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In spring after a long cold winterjscldj
Chjnlsl nojcdsosdjc nksdkc j cnojsencru
It would have been a great poem, but my cat had other ideas.
Every time I close my eyes
It hurts a little more.

Because I know I'm one night closer
To you being gone.
 Nov 2014 Allison Lynn
you lift me by the hips
onto your kitchen sink
and stand between
my knees,

you lay
your laughing lips into
my left collarbone
and i wrap my
arms around your neck

your hair is soft,
and auburn

i bury my nose
into your scalp

i am inhaling a
very familiar scent,
strawberries & cream,
a bottle for 3.99
i bought
on sale last week...

i pull away
in completely fabricated,
purposefully unrealistic awe,
"buy your own
******* shampoo"

your only response is to
throw your long arms
over my shoulders and
pull me into your chest
until i could hardly
catch a breath

an annoying beeping sound
brings us both back to
earth with a startling realization,
it's a monday
& the coffees done

i know life will not
always be easy,
i know love
will never be a solution,
& money will never flow
like kisses to my palms
but it's 7 AM
my ribs are already sore
from all the laughter,

they will ache all day
and each movement
that conjures discomfort
will remind me
of all the beauty in pain

so if this is playing house,
let me play
at least until
i've outgrown the game
 Nov 2014 Allison Lynn
it's been a waiting game
these past four years
waiting to wake up
and energetic
and productive
waiting to smile in the shower
waiting to
lay all of my weight into a monday
without shame from sunday
or fear of tuesday...
waiting to fall asleep
your voice in the back of my head
well today i woke up
and realized
that's the thing
I've been waiting to feel
 Nov 2014 Allison Lynn
i texted you at
six in the morning,
"im sad"
and then we laid
with our seats
all the way back
parked outside
your apartment
for three hours,
laughing at the lyrics
to all the songs
we loved in high school
before you asked,
"oh yea,
by the way,
why are you sad?"
and i didn't know what to say
because i had forgotten
all the reasons
they just
didn't matter anymore
 Nov 2014 Allison Lynn
 Nov 2014 Allison Lynn
I don't get in my car
at 3 in the morning,
just to lock the doors
& scream with the music
turned all the way up

I don't drink mason jars
of whiskey on week days

I don't skip school
to chain smoke on my patio

And I don't use lighters
to burn holes in my arms

Not anymore

But I still wake up
some mornings,
scared speechless
that I'll waste an other day

And I still watch
the clock during class,
wishing it'd restart over & over
so I don't have to face myself
all alone on the way home

And I still lose my breath

I still feel my chest sink
without reason

I still say "my stomach aches"
because I don't know how to
describe the void growing
inside of it

And I still struggle

to smile at my parents,

to answer my cellphone,

to do my hair,

to wear nice clothes,

to write,
to write this ******* "poem"

I'm not crying anymore
No more swollen eyes

And I'm not bleeding anymore
No more scarred arms

I didn't get better,
I just got older
 Nov 2014 Allison Lynn
healing is not always graceful,
i am contented most days,
pleased with all the progress
i've made
but some times
i feel the foundation i am building
start to crack beneath my feet
and i am reminded of how
fragile all of it is
and i think to myself,
"maybe it's not too late
to burn it all down
& go home"
and i just
don't know how
many more nights
i could spend
tip toeing on thin ice
just above rock bottom
before it shatters and
i am back where i started
 Sep 2014 Allison Lynn
Theia Gwen
I sit in a flimsy plastic chair that squeaks at the slightest movement,
Ana stands because it burns more calories and says I should do the same
My arms are folded over my chest, slouching and brooding
The bracelet Ana bought me sounds like shackles when I move
The wedding band on my finger weights more than I do
"Why are you here today?" Our therapist asks
"She's been cheating on me with that **** Mia!" Ana yells
"I already told you it didn't mean anything. We were broken up then."
My explanation makes her angrier though and she snaps,
"You just can't handle commitment!"
I've heard her use this voice multiple times and a list of all the insult circumnavigates my brain
Never good enough

"You call this uncommitted?" I point to my stomach which growls on cue
Our therapist asks how long we've been together
I say over 2 years
Ana says we've been together my whole life
I tell him she's abusive
"It doesn't look like she's done that much damage" He notes
When the hours up Ana walks to the door
I tell her I just need a minute
I turn to our therapist who's already packing up
"Please help me. I need to get our of this relationship now!"
He ***** his head up as if it's the simplest answer in the world,
"Then why don't you just eat?"
Ana= Anorexia
Mia= Mia
My bulimia's gone and has turned back into my old friend Ana hence this poem.
 Sep 2014 Allison Lynn
Even as my last professor on a Friday says, "have a good weekend" & I am sharply reminded that I will work doubles all weekend long to pay rent on a life that I don't want,
I love you
And when my friends from high school call my dad for legal advice, making it painfully obvious that they never got better,
I still love you
And later in the night when I am drinking myself to sleep & wondering indefinitely if I too, never got better,
I ******* love you
And when I am driving to North Philly at three in the morning because my sister is breaking and I don't want her to break alone,
Well, I love you then, too
And when I pull over on 6-11, the next morning, with my head in my hands and scream "I ******* hate everyone", I just want you to know that you're the only one who makes a liar out of me
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