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efni Mar 2021
your collection of tiny perfect moments
that are mostly missed or forgotten
costs you all the time in the world
but it's only as fair a trade as you make it

if you're gonna cash in the rest of your time to existence, atleast make it worth it
efni Mar 2021
i'm afraid my ink has dried because
my thoughts are frozen solid and
my heart has become too cold
to thaw either back to life

i hope this burning desire is enough...

i think i want to write it possible i've forgotten how?
  Jan 2021 efni
I want to drink the moon
She has never given off such essence of purity.

Intoxicate me, won't you?
The night was stagnant as always.
I like the moon and her somehow lonely company.
efni Jan 2021
you don't get to tie rocks
to my feet and turn a blind eye
as i struggle under torrents,
then expect swimming lessons

figure it out or drown

i don't owe you that. i don't owe you anything.
i won't handhold you through the consequences of you hurting me.
efni Jan 2021
grey clouds sprinted across the sky
allowing the wind to dance with
light showers that lasted as long as
any of the songs we were listening to

but the sky was bland in comparison
to those coffee eyes hiding behind a
mane of frizzy hair and sitting above
the cutest button nose i'd ever seen

i wish i could've stayed there forever

2 of 2 - October 25th
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