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  Apr 2021 efni
i had to accept an apology i never received
and forgive you for actions you refuse to acknowledge
it was the hardest thing i've ever had to do
but still, i made sure i will get through it.
and that my darling
is what i call
efni Apr 2021
unfolded the yoga mat
and lit my sweetest candles

dusted off my journal and
let my thoughts turn to art again

took deep breaths and
drowned myself in gentle music

relaxed, yes, but still scared
at least this way, i'm a bit prepared

i have a feeling my "good streak" is about to crash
might as well enjoy the remaining stability while i can
efni Apr 2021
i hold your back gently in my fingers' grasp
as my hands rest on your hips
where you asked me to keep them

you let your palms perch on my shoulders
as your thumbs caress my neck
where I forever want them to stay

but you see, the problem is
when i try to pull your waist closer
you just push my chest away

if you don't want me to leave
why do you act like you won't stay
knowing neither of us will let go

my love, we're stuck and it hurts.
i don't like to hope for anything
but i really hope we can figure this one out...
efni Apr 2021
the gates of my reassuring smile
closed before my words could escape
but it's okay, i'll just let them out
through my tears instead, as usual

timing has never been my strong suit
  Apr 2021 efni
Slightly Lovely
I want to be so much lighter than I am
  Mar 2021 efni
Carlo C Gomez
Walking home
at twilight:

the gentle breeze

the lavender sky

the wave goodbye
before the sun
closes its eyes

and the lingering disquiet
of knowing
you're all alone
for the next several blocks
For Sarah Everard.
It wasn't her fault.
For many women simply taking a walk can be a gamble, even in a good neighborhood.
That is unacceptable.
efni Mar 2021
have you found footing on new ground
or am i just falling too fast

either way, all i feel is the
upward whip of wind in my ear

usually outshined by your voice
which distracted me from the fact that

i have no idea where i'm going

i was okay with being lost with you, not with being lost.
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