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 Jul 2015 Anna Levesque
As I lay me down for sleep,
Know my vow I said I'd keep...

When grim of dream
comes seeping in
And cruelest monsters
scratch my skin
I shall seek safety
I've found in you
Shielded by a love
so sweet and true
I promise to fight
the vexatious dark
And find myself calm
with nary a mark.

So peaceful sleep, please find me now
I close my eyes, heart holding vow
I go out to dinner with a near stranger
we sit on the same side of the booth and
I think about how you're the only one who
knows how much I hate that

I drink a drink with ***** and lime and
***** and it almost makes me feel like
I know who I am when I'm with someone else

I don't think of you often but last night I did
I remembered how your arms are the
only place where I am not self-conscious

I lie next to him on my balcony and
there are a lot of stars above us but
I'm the only one who notices

he is thinking about what I look like naked and
I'm counting how many hours of sleep
I will get if he leaves before 2

there is not an absence of feeling,
just a different kind than I'm used to
he touches my hand and I smile in
a way that doesn't feel forced

I spend a day with a near stranger and realize
there is so much he does not know about me,
so much he doesn't care to

like how I got my nose pierced at 14 or
the amount of time I spend in the mirror each morning
picking myself into something I can carry only semi-confidently

he only learns I can't ride a bike when he asks if I want to
he has no idea that my blonde is shielding a deep brown or
when I got the freckle above my lip or
the inch long scar underneath my chin

he doesn't care and that's okay
when he leaves we say I miss you but
in a different way than I'm used to

it is not a pain swelling to be morphined
nor is it a pulling from the gut but instead
it is the ever temporary desire to fill the excess lonely

we say I miss you and still mean it but
it is not the missing that a body feels for
a phantom limb

I am with him now and probably will be again but
moving on doesn't mean I don't miss you
it only means I'm trying not to

just because I'm all right doesn't mean
I don't wonder how you are
I can still be happy with the existence of a quiet ache

but yes I do
miss you,
I will until the day I can sleep without having to count sheep
I will miss you even if there are no stars in the sky to remind me

I don't think of you but last night I did
the moon was too bright and
I was the only one
who noticed
 Jul 2015 Anna Levesque
I said - what?!
I can earn much cash
as long as
I serve enough ads?
Food & Drink ? (please.)
   *" and who would think
   the Hive would lie?
       Besides -
   You and I both know we're better off than the next guy
   You know, the left side type to return from work and gets high? " *
I tend to the bars to ascend into stars
probably end up on Mars by the time I end this verse -
'cause life's too short not to fight this war
   So worry free? Never me.
I liked when words
get the recipe - stirred
must be, -
why I'm the latest scoop
must be, -
when I didn't post up on the greatest stoop
See - it let me be free, - unnerved
instead of
splurging at every urge occurring and I'm worried
so of course I'm surging with venom,
one man's poison and is another man's medicine
but every moment you're in is blurring with desire and sin and
Emergency - Insurgency
Insurance schemes - and murderous fiends
swerving from being purged of their devilish ways
and I thought I was just at the rebellious age
but this is the rebellious age, where selfishness gets paid
Personally? I don't know if I'll never make it well...
probably wake up naked in the bottom of a well
for the words I wrote and just
walk up to gates of hell
ugh... let me re-explain myself....
 Jul 2015 Anna Levesque
My mom asks me, why is it
that I sleep so much
She questions if I think reality is good enough

I don't have the courage to tell her that
I prefer dreams
And I can't seem to muster up
the right words to say

reality is exhausting
and all I do is feel

I feel everything
whether intensely
and I don't know how much longer
I can take these emotions gnawing at my tongue
Or if I handle the scratching in the back of my throat
begging me to say how I truly feel

And I know better then to tell her
that in my dreams
are where I can meet
up with you

This fantasy
A timeless taunting
of you and I

At least in dreams

I won't be tortured by the inability to touch you
I pull you in
as your willing to be swallowed
I'd be submissive to your touch

At least in dreams

I can listen to your heart beat
as you listen to mine
and my heart frantically drums at my rib cage
just from the thought of you
beside me

In dreams I can even leave small peaks
along your collar bone

I can intertwine our trembling fingers
lazy traces
of me
over your flesh

At least in dreams

I can swallow your enchanting sighs
with our mingling lips
then use my fingertips
to study the rise and fall
of your hips

In my dreams
I will use my tongue to write poetry
along your satisfied skin

I know that in dreams
there's a chance

you'll love me.
(a rough draft) Thanks for reading!
Please bring down your fortress of distrust
Let me be your dragonflame, let me melt
All your worries, let me cleanse your rust
Let me show you how I've always felt!
 Jul 2015 Anna Levesque
 Jul 2015 Anna Levesque
******* your so high
and very big
yet so small
you know comparatively
I can reach you
in a metal bird
and surpass you
in a rocket
but only for a time
eventually I return
to my proper place
while you remain
up there
See others meet their soul mate's whilst their one life they liveth on earth,
Me and mine soulmate met long ago ages not on man's Richter scale,
But in a past life,
Wherein time doesn't keep itself...
 Jul 2015 Anna Levesque
she’s the breathe of fresh air
in this toxic pollution
and even when there’s nothing left here
no future, but fear, she’s got a solution
so no, it’s not easy to be renewing -
but so easy, to ruin -
one match this bridge is gone
roadblocks can make us feel trapped and lost
but I want your hand clasped as we cross
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