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 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
دema flutter
living in the moment
lasts for the moment,

loving myself
requires living every single moment
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
I could write something beautiful
And poetic
About his lack of love for me
But the emptiness
Consumes all my senses
And I fear all the words that come to mind when I think of him are

‘How could you?’
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
Robert Frost
But outer Space,
At least this far,
For all the fuss
Of the populace
Stays more popular
Than populous
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
you broke me like a pen
messy and dark
let my ink sink into your skin
and leave a permanent mark
simple but deep
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
castle 1
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
through the corridor,
the steps of your heart have a beat
the balcony on the second floor,
the creases in my sheets
 Jan 2021 Amir Raza
Jane Austen
This little bag I hope will prove
To be not vainly made —
For, if you should a needle want
It will afford you aid.
And as we are about to part
T'will serve another end,
For when you look upon the Bag
You'll recollect your friend.
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