironic,
that I write this on Thanksgiving,
the day before Black Friday,
tell me what you do that’s worth livin’,

Quite fitting,
that I’m writing this on Thanksgiving,
a “holiday” in a way,
but really just a heist by villains disguised as pilgrims,

well then,
where does that leave us now,
several hundred years later,
at Standing Rock having a powwow,

have we gotten here,
and how,
as so little changed we’re,

still in this sticky situation,
battling hearts that are as black as oil,
still ******* the blood out of Mother Earth,
still battling Two Headed Serpent Dragon as it coils,

the pipeline is the bloodline,
of an Empirical Two Headed Dragon,
The Divided States of America used to be united,
can someone please tell me what the heck happened,

Standing Rock just might be the last stand for anyone that’s still standin’.

the Sacred,
with Love,
over Hatred.

Water Is Life.

∆ Aaron La Lux ∆
In Solidarity
Hello Poetry is a blue place this calendar year*
for we have seen many a good poet disappear
their inspiring words not around to delight in
of this expression the site is somewhat thin

Hello Poetry has experienced a considerable loss
gone all of that imagery so beautiful in gloss
the colors they deftly painted faded as they left
which makes the heart feel palpably bereft

Hello Poetry members those of excellent ink
missing from our writing fellowship's rink
we'll not forget the contribution they made
as each one of them showed the finest parade

Hello Poetry our brothers and sisters of the quill
departed us with yet more stanzas to spill
their individual styles we'll not sight again
*truly a thought which is so downcast of refrain
Standing by the soup kitchen,
Wrapped up in freezing cold.
Not very old in numbers,
but feeling rather old.
The townsfolk snub him,
They ignore his missus.
His fingers sparkle blue and red,
No magic lurks within.
His blanket's rather itchy.
the people passing by,
are either numb or ******.
get a job, they shout for sport.
their coffee cup, their only support.
It beggars belief that the poor souls get grief.
There for the grace of God go I.
(c) Livvi
The old house stood against the sea
Neglected and alone
Peeled paint and blasted tree
Bleached as unearthed bones

Windows cracked and broken
There upon the heath
Doors mouths with words unspoken
A fence of rotten teeth

The gardens are untended
The ivy overgrown
Supporting beams so bended
The house should crumble down

Walk into ancient fairylands
Where the furnishings are dust
The curtains torn to greying strands
The chandelier is rust

Alone a peeling mirror
Along the wall I see
I look into it's empty depths
And behold the poet... ME.

(C) 12/28/2016
I've been gone a long time again. I haven't been on any social media, including Facebook. Christmas has been very hectic. I made all my presents as I could not afford to buy any. I could give you a million excuses as to why I have not been here. The truth is that I could not tell you what has been happening with me. I have been in a deep depression. This Soul was not Surviving well. The holidays are always really hard for me, even though I have family. I don't know if it's the winter coming on in my Scandinavian blood, or the fact that my mother was always very depressed this time of year also. But lately I have been thinking of you all a lot. So here I am, hat in hand, asking your forgiveness once again for my absence. Belatedly I offer you:

Happy thanksgiving!

Merry Christmas!

And all the best for the new year... I will be around for that. Please forgive me!
my teeth have hardened
into straight lines and
sealed the rows together
so i can't open my mouth

(i should be
better by now)

and i'm afraid of what's
beating its wings in the cage
of my well-padded ribs and
i'm afraid of it escaping

(they're back again
even with the drugs)

i can't sleep
can't eat and
can't think

but of course somebody
else has had a worse day
than i and of course i'll
be okay after all i've

cracked before and
made it out alive

so i guess i will
this time too

but the wounds
bleed to differ.
Copyright 12/23/16 by B. E. McComb
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