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 Jan 2021 Mosca
Amber Heaney
Life is a ditch, in which we sit
Digging, digging
Trying to find a way out
Searching, searching
Until we find the light
Wrote this many (many) moons ago as a frustrated teen. I chuckled when I discovered it, looked to my teenage son, and remembered what it was like to feel such keen emotion.
 Jan 2021 Mosca
Amber Heaney
 Jan 2021 Mosca
Amber Heaney
I found
Your picture
And it
Didn’t hurt
To look
At first
Then I
Longed for
The stabbing
Pain in
My heart
As much
As I
Long for
More grief. Different stage.
 Jan 2021 Mosca
Dennis Willis
The exigencies of solace
touch can be a        

skin can be a

this rigid muscle
in my back
needs talked down

i am fallen
and rolling

out of need
to just see
 Aug 2020 Mosca
Jordon Rivir
I’ve simply lost sight,
The landing I can’t see,
I can’t find the person,
I used to want to be.
I woke up one day,
Nothing to believe,
I live comatose,
With nothing to dream.
I need help, but I’m ashamed of my failure. I can’t help my son, because I can’t help me. I don’t want him to drown with me, he deserves better than that.
 Aug 2020 Mosca
 Aug 2020 Mosca
Threads of light from a waking sun,
Illuminate the dreams,
That rest on your eyelids.
And you carry them with you,

wherever you go.
 Aug 2020 Mosca
Jessica Duru
There is no greater pain
than the loss of a child
An innocent being
brought into the world;
Conceived for a purpose,
and born to bring light,
to shine aglow,
and to bring joy to every mortal
that walks the earth

A child born to bloom;
Like a flamboyant
standing in the meadow
And the red roses
standing in the sun
But soon taken away
from the world,
and snatched from the nest of its mother,

A mother so longed
to be blessed,
and her prayers be heard
from the heavens
Her heart is broken
Her tears worsened
from the pain,
as they go wetting the ground
like a flowing river,
and a running stream
bound to flow
And shall it continue to be
Or her heart be healed
from her aching loss.....

A Mother's Loss
The first part of this poem narrates how a mother loses her child. A child she had longed hoped for, only for him to end up at death's horrific embrace.
The second part, titled "Death Eater", describes how little children were taken away so soon from their mothers' grip, as they wept and mourned in pains....
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