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 Apr 2015 alisi olelagi
A careless caress of emotion
Stolen through unwilling strokes
I lack all innocence
Memory is my greatest sin

Tell me something
Tell me anything
Because I'm living,
But long dead
Trying to define what isn't mine
I'm loving who I need
Beggin' never leave

We play a different story
One last melody
Always mine

My stars lay by your side

© Peach
Affluence of love
Fills every coffer
Of the heart
Soul enriched
With gratitude
To embrace
The world
With love
Blur the lines
Of discontent
And leave
An indelible legacy
Stress is infectious,
And it can be lethal.
My skin is glass , it's like a vase.  Don't touch me I might break.

I yearn for warmth and your embrace , but is it worth my life to take?

I'm fragile, sensitive, I feel like a mistake.
Your flesh is warm it's strong and  opaque  , while mine is cold , you can see right through me, and I think I'm going
to break.
It made sense in some aspects . I might delete it later.
 Apr 2015 alisi olelagi
 Apr 2015 alisi olelagi
Her nights were sleepless,
Her eye bags were deeper,
Her nightmares were formidable,
Her soul was gone.*

Her blade was sharper,
Her voice was silence,
Her weight was lighter,
Her sleeves were long.

Her cries were painful,
Her tears were feelings,
Her hands were scarred,
Her heart was tormented.

*Her face was sunken,
Her eyes were dried,
Her lips were blistered,
Herself was lost.
Thanks to those who were gone;
 Apr 2015 alisi olelagi
 Apr 2015 alisi olelagi
I don't know when
it got this bad.
Or why I ever let it.
It came without asking.
But I am really worried.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Today I wondered what it
would be like if I just lost
my fingers.
Relief, probably.

I bit down on my fingers
the whole drive home,
and wouldn't let them free.
I don't trust them.
 Apr 2015 alisi olelagi
Andy Cave
I've just met you
but it's easy to see
that you could be the one
I've been hoping to meet.
You could be that girl
I see in my dreams
the one who shows up
and sweeps me off my feet.
I do not know why
I feel this so fast
but I know one thing
I'd love if it'd last.
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