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Nov 2021 · 180
Your Discription
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
I would do anything for you
I no longer want to travel without you
I just wake every day thinking I will get you back
Every morning I make an effort to love you as much as I did the day before
Every night I tell myself to do it all over again
I miss your body next to mine I miss finding you in the middle of the night
I miss the days out of the house doing nothing and always finding something new
I miss telling you my deepest feelings
I try to treat you like a friend just like you want
but I hide the feelings that I have for you
Some days I hope to move on from you
And find the one you tell me I deserve
But all I want is for you to try to be that one you describe
Nov 2021 · 123
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
You know how people say you put up walls to protect yourself from heart break.
Well I like to call them shields and you have to find a way to hack it. It isn't all shields there are laser guns covering the most critical parts.
There are false passage ways to lead you to different shields and doors.
But there is a weak spot deep in the middle of all the obstacles just like the death star.
I don't know the weak spot and I don't know when you get to it bit at some point you can blow the shields and lasers and it will lead you straight down a passage.
The only thing is you have to get to me before I find the exscape pod.
The one thing that I know is that,
even if I do escape.
The person that come chasing after me or finds me back with my shields, lasers and neverending passages ways,
I may show you the weak spot.
If you blink you may miss it and have to start all over again.
If you see it,
I can only hope my next structure will be open
or will have one less wall and not one more.
Nov 2021 · 293
I'm All Truth
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
You are just some bad written poetry!
Thrown in a binder!
Lost to the owner in a house of old!
Waiting for someone to throw you out!
Nov 2021 · 120
Not So Close
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
If I could go back to my past self I would tell them to find someone else.
Find someone that cares less.
That will cuddle and be kind.
Someone that cares for you mildly and won't look too close.
You should find someone adventures and willing to take the long road.
You need someone to get you to go.
To do things that you wouldn't do yourself.
You need someone who wouldn't try to help.
Nov 2021 · 117
A Man
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
I want tho feel intamate with a man.
Safe even if I can protect myself.
I want to surprise and be surprised by a man.
I want to spend rainy days snuggle in the covers with him.
I want to hold hands and go places we have never been.
I want to discover things with him.
I want to f* hard and pashonetly.
I want to hug him and kiss him deeply.
I want love from a man and to love him back.
I want him to recognize who I am and I want to do the same thing back.
Nov 2021 · 158
Lust Filled Haze
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
Some days I would make love to the words you wrote me.
And some days all it took was seeing you slip out of bed before you realized I was awake.
But every day was a pain to endue without you body next to mine.
I would get home and I would be just happy to massage you till bed.
Some days I still remember the feeling of you in me.
Some days I just want to lick you again and again.
But today was a day that I didn't even see you for a minute and all I can do is think about how we didn't just pounce on each other even for a quick minute.
Today I think of you like I think of a memory lost to time.
Today I saw you and all of the shadowed lines.
How fast that lust filled dream fades.
You, as you are without the haze.
Today I realized I will be okay.
Nov 2021 · 602
Alece Woosley Nov 2021
I use to write poetry
and trying to imagine love.
Untill I found you
and I didn't have to imagine.
Then I lost you
and now I have no words.
Jan 2017 · 624
Long Last
Alece Woosley Jan 2017
Long last a final run,
to the great unknown.
Fond the light at the end of the tunnel,
Dancing in the middle of the streets.
Cool breeze flowing, warm evening,
how exciting it is to be.
Long last we are free.
Jan 2017 · 406
Alece Woosley Jan 2017
Sometimes I get a fire in my throat,
It builds and grows,
Evechialy it must come out of my mouth.
Sometimes in one long ear-splitting sound,
or other times in a huff of smoke.
If it doesn't come out,
I turn into something of red and strained.
I just might grow a long tail and wings,
So I can fly to a place to stay
and away from anyone's sight.
There I can expel each vile thing that I have in myself.
Only then will I turn back to normal
and live like everyone else.
Aug 2016 · 524
I Worry
Alece Woosley Aug 2016
I know I shouldn't worry about him,
             but I do.
I'm worried he won't fit in.
I'm worried that he is worried.
I can't stand to think he isn't deciding to fast.

If he comes home crying that he can't find a place.
If he isn't ready to be so alone.
If he discovers he is so tempted.
If he isn't on the right path.
If he doesn't understand.
I think he is on the right path,
but what if he isn't, can someone help.

