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 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
Ree Bunch
Your lies were dipped in bittersweet chocolate;
with a heaping amount of caramel sauce drizzled on top.
I gobbled up more than I care to openly admit;
in fear of what others will think and say.
After enjoying your momentary treats;
came the truth;
with so much salt, it was baffling to eat.


(10 w)

The lies I ate, but
the truth I couldn’t take.
Quiet mind, immersed
in palest, warmest yellow.

Molecules within
find alignment
with infinity.

Silvery mercurial fluid
paints my bones
with gentle light.

You have come back.

Abundantly, warm salt
water envelopes me.

Even in this chair,
in this empty room.

On dry land.
©Elisa Maria Argiro
 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
She was nature, beautiful
But deadly, her cheeks as
Scornful as a rose, the smile hid
The thorns underneath.

Her presence though unseen,
Could be felt, like the sun's warm
Breath on bare winter skin.

She led him somewhere secret
As the night lures the stars,
As clouds gorge on the
Fragile light of the moon.

Over the crumbled bodies
Of leaves, into the alien
Land of tranquility.

When he woke, hands burning,
There was nothing left to see.
Only a faint feeling glistening
In the air, a failing heart and
A tongue full of dreams.
© copyright
 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
Lora Lee
"Help!" she screamed.
"I'm on fire!"
But the blaze was from within
ignited by passion's light
on the way to heavenly sin
Hair a-glow
Eyes sparkling
each chakra lit up
in color
resembling the flash
of neon lights'
reflections upon each other
but this illumination
was much deeper and bright
this kindling of spirit
a vivification  set a-light
a mindfire tuned to rivet
Yes she is waking up
after years of deepest slumber
she is finally releasing to the winds
old dreams,
ripped a-sunder
They flapped on the laundry line
were torn in pieces by the storms
So is it not surprising
That now she is re-born?
Is it not to be expected
That she weaves a brand new
made from her inner fabric
and soon it won’t be long
that those fine-spun silks
start twirling up
dancing in the air
as her fire keeps on burning
and passion rides
her flare

 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
Lora Lee
in the solitude
of my darkness
emotion causes
temporary blindness
I dive deep into the layers
of blanketed black
covering myself
for comfort
the stars sparkle to me
in their own language
yet I cannot hear them
for the rush in my ears
my heart
stirs beneath my chest
as my sword stays in scabbard
fires in the brush
leave their embers
I take some cinders and
slash them over
my cheeks
to match this inner night
with purity
try to still the
murky waters
of my being
and then
in one outpour of dark vessel
I am flooded
the scent of blood
in the air
the taste of tears
upon my tongue
the night is gone but for
the candle's
 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
Lora Lee
In this restless desert
things are not as
dry as they seem
for after the plentiful rains
the temporal grass has spread
as quick and alive as wildfire
Looking velvety to the touch,
it waves in synchronicity
as the wind sweeps through
its sharp blades
like a tender stroke of hair
from a lover
wildflowers peep
their heads of color
over the shoots
in vibrant frequencies:
       crimson, yellow, purple
I want to run through them
festoon them upon
my queenly being
not actually touching them
just reveling
in their existence
I want to become vested
in the accoutrements
of simplicity
wear them upon
my essence
in tiny points
of effervescent love
particles of colored joy
that mark me with pointillism
so that when I am sitting
in the cold lonely of the night
I can embrace them
in their royal glory
and be caressed by
the loyalty
      of their
 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
Lora Lee
Within me
there are folds among folds
twisted  paths
like veins mixed
with telephone wires
some newer some old
Communication is getting dusky
then clear
I am sitting in that chair
connecting phone lines
my headphones on
communicating with
celestial bodies
The ones welling up
in my brain
They are calling to my heart
telling it to
Rise up
over the earth
take flight
lifting its frequencies
Yes a connection had been made
Yes the line between
earth and sky
fixed from being
a spectral kind of
lets loose within me
and soon my fingers
get all tangled up
It is no longer important
which wire goes where
because we are all connected
as silver threads
among stars
and my love bursts forth
as mystic and pure
as fireflies
from a glowing
 Mar 2016 Aztec Warrior
Lora Lee
Take my face
between your palms
look into my eyes
and read me
let my mind imprint yours
emblazen you with  
naughty, loving thoughts
let the steam curl
up into your brain
get you high
Put your lips
on me
give me words
from your tongue
let me write on your skin
with mine
Embolden me
let the light from your
poet's eyes
inject and trip my mind

Then, knowing I am yours
feeling sure

Release me
Let me run
Let me shed inhibitions to the wind
Let them fly
As streamers of light
For I am blessed, today
I feel the power
of that untamed force
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