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14.9k · Jan 2015
Amy Jan 2015
I thought I knew myself better than anyone,
The hours I spent
Stood in front of the mirror
Picking new masks to hate every
Day, Hour, Minute

I thought there was nothing more to me,
The pale skin, chewed fingernails,
The tired eyes
Reflecting the sleepless nights- the morning coffee
I thought I was worth nothing.

One night the stars sent me you,
I still see you as a gift
So delicate and fragile;
One mistake and you'd slip through my fingers
Gone. To someone who deserves you.

You unfurled galaxies in my eyes
Flowers in my mind
And feeling in my veins,
You breathed life into my lungs
Sang promises into my ear -

Filling my head with the thought of you.
You have hold of my heart
As though it was precious to you,
But I know better than anyone, if you let it go
then Darling, so will I.
2.2k · Feb 2015
Amy Feb 2015
I find Nirvana in the smallest things,
in the laughter of strangers,
in the perfect edges of morning frost,
in the duvet curled protecting my toes,
in the silence and loneliness of night
and in the chatter of a city street.

I find Nirvana in the hope of things,
in the scent of the sea,
in the tale of far away lands,
in the pictures of distant places,
in the eyes of someone new
and the stories they have to tell.

I find Nirvana in the love for people,
in their parting words on a long trip,
in the bond they make with each other,
in the fortress that is family,
in the affection shown to strangers
and loved ones alike.

I find Nirvana wherever I search,
It is peace and happiness
tranquility and love,
It is in laughter and music
landscapes and faces,
Mostly, it is too often left behind.
607 · Mar 2015
Scribbling on tables
Amy Mar 2015
I have so much to thank you for
but I don't think I will,
there is so much to love you for
but I don't think I can,
we have so much to admire you for
but I know that I don't.
on the upcoming Mothers Day.
539 · Jan 2015
Amy Jan 2015
You are the first light on a summer morning
You are the wind in the trees on a crisp winters day
You are the laughter in the back of a cinema
And the cry of birds far out to sea
You are my Sun, my moon and everything in between.
You are mine and oh god, I adore you.

— The End —