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annieohk Nov 2018
I have often wondered
Where nothing comes from
Does being nothing
Make it something?
Does it radiate
From some unknown realm
Only to fade once again
Into nothingness?
Does nothing sustain itself
Or is it created?
Some days my tiny life
Feels like nothing
But in the grand scheme
Of things
I know I matter
annieohk Nov 2018
Sometimes in the stillness of
my own heartbeat
I can hear yours
as though it beats inside me
giving me life and
moving my breath along
like the blood that flows through my veins
it's as though we are one
And if you should ever leave me
I would cease to be me
And I would die
It's in the quiet
That I can sense your presence
and the strength of your love
Stay with me
Even though I walk away from you
Stay with me
So I may live
annieohk May 2017
What would you say
If you knew it would all end soon
What would you do if there were
No more tomorrows
I'm not clairvoyant
But my heart knows what it knows
Mercy has been given freely
And yet so many reject it
They go on with their little lives
In their own little ways
Without a thought as to where
They will spend forever
This is not all there is
And what you have today matters not
For it will all disappear in the blink of an eye
The things you hold dear, and the possessions
You strive for will all be gone
You have a choice to make before
You leave this world
For one day you will stand naked and ashamed
Or you will stand forgiven and righteous
You decide
Just do it.........soon
  May 2017 annieohk
all things reconciled within love
hearts expand
like the ever expansive Universe
from which the fleshy parts
are made
and the spirit glimpses, somehow
the eternal from a single point
in space and time, called love.
annieohk Oct 2015
Toothless grins, gummy smiles
Eyes like saucers and lashes that rest on
Perfect cheeks, like a priceless painting
Child of mine, you are a work of art
A part of me - the best and truest form
Why couldn't you stay that way?
Dependent on me, always seeking my hand
My lap, or shoulder
The shelter of my arms
Encircling you in a ring
Of protective motherly love
My heart breaks and weeps
For anyone who has not known such love
It is the highest high and fragrant as a flower
I breathe deep and inhale you
Knowing you won't stay this way forever
I want to hold you close once more
And feel your tiny arms around my neck
I long to hear your squeaky voice and soft lisp
Just one more time
Child of mine, you grew too fast
And even though I thought I wouldn't
I let so many precious days slip through my fingers
And now you have a child of your own
Another blue eyed girl to love and cherish
It's almost like having you back for one more
Childhood dream
And now you too will know how it feels
To love a daughter
annieohk Oct 2015
Sometimes I lay in bed and watch
The ceiling fan trace its never ending pattern
If I blink rapidly the blades seem to slow
In bursts of suspended animation
This is also my life as
I watch the never ending pattern
Woven day by day, minute by minute
But if I blink, it does not slow
It merely vanishes out of reach
And I don't even know what I missed
So why am I wasting time watching a fan?
annieohk Sep 2015
sometimes when I least expect it
a moment of crystal clarity washes over me
permeating my very soul
a seed inside me blooms wide open
revealing a secret kept hidden
at the very edge of my thoughts
i marvel at the utter simplicity
of what was once
unreachable and unknowable
why could I not wrap my mind around it before?
ahhh....... I see
these secrets must be understood
with the heart
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