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 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Ryan Hoysan
All I really ask of this world is that I get to make some use
Of the choices I have made.
I have gotten my license with very specific intentions in mind.
I’d like to manage my trip to work
In a manner that’s just the slightest bit more simple.
I would like to see her
More easily than before
So that if after class
Or even after a long day of work
If I should say
I miss your smiling face honey,
I could then immediately remedy that
With an inquiry as to whether there was
Any chance that I might see that face
That beautiful face
that brings the light back to  
my tired eyes.

I would like to clear the water however

I am not asking the king
To bow down to me

I am not asking Caesar
To hand his palace to me

I just strive to spend time even though
With the one person
Out of all of those in the world
That softens my heart
And brings happiness to a day
That may have been otherwise burdened
By sadness and woe.
Too bad I'm not completely independent and autonomous.

I realize that just because I'm 18 and that I am "technically" an adult, I don't immediately get the ability to do whatever I **** well please. But why is it that I can use the car that I take to college to go seemingly everywhere but to see that person, my girlfriend, that makes me feel happier than anyone else could ever make me? It seems like they're looking for something to complain about now that I am giving them less and less to find fault in. One day things will change, but for now things are as they are... And that is out of my control.
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
He said I’m a great poet.
Never stop writing he said, never.
He told me he loves my work, he said he loves me.
He made me feel something again.
I’m afraid to lose him, he means everything to me.
He has taught life lessons.
I’m different, I have changed people notice.
He helped me realize I’m beautiful.
I’m so much more confident.
I would of never wrote this much and pursued writing more if it weren’t for him.
I love him, I love him this is the best feeling in the world.
This is dedicated to someone special. I love you.
I know this world is sometimes hard and even a little depressing.
But you have given me so much and taught me a lot.
I will always remember you, always.
I think this will be my last poem for the night, maybe lol unless I think of something else to write :)
I love all of you and thank you so much for everyone who follows me and who has given me support here on Hellopoetry.
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Ma Cherie
Sing me back home
to where I need to be
sing me a tune of my
tell me a story
of saddened goodbyes
a melody of tears
that we've cried

belt out the words
with no holdin' back
I need reminders
to get me on track
takin' the old worn
railroad bed
hummin' along
with the ones in my head

Oh.. how I long to hear
that lonesome whistle blow
as a haunting old sounds will recall
remind me of how
it all faded away
as each passin' moment
remind me of gladness
sung just yesterday
where I left my heart....

kindly paint me a picture
of each Broken Heart
torn down the middle
in a red Jagged line
color the shades
in a envious green
crooning blue ink
my heart
to remind

Oh... remind me...,

yesterday's dreams
and promises broken
open my ears to
the sounds of Goodbye
force me to listen
to people I'm hurtin'
watch every tear
as it drops when they cry

Oh... how I long ...
to listen
as Sweet Singin' Tunes
will recall
lovely ol' footsteps
of children
dancin' in summer
down vacant Halls
remind me of how
it all faded a-way
of how I got here
with each passing day
hangin' on evr'y word
that you say
in words
with smilin'  faces
as my mind returns
as it's slowly

and I .....
remember.... when.

Cherie Nolan © 2016
Lyrics...I think in folk/gospel style....again about Home with Love from Vermont
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Baby songbird
Sadly unheard
Sprinkling  her tunes
Along the dunes

The flowers, the tress and the honeybees
Whisper to her in the breeze
Little songbird
Come share your love
Let it fly on the wings of a dove

Populate use with fragrant
colors  of joy
Purple, yellow, silver and gold
Nothing left inside but a single note to hold

Sing pretty bird sing
for all to behold
Not sure where it went
So reposting
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
Do we choose to love
Or is that choice made from above
Do the stars and moon have to align
Or is it simply by design
Do elfs sprinkle us with fairies dust
Or do our phermones collide and  combust
Do we instinctively recognize our soul mates
Or do we have date 100 mistakes

We can not demand love
We can not command love
We can stage seduction
We can mount a courtship
Illusions dancing together
But not love 

Love is a force of nature
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
All she wanted was to be loved
Loved unconditionally
Unconditional and safe
Safe from the things that go bump in the night
Night dreams wrapped in cotton
Cotton soft and warm
Warm embrace of strong arms
Arms that keep her  secure
Secure in the love she always wanted
 Sep 2016 Ami Shae
He left for work everyday in his khaki's and sweater
But she knew better
Feeling the rage of his leather
Bare foot and pregnant
Everything looked perfect and pleasant
The family jacket was the talk of the neighborhood
Henry and Hank their fathers son's 
Grace, her heart, her moon, her sun.
The daughter from another
Her one and only true love.
He pretends he doesn't know
Taking out his anger
Blow by blow
The family jacket
Oh how he adored her
So beautiful his sweet little
The family jacket is a creole saying for another man's child
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