He may never find it.
He can't deal with the consequences.
He could get hurt.
He may run away.
He may be happy without.
I know I shouldn't worry about him,
but he is my big Brother.
Aug 2016 · 359
Just the Same
Alece Woosley Aug 2016
You step back and turn around,
Just to find the same frown.
I make it hard and you make it easy.
I say goodbye and you say hello.
You stand in the doorway and I sit in the car.
But in the end, we end up in each other's arms.
Aug 2016 · 267
What Will We Remember
Alece Woosley Aug 2016
Things that made no hope
hopeless places you have been
hope isn't remembered unless it ends in happiness

Are you remembered by a name on a building
do you remember the names of the people that you so longed to be with
you remember the people that smile at your soul and make you smile back

Do you remember the actions that cause the least amount of pain
do you remember the drunk parties with the people you can't call friends
you remember the things that cause the most pain for a great gain

do you remember the hope you have another
do you remember the people that fight for us to live like ve slive
do you remember the stars on the darkest of nights in your life
do you remember what you have done in God's name?
Aug 2016 · 290
Alece Woosley Aug 2016
I believe in one thing really,
If you stand for it
    Or are serving for it,
that is all I need to accept you.
That is why I believe in God,
    that is why I can succumb to change.
is the only Truth
    and as the years pass,
           I see less and less.
I see more settlement and realization
    that our lives are short,
           but I would rather find Love.
Then Die with someone
    Tha will never share love with me.
May 2016 · 435
I saw
Alece Woosley May 2016
I had a chance to step back
And look at the world,
I was disgusted at what I saw
But loved every bit of it.
May 2016 · 239
Alece Woosley May 2016
I will not let anything stand in my way,
I will live like I am fulfilling my dream.
I will stand tall and admit to all my fears.
Then face them all one by one.
My heart will swell,
My brain will hurt,
My bones will crumble, from the pressure.
My brow will be wiped off sweat, many times.
I won't ever love, like this even again.
I won't fill as much hatred to myself, than ever before.
I will run faster than I could after practice.
When I reach my goal.
I will surpass it.
Feb 2015 · 376
I saw
Alece Woosley Feb 2015
I had a chance to step back
And look at the world
I was disgusted at what I saw
But loved every bit of it.
Jan 2015 · 547
Alece Woosley Jan 2015
I'm abounded to a woman I met
years ago.
she now walks with a cane and slow
every day she wakes before me.
she fixes my breakfast, packs my lunch.
day in and day out, I wake at six
put on my clothes and join her for breakfast.

We don't talk, we don't smile.
My only words to her are thank you and see you soon.
I go to work, as she goes to the store,
While I hammer in a nail, she feeds the birds.
She works at the church and I look at the blue prints.
I eat lunch prepared in a box, wile she goes to eat with friends.

On days I don't work we spend it with family,
or fill the quiet house with the flipping of pages or the race.
We vacation at lakes and family in other towns.
We don't talk we don't comment on the way
we listen to the radio and count trucks.
Our vacations are too short, but she,
she doesn't complain when I have to go back to work.

At the end of the day I come home
supper is already ready, we sit down to eat.
We pray, and serve our selves in silence.
I shower, dress, watch some television, then go to bed.
She does the same after making sure the house is pristine,
few words have been said between us two.
I turn out the light and close my eyes.

But before I go to sleep I say a little prayer
You see, … the days pass on, but we still don't talk.
Not about the weather or the news,
not about the day we spent apart.
we manage on our own apart but together everything is right.

From the first time our eyes met I knew what she meant to me.
It is not of the words we say,
but it is the time we spend together.
I love her for the smile she holds on her face,
and the things she does with no justification.
It is the love that is always there,
love that has not been spoken.

I love her to the end of my days.
It is a love that reminisce after we both have depart,
our graves will stand justice of our love for one another.
If I make it to heaven I will meet her there
not one word will be said, not a nod of the head.
A smile will come to her lips,
because all of the "thank yous'" and "see you soon's"
that comes from mine,
are all the "I love yous" that I have said.

Each day and each moment I love her,
and she knows we are abound together,
with a few simple words,
"I do" is the longest of sentences we have ever said.

— The End —