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 Feb 2017 Bani Marathe
He isn't who I thought he was and I think that's what hurts most.  I talked about him as if he put every star in the sky and knew them all by name.  I always took pride in his dedication to me, to us.  Everyone wanted a love like ours.  Effortless. Enchanting. Constant obsessing over one another.  But things changed and life happened and he became someone I don't know.  He hurt me the most and it was silly of me to believe in him- that he could fix me.  I have always known love could make a person mad, but ******* I am going ******* insane.  I'm disgusted with how much more I have loved him than myself.  Chance after chance, his actions spoke louder than his words and he didn't choose me.  You would think that hurts worse than anything, but wow... I was so sure I knew him.  I was so sure of him, of us.  And that, is what hurts the most
 Feb 2017 Bani Marathe
Love me for who I am.
Broken and all,
 each damaged piece fits right back in to place when I fall.
Though fragile as I am,
I've been through a lot.
I'm tougher than you think,
please don't give it a second thought.
Though I may have been tumbled around all my life,
these bruises and scars tell a story of my strife.
  I'm alive and i'm breathing,
which is no easy feat.
My heart has grown strong.
Don't underestimate the weak.
from November, 2015*

"How do you know which one to choose", my granddaughter Emily asked , as we pulled into the parking lot of the shelter. "It will be the first one that gets up to meet us" I said, with a bit of anxiety.
After registering at the desk, we began the walk down the aisle, looking at the occupants of those cages that lined both sides. All of a sudden, about 10 feet in front of us, a grey and black striped leg with a white foot, came protruding out from the front of a cage. The paw began "flexing", as if signaling, "Hey! Over here!"
As I held her, and Emily stroked her forehead, she emanated a very strong, exuberant, vibrating, purr; contented, unafraid, her head tucked into the crook of my arm. We had found my Guardian Angel!

I whispered to her as softly as I knew how:

"We are going home-
I will always keep you safe,
I will never harm you
You will always have shelter, food, and water-
I will keep you warm in the winter........
and cool in the summer.......
You will not 'want', for love."

As I whispered those words, her purr grew stronger, her paw flexing against my arm. For you see, I am convinced that God told her we were coming, and to give us a sign to let us know where she was. It was He, who chose her for us. Some of you may not agree with that, and that's okay. It's important that me and Emily believe it. Regardless of which room I'm in(except the bath), she is there, as she is now, asleep on the foot of the bed as I write. My home isn't empty.... anymore.

copyright: richard riddle-11-11-2015

When my wife, Karen, passed away, the "angel" we had, Scheppes, stayed with me until she was twenty. Brie does not take her place, for she has her own place, and is doing quite well as a "Guardian Angel", in training!
Many men had whispered to her
That she was the kind of woman that men sat around wishing for
That she was the dream type

But as she opened her heart to the love they promised to fill her with
They realized that she didn't need them at all
 Feb 2017 Bani Marathe
long before you wish it upon me, it already happened.
long before you taught me that word, I knew exactly what they meant.
I seek refuge in you
I embrace the solace windy nights of December
The love and the caresses
The strokes and kisses;
I now feel numb
Drifting amidst my hazy dazes
The sweet melodious lullabies that put me to sleep
Tis your shelter i seek
The aesthetic in you
The comfort that your heart gives me
It aches me to look you in the eyes
Perhaps it's the attraction that leaves me scarred
As your eyes penetrate through my soul and quench me, completely!
There have been people in my life,
   A few to come and go;
But not one has ever meant as much,
   Till you, I came to know!

I didn't know what it really meant,
   To truly miss someone;
To feel this emptiness deep inside,
   Just knowing you are gone.

It's as if a part is missing,
   Something deep inside;
In a place that most can't reach,
  Right where your love resides.

I can't wait to see you again,
   It can't come soon enough;
To feel you arms wrapped around me,
   Embracing in our love!

I don't ever want to feel like this,
   To be all left alone;
Knowing I can have you near,
   And all the love you've shown!
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