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  Sep 2015 annieohk
He always held her hand a little bit tighter
Stared a little bit longer, always the last to look away
He would count every strand when twirling her hair
and then start again when he lost his place
He saw every bump and bruise, every stretch and scar
and loved them like they were his tattoos
His voice was a type of fix that puts the name-brand-coffee to shame
His chest, a safer wall than the ones that line her house
His arms, telling her to settle down, using his lips for assistance

She believed it
only when he didn't say it.

But every time the words dripped from his tongue,
her hands would shake
Every time it settled in his sighs, she would hide behind
the curtain of her hair
Every time it croaked in his laugh, every bruise got darker
and every old scar stung again

*You are beautiful.
annieohk Sep 2015
years passing too fast
I am grateful for each one
looking ahead now
annieohk Sep 2015
white petals drift down
whispering so soft to me
*yes, he loves you not
annieohk Sep 2015
I remember the day we met
When our eyes locked, and then locked again, and again
We were like tiny insects caught in a web
Neither one of us able to look away
Then I turned around and when I looked back
You were swallowed up in the crowd
I walked back to look for you but you were gone
And I felt my insides break into tiny pieces
Even though I didn't even know your name
I walked a little further, heart pounding
With palpable disappointment
Just when I  thought I had lost you forever
There you were again - and those eyes!
You uttered one word, hello
I heard the resonance of your voice and a slight accent
With the driest mouth all I could manage was hi
But we weren't free to talk
So we kept walking in opposite directions
I looked back, more than once
And you were always looking back at me
It was as though we both knew we'd be apart
But what I didn't know then
Was that I'd never see you again
Funny how it all played out
With hundreds of miles between us
A non-relationship carried by phone calls
And letters and empty promises
I cared so much more than you did
I'll always remember the last time we talked
It was your birthday and you called me
My heart was yours then but you didn't want it
And when the silence fell as my tears rained down
You kept asking me what was wrong
My whole world was wrong then
But I couldn't say a word
Because you really didn't want to know
Hanging up the phone was one of the hardest things I've ever done
Becuase I knew we were over
Before we even began
And now I wonder
Do you remember?
annieohk Sep 2015
**** the stupid spam
and not the kind in the can
i'm tired of scrolling
so annoying to see the repetitive spamming - makes it hard to enjoy the actual poetry. Does anyone actually call those numbers?!!!!!!!!!
annieohk Sep 2015
sunlight on fresh snow
treasure of diamond sparkles
just beyond my reach
annieohk Sep 2015
I don't think winter
Was ever meant to be
Who can live when the cold
Freezes your soul?
I want the warmth of the sun
To kiss my skin
I want the delicate flutter of
A butterflys wing against my cheek
But nature plays this cruel trick
On me every September
It cajoles me with red and gold leaves
The shades of amber and burnt orange
Delight my eyes
All the while the leaves are dying
And I will never behold them again
Bare branches will reach up like skeletal arms
Against dull gray clouds
Snow will descend and a hush will fall
Like death, but not quite
And I must wait so long for the first bloom
Of color to push up through the spring snow
Promising the warmth of summer to follow
I don't think winter
Was ever meant to be
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