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 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
I wanted to tear his mask,
but he told me not to do it again,
he then swam in the depths of loneliness
I've always wanted to know his fears
since only I could see his dreams,
but he has shown how strong he could be
I ask him questions, he never answers
sometimes, he would laugh
a laugh that would strike your healing heart
he would smile too
a smile that would vanish gloomy clouds away
but what about his eyes?
I see no glimmer,
must be a fountain of lies
he just lifted a dying soul,
maybe he is a hero or could be a villain
but what is the truth?
Again, I tried to pull his mask off,
but he ran away
and never came back.
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
Even through his blue
He painted starry night
His favorite chair
His favorite pipe
And a sealed up bag containing
He could not smoke the pain away

A missing ear becomes a symbol
Only the madness of knowing
Ear lobe
His love
The way no one else does
No numb could take the pain away

Van Gogh
Died poor
And alone
In a field that was
His last expression
He died by his own hand
It wasn't even raining

It should have been
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
her eyes looked at me with faith
hinting there's another way to live
She has a little world inside her head
since we were young
and the moment she graduated,
I knew she's almost there

I am one of those people who
will be forever stuck in this small town
No one believes in me,
Well, I don't trust myself either
What do I know anyways?

The tear in my knuckles, taste of blood
from the endless fight, forever be on my father's side and knowing there's no hope in my mother's misty mind. This is how I live and this is how my every day work.

I have to let her go. We live in the same place but two different worlds.

I have to walk away although it might hurt us both.
'inspired by the book Where All Lights Tend To Go'
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
I am my own prisoner
from the hidden
thoughts that battling in my mind
and for the opinion
that won't even matter
in people's lives

There is a person inside
screaming; wanting
to get out

But a voice of me whispered
that she has to
stay for awhile

There was silence
as she sat on her own shadow
being careful,
not to make any sound.
How hard can it be to simply be yourself? :(
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
maybe what people
usually say is true
3am thoughts
is a curse that turns
your day soul into blue.
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
They didn't know that
some pretty laugh and a smiling face

could stir a havoc inside.
you kept me together
it was like you controlled the weather
not the weather outside,
the weather from within
you managed to clear the skies
and clear my mind
it didn't even matter if they were all lies
it didn't even matter that you're not here
to fix me now

if i close my eyes, it almost feels the same
if i close my eyes
and picture you here
i can almost mask the pain

i swear i can still see you in the corner of my eye
i swear i hear you in the darkest of the night
i feel you here
Soft pinks
light blues
all this sorrow
all for you
you cloud my mind
leave nothing but rain
every breath is nothing but pain
i miss you
 Jan 2017 Bethanybelove
If I was a dolphin, you'd be the shark eating my fin

If I was a hare, you'd be the hunter killing for skin

If I was a bee, you'd be the kid that crushes my wings

If I was a bed, you'd be the jumper who breaks my springs

If I was a shoe, you'd be the gum that stick to my sole

If I was a lego, you'd be the dog that eats me whole

If I was a child, you'd be the wind that blows me away

If I was a poet, you'd be the thoughts too wicked to say
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