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In a garden kissed by the morning dew,
A rosebud dreams, its petals few.
Wrapped in green, held tight and low,
It longs to bloom, but fears to grow.

The sun shines bright, a guiding light,
“Rise and shine, embrace your fight!”
But the earth holds firm, the roots dig deep,
Each sip a struggle, each step to leap.

The wind whispers soft, “You’ve got this, just wait,
Break the chains, embrace your fate.”
But doubt sneaks in, whispers of fear,
“Will I bloom? Will I appear?”

Through stormy nights and endless trials,
The rosebud fights, mile by mile.
Each thorn a victory, each tear a sign,
Of a journey hard, yet purely divine.

Then one day, with gentle grace,
The bud breaks free, reveals its face.
Petals unfold, in vibrant hue,
A story of strength, in colors true.

For in every struggle, beauty’s born,
A rose that blooms, from dusk till dawn.
And all who witness, all who see,
Find hope in how this rose came to be.

©Priyanka Bhagat
Somewhere in a high castle, time stands still,  
Sleeping beauty sleeps against her own will.  
Certain dreams just bide their time,  
In hope for a love so sublime.

In her siesta so deep, many lessons speak,
 In a quiet breath, in gentle sleep.  
Patience is foremost as the world will turn,
 At every dawn, there is a chance to learn.

While she sleeps , wisdom is found,  
That karma is real and everything eventually comes around.  
It’s kindness that wins the day,
And it's resilience that finds the way.

Her patience  teaches us the  fate’s embrace,
That achievements doesn't  use force but consistent grace.
To trust the journey , and just let it be,
And after a while you shall see.

A gentle peck on her lips, a love’s true call,
Awakens a desire that fears no fall.
In silence a lot of dreams are spun,
Boldly facing your life trials , you  know you have already won.

So even when you sleep , keep alive your  dreams,
For life’s not always what it seems.
Make sure that new seed is sown,
And through your patience, you will see  that you have grown

Work hard with no  rush or strife,
But with the calm knowledge of knowing life.
Because Sleeping Beauty’s tale is definitely true,
The lesson learnt here is that the  greatest strength lies deep within you.

©Priyanka Bhagat
My third poem inspired by the fairytale Sleeping Beauty .. hope you like it
In a castle where shadows crept and curled,  
Lived a beast, feared by the world.  
But within his roar, a silence dwelled,  
A heart that once in sorrow swelled.  

Beauty saw beyond the beastly mask,  
In kindness, she found her task.  
For love, she knew, is not just sight,  
It blooms in the darkest night.  

She taught that grace is more than skin,  
It’s the love we give, the strength within.  
In patience, she untied the knot,  
That cruelty and fear had tightly wrought.  

The beast’s true face was never shown,  
Until Beauty’s love had grown.  
A lesson here, both old and new,  
True beauty is found in what we do.  

So heed this tale, let love be your guide,  
For every beast has a soul inside.  
It’s in the heart, where true love's feast,  
We find our beauty, we find our beast.

©Priyanka Bhagat
Inspired by the fairytale beauty and the beast .
I walked the woods today,
strolled under the quite shade of
towering old growth evergreens,
their scent upon me conveyed
simple peaceful solitude, there were
birds and squirrels unconcerned
with me, busy with their own pursuits.
A young Buck Deer browsing raised his
head for a quick peek, then went right
back to eating. For a moment I felt as if
I was the only human in the world and
that thought did not disturb me in the least.
I do not know much about
loneliness, I have never felt it.
That makes me a rather lucky
person. Perhaps even unusual.
Not in a palace, but rather where purpose redeems,
Cinderella learnt the value of dreams.
She discovered her own brightness
amid the ashes—not by elaborate clothing, but rather with inner strength,  that's surely inspiring.

Despite the loud mocking from her step-sisters ,
she managed to rise above the superficial whispers.
Her inner personality was shown in deeds of kindness;
Her daily compass was patience and righteousness.

Her destiny wasn't sealed by the glass slipper, but it did highlight her great in  her ,
Since genuine magic exists in her heart
So bold that it sets her apart

Ler her path to encourage you to take a chance
It’s when you struggle you will find your stance
Let Cinderella's story be a reflection for you to see
That everyone of us has the ability to set ourselves free .

©Priyanka Bhagat
Lessons I learnt from reading Cinderella .... if you like this .. send me a note on the next fairy tale poem that I should write
In the silence before the bell rings clear,  
A woman stands with no trace of fear.  
Her fists are clenched, her gaze is tight,  
She knows the battle won't end tonight.

The ropes may bind, but not her soul,  
For every strike, she takes control.  
In every round, a lesson’s found,  
A warrior’s spirit, unbowed, unbound.

She dances with shadows, swift on her feet,  
Turning each challenge into defeat.  
Her gloves may bruise, but never break,  
For in her heart, no room for fake.

Life throws punches, hard and fast,  
But she’s built to endure, to last.  
Through every fall, she rises tall,  
A testament that we can have it all.

Each jab, a truth; each hook, a fight,  
She battles in darkness to find the light.  
In her eyes, a fire, in her heart, a song,  
She teaches the world where we belong.

For in the ring, as in life, we see,  
Strength is not in muscle, but in being free.  
To stand, to fight, to never flee,  
She’s a champion of life’s wild sea.

This is her lesson, her enduring creed,  
To rise, to fight, to always lead.  
In the ring, she finds her way,  
And shows us all we can win the day.
Inspired by women boxers in a ring ... hope you like it ... follow for follow back .
In the quiet embrace of dawn's gentle rise,  
The sun threads golden through the branches wide.  
Between the trees, where shadows softly play,  
A dance of light ignites the waking day.

Silent beams weave through leaves' tender green,  
Crafting patterns unseen, yet so serene.  
Each ray a whisper, a story untold,  
Of warmth, of growth, of courage bold.

The trees stand tall, their roots deep and strong,  
Guiding light along a path so long.  
They teach of patience, of seasons' flow,  
How strength and grace together grow.

In shadows cast by towering might,  
The sun finds paths to share its light.  
For every heart that feels the night,  
A dawn will break, dispelling fright.

So stand like trees, reach for the sky,  
Let sunlight in, let shadows lie.  
For in each moment's fleeting grace,  
The sun reveals life's hidden place.
Inspired by sun shining through tall trees in a forest
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