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You think you're a lost cause
but you're just stuck in the middle.
Life's been hard since you were little.
I don't know every thing,
but I know it's getting warm outside
and you're going to be fine.

You think you're a cancer
but just wait and see
that you'll heal yourself,
like you helped heal me.
This may sound cliché,
but it's getting warm outside  
and you're going to be fine.
(T)onight we get *****
(I) prepared all the tools
(E)nter my dark room

(M)ake me suffer. I
(E)njoy the pain

(U)ltimate bliss
(P)leasure attained

(C)andle wax poured on my skin
(H)umiliate me im hankering after it
(O)n my knees i ll beg for it
(K)eep me on the line
(E)nsure my spice

(M)ake me lose control
(E)mmerse my soul

Words Of Harfouchism
you fall
you gently kiss the earth
you hydrate us and our world
so quietly

there is a slight hum as you pass my ears
I love it
I walk through the forest
the leaves are a thousand different colors

the pitter patter of the leafs dripping
the trees bark almost black in areas
soft foam coming from the tree
the leaves are shiny on the ground

the air smells of wet pine tree
and decomposing pine needles and acorns
the red bird flies from birch to birch
and pick the holly leaves
the Blue Jay screeches and flies away

while in the distance a squirrel
soaked from the rain runs to his tree
in his mouth there is about  a dozen nuts

I walk up the path
I can see all of the uprising roots
the trees drip from the extra water
the air is chilly
but to me rain
you are peaceful
and you are what makes me happy
You lurk everywhere
I see you in the shadows
you manipulate this earth
you make it dark
you make the kids have dreams

you scare those who mind their own
you chase away the light
you bring clouds
you bring the night fall
the thought of the unknown

we jump every time
even if we hear ourselves breath

but I have power over you
so there for I declare war
I will fight you till death
and I will see light break this

but I don't declare this war alone
I have sisters and brothers
there are thousands of them
and we will stand together

when you decide you are going to attack one
we will all stand against you
you will be cast back to where you belong
I will know the difference
when you knock on my door
I will not answer
for you are not worth my time
  Nov 2014 Ashley Lani Cross
love me
I don't care what they think
                                    your words will destroy me
I'm fine
                                    i cant take it anymore
I'm just lazy
                                    ive lost my drive to live
I'll get over it
                                    i cried myself to sleep last night
My family cares about me
                                    not even a touch
I'm an open book
                                    i have the darkest secrets known to man kind
I'll talk to you about it later
                                    *not even a whisper
it starts here
                           then keeps moving
                                           It burns
                                              but there
                                                is nothing
                                               I can do
                                            but sit and
                                        when will
                                     it stop
                                  my body
                               writhes in
                            pain.. I
                          feel my tears
                      fall down my
                  muscles burn
                   and by back crunches
                     I will not give up
                         this is my battle
                             and I wont stop
                                   im going to win
                                            I have control
                                          and no one will stray
                                        me away from what I have
                                   chosen and I will fight ...then
                                 I can watch you writhe in pain when
                                    I stab you and put you in pain
                                       I can promise that you will
                                             regret what you have
                                                             y   u
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