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 Apr 2014 Ben
Her Beauty
 Apr 2014 Ben
She lays down on my bed
Napping in the daytime
Fully alert at nighttime
Purring and smiling in
Her own special way
Sometimes she will wash
Her silver paws and face
"And her fur is silver still
Kissed by moonlight on the hill"
Her beauty glows just like her
Golden eyes glow green at night
I get lost in the depths of her golden eyes
With their ring of emerald around
Her black pupils
Her eyes are so beautiful
Her fur is pure satin
She has a cute yet pretty way of smiling
Her whiskers tickle me
Just like her vibrating purr tickles
Me when she lays on my belly
She makes me giggle and laugh
Everyday with her is special
It is dancing sunshine and sunrays
We share kisses sometimes
And sometimes she'll lick my hand
Or my lily-white cheek
I love her so very much special feline Lady Jane
She is my sweet and close companion
A friend who supports me when I'm sad
Her name is Lady Jane
And this poem is about her

Dedicated to my sweetest kitty cat companion...Lady Jane!! :) ~~~~<3
Hope You All Enjoy This Poem!!! :) ~~~<3
 Apr 2014 Ben
Mike Hauser
i paint on you a blue tattoo
against your porcelain skin
coloured in to hide the truth
of where it is you've been

fill in your eyes with crayon white
with the slightest touch of grey
can't be to bright, i'll tell you why
so you don't give too much away

a blood red heart in the center of
the hole that's in your chest
i'll give to you colours seldom used
you can fill in all the rest
 Jan 2014 Ben
Sub Rosa
 Jan 2014 Ben
Sub Rosa
You should know that I complain.
A lot.
About the heat and the snow
and the ******* that cut me off on my way to the store.
I will complain. And whine.
Because no one ever listened before.

You should know that I might shy away from your fingers.
My self esteem has been smothered beyond resurrection
and I'll hide my face in the sunlight
and cower, blushing and shamed
when your hands show even the slightest hint of lust.

I hope you understand
that I will smile.
I will smile about the trees and the wind
and comment on the way tendrils of mist
wind through the valley
or how the colors of the pasture
are so vibrant in April.
And I will smile and sing to the windows.
You will listen, I hope.

You should know that sometimes,
when we creep along the highway in the evening
and a song comes on, dripping with sentiment
in the way the sun sets behind the mountains,
I will want you to be silent.
Hushed and still as the horizon.
I will need the radio up, the voices off,
I will need your fingers in mine.

I want you to know that I crave a listener.
An understand-er.
A know-er and do-er.
A lover.
I need silence and peace
and long drives into the dark.
I need whispers and songs
and summer breezes in the bedroom.
I need and want and lust and whine.

I'm selfish and sad
and I know you'll understand someday.
even if it takes a life-time.
 Jan 2014 Ben
sunday blues
 Jan 2014 Ben
today I didn't do anything but I cried
so perhaps I did more
than the average person did
I watched too many movies
but if I told you the number I might get embarrassed
and I cried when Robert De Niro cried
he reminds me a lot of my dad
especially in the movie I watched with his four kids that move away from home
and constantly lie to him about their lives
oh that's a lot like what my brothers and I do
we just don't wanna worry him, y'know

I spent most of my day in bed
let's say 75%
I went outside
but that was only to buy groceries
with the money I don't technically have

my mother wanted to call
but I didn't respond
somedays you just don't feel like talking and pretending
everything is alright
sometimes you need a day where everything's not alright so that you can figure out that everything indeed is alright
and if you're wondering, I've come around to the brighter side, despite
the ****** weather and my lazy body

my body might not forgive me yet
for all the **** I've put it through
it's mostly to do with secrets and regrets
there are some things I'll easily forget until my body gets sick
and it always gets sick

and I still haven't quite gotten the hang of
and what it really means
I'll get too little and drink too much coffee
or I'll get too much and eat too much

I have a friend visiting from another city this week
he reminds me what clarity means
and what resilience means
and what inner beauty means
and I think I'd like to have a picnic in the park with him
maybe lay in the breeze and soak up the sun
he's sixty but he looks forty and numbers don't mean a thing
which is why I've decided to admit
that I watched 8 movies today
maybe it's not really a poem
 Jan 2014 Ben
Jordan Frances
Terrified, he stood there
Lame like he’d been shot
And taken out again

Horrified, I laid there
For days and days, I stayed
Two wounded soldiers
One cause, one fight

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this disaster

We broke our spirits
No prior knowledge was needed
You practice what you preach
And I’m practicing empathy
In the worst way

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this disaster

Hello, I’m outdated again
I’m sorry that you let me in
I guess it wasn’t worth it
Or was it?

