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 Aug 2014 Ben
Sia Jane
Cigarettes* ignited
       sips of champagne.
Naked; smoking,
       playing ebony & ivory,
       piano stories
Singing souls of ghosts
        & secrets.
Broken rainbows form & flee,
        light catching green
Hazel eyes, tear drops,
       of love; forming
       drowning oceans.
Planting forests; replacing
        papier- mâché covering
        a blackened heart,
Of a lonely girlfriend
        wrapping herself in a
        lovers left
        winter jumper.
Full exposure; a camera lens
        focused in on clouds
Window panes,
         pouring mirrored drops
         of translucent balloons.
Wishing dreams

Lift her,
           to that place named,

© Sia Jane
In prep for uni I'm working on 20 word challenges! Some of the words were placed together. The words in the list are in italics. On my phone but should add up!! The words are taken from images on my tumblr:
 Apr 2014 Ben
 Apr 2014 Ben
Sometimes I love to walk
And run
And hide from places
where others might be too
I love going deeper
than the others
I climb to the farthest rock
Walk the longest distance
Go the deepest
And in those moments
I feel I could disappear
I could disappear
In the heights of opportunity
In the depth of unknown
In the danger of the length
Hoping that no one will notice
I sit
I search
I disappear
In the hope that I have gone somewhere
Nobody has been before
And seen a sight
Or felt a feeling
Or heard a tune
That only I can explain
And let them imagine it
 Apr 2014 Ben
when I lived with Kyle, we had a shot glass on our bathroom counter we kept there. A small house spider made its home inside of it. Every night before I went to bed I would tell it; Good night Westley, Good work. Sleep well. I'll most likely **** you in the morning.
 Apr 2014 Ben
all I'll remember from this April

is you

leaving me.
You have been my source of light,
You have been my source of love,
You have been my source of life.

And now you plan to leave?

I suppose you are not wrong,
You have given me so much,
I am in debt to you.

But answer me this:

How may I find my way to you without your light,
How may I return the favor without your love,
How may I serve you without your life?
 Apr 2014 Ben
Riley Key Cleary
A curse of the gamer,
Not  knowing the sun,
Also knowing trinary,
two zero one.

Very anti social,
Give us wide girth,
Lowly right now,
We'll inherit the earth!
This was just a little fun, I know the rhymes are bad and its short and pointless but it made me laugh after I wrote it.
 Apr 2014 Ben
I can still remember when
I first learned to swim
It seemed that life's ocean
Would sustain me to the end

Yet drowning has no remedy
Dry ground is but
A childhood memory

And now
Out here lost at sea
Up and down
Tossed around
Struggling just to breathe

And so I fade away
Lovesick upon these waves
In the depths of despair
I lose my will to care...
To fall in love again that is.
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