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 May 2017 Amber Curtis
 May 2017 Amber Curtis
Make her see
through my eyes

Make her see
the peace I'm trying to find

Make her see
further than I could ever measure

Make her see
that right now I'm blind
i promise
i quit
if it hurts you, i won't do it
all of these promises
have been shattered
so should i believe you
when you say
stay, i love you.*
you've went back on your word
so many times
it's not fair for me to stay anymore
Just a little something I thought up today
my love for
is strictly
because what else
could it be?

I sit on her
and smile at every
word she says.
Her soft hand
my knee, exposed
by my shorts,
as she laughs.
Out of nowhere she states,
“I like the
of heaven, but
if there’s not a
I realize then what
that statement.
we were talking about religion,
ironic to me is just that,
we were talking about religion
while I worship the
she walks on.

My love for
is strictly
I worship her,
but only as a
 May 2017 Amber Curtis
Before you jump into a life that doesn't fit you,
Get to know yourself the same way
You would get to know someone else.
Observe what you do, not what you say.
You may find that your actions
Clash with your fashionable self-portrait.
Copyright © 2017 Oby. All rights reserved.
 May 2017 Amber Curtis
I let him touch me
trace the curve of my spine
Glide his fingertips over all my insecurities
I told myself it would be okay

Now I'm thinking
maybe from the start
I wasn't okay

It had made sense
they were
lips locked- hands searching
finding nothing but bliss

So why couldn't I find the same?

It started off slow
a flick of the light switch
a giggle past closed lips
then he tugged on my shirt
I went with the flow

Why did I ignore my inner pleas?

Side by side
I couldn't feel any closer
a tickle of breath on my neck
hands trailing
I told him to stop

Or so I thought I did
because quiet is my game
and sometimes words fail to make it past my lips

she tells me I'm not wrong to feel the way I do
but aren't I?
I can't comprehend what I want
or how I should feel

I'm a walking calamity
I just need to learn how to speak
I go so long without writing poems that when I like yearn to write sometimes but nothing makes sense
I couldn't think of a name for this poem
just like you can't think of what to say
when you ask if I'm ok
and I respond **no
 May 2017 Amber Curtis
honest boy
your words are written in the sky
whenever you love
it's cross the heart, hope to die

look at you darling
silly boy, bright mind
always speaking in rhythm and rhyme
everyone listens, you're one of a kind

always the muse,
sadness obscured under lights when you shine
(does it get lonely?)
i only hope your heart always soars, too,
the same way you make mine
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