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this

Out of the right
Into the wrong
Fading the night
Into the dawn
It’s like opposites all over
With me fighting your battles
It’s like you and I need closure
From this disaster

We’re longing for closure, for freedom
From this disaster
For Brett
Strange strings of thought.
Thoughts of loyalty and love,
thoughts of friendship and of ambition
and my condition;
thoughts of submission of subtraction and addition.

Unravel the secret of the continent,
oh how you are persistent.
The road uncoils and I uncoil down the pavement.
Off i go.
Twisted days of golden glow.
Off I go, into the black hole
of the road.
 Jan 2014 Ben

Winter Again

The bitter air stings my face
And I can see my breath;
Only the birds of Winter remain,
The others have flown South.

Flowers remain asleep,
As the Arctic winds rage.
The only green trees
Are those mighty firs.

Snow and ice have
Rained upon the gardens.
Autumn shades are gone,
Winter has taken the lead.

Winter is such a joy,
When snowflakes kiss your cheeks;
And cling to your hair,—
Oh how I love Winter!

The lake is frozen in ice
And trees are bent over in snow.
At night the wolves howl to the moon
Complaining of the cold.

Silence and long dark months,
And waiting for Spring to dawn.
Slowly daylight lengthens,
And the air grows warmer.

Then on one day,
I ventured outside.
I saw Spring had arrived,
And Winter had flown away.

Timothy and Marian


Hiver à nouveau

L'air amer pique mon visage
Et je peux voir mon souffle ;
Seuls les oiseaux de l'hiver restent,
Les autres ont volé vers le sud.

Fleurs restent endormis,
Comme la rage des vents arctiques.
Les arbres verts uniquement
Sont celles des sapins puissants.

Neige et glace peuvent
Fit pleuvoir sur les jardins.
Nuances de l'automne ont disparu,
Hiver a pris les devants.

L'hiver est une telle joie,
Quand les flocons de neige embrassent tes joues ;
Et s'accrochent à vos cheveux, —
Oh comme j'aime hiver !

Le lac est gelé dans la glace
Et les arbres sont repliées dans la neige.
Dans la nuit, les loups hurlent à la lune
Se plaindre du froid.

Silence et mois longue et sombres,
Et en attente de printemps à l'aube.
Lentement la lumière du jour s'allonge,
Et l'air devient plus chaud.

Puis sur un jour,
Je me hasardai à l'extérieur.
J'ai vu le que printemps était arrivé,
Et l'hiver était envolé.

Timothy et Marian


Зима снова

Горького воздуха укусы мое лицо
И я могу видеть мое дыхание;
Осталось только птиц зимой,
Другие летали Юг.

Цветы остаются спит,
Как арктические ветры ярости.
Только зеленые деревья
Это те могучие ели.

Снег и лед
Дождь на сады.
Осенние оттенки ушли,
Зима взяла на себя инициативу.

Зима-это такая радость,
Когда снежинки поцеловать ваши щеки;
И цепляются за ваши волосы, —
Ох как я люблю зимой!

Озеро замерзает в лед
И деревья наклонился в снегу.
Ночью волки воют на Луну
Жаловаться на холод.

Тишина и длинные темные месяцы,
И ждет весны до рассвета.
Медленно летнее удлиняет,
И воздух теплее.

Затем на один день,
Я решился снаружи.
Я увидел, что пришла весна,
И зимой улетел прочь.

*Тимоти и Мэриан
This is a Dad and Daughter collaboration. Hope you enjoy!
If so, then we may well do more. :)
© Timothy 9 January, 2014.
© Marian 9 January, 2014.
 Jan 2014 Ben
Keith J Collard
It's ruined, random kiss,
mornings, sun, love renewing,
I sit on those sun bleached stones,
of our relationship's ruins,
toppled, symmetry of romantic Rome,
she says it's ruined,
but now we can be alone,
and with the palace undoing,
sunlight on her face has shown,
with the ceiling bluing,
sea breeze through her hair has blown,
ever pretty in my ruin viewing,
wall's wildflower for her I chose,
my love undying--stronger in ruins
holding hands to walk over stone.
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