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Sam Apr 2017
Things can just...happen
Like, I don't mean for it to occur,
but it just, well, turns out that way-I guess
I would never purposely do these actions,
because I neither have the effort,
nor care enough, honestly,
But these things that occur
just happen to be extremely satisfying
Little things that make me smile,
Things that make me laugh
I guess you could say that with
Satisfaction, it just kinda
Sam Apr 2017
Rushing down the halls,
Grabbing the keys

Eyes burning, arms shaking,
Inability to concentrate on the road
Faster, ******.

He can barely breathe,
My little brown eyes
Hang in there buddy, come on.

Little body quivering,
Puppy eyes stare at me in fright
Its okay, lil' brown eyes, we love you.

Car slams on the breaks,
Doors rush open, full sprint inside
Stay with us boy, don't leave us.

Taken away, medically examined
Clock ticks by, slower..slower..
How long, How long does it take?

Doctors come and go
Paper work after paper work
I don't care, let me see my baby.

Little Puppy, comes back with delight
Medication given, and thankfully taken
You did it bud bud, you're still here.

Life is taken for granted
Once tugged at, we hold on tight
*We love you, patches, thank you for staying.
Sam Apr 2017
Music sings as a soft river flows
fingers gliding over the white keys
Through the chapel, elegant movements
echo the enchanting melodies

Light trickles through walls of rainbow
dazzling specs on the tile
They dance to the song of wonder and awe
not having to resist a smile

Imagination runs wild through the eyes of one
Picturing a beautiful sight
for the song and the colors reminded her
of the one whom she held so tight

Dreaming to dance to this graceful piece
Gliding across those aesthetic floors
She whispered to herself, finally believing
*That she never wanted nothing more
Hearing a grand piano being played in a church after hours is probably one of the most peaceful experiences I've had
Sam Apr 2017
Lyrics tell all truth,
For listen closely,
and you shall see.
Lyrics unfold the blinded,
Persuading what should,
and should not be.
  Mar 2017 Sam
Amethyst Fyre
I remember the noble days
When the poems I wrote were more
Than just half-disguised attempts to save myself
Too often now, I forget
To remind you that you're beautiful

You are beautiful
You are what makes life worth living

Too often now, I forget that words are meant to be
Out and spoken
And even though each stands alone in its meaning
Like the language that binds them all together,

Not one of us is alone.
Thanks for listening :)
  Mar 2017 Sam
The Silence
In elementary school
we had

We were small children then.

Now we put stuff
in our

We pronounce that as cubberds

Now think of how many times
you have added  "ies" to a word
when speaking to a small child

Do you have your sockies?

Where did you put you stuffies?


Put your backpack in your *cubbies
Mind = Blown
Sam Mar 2017
I have Salt
Salt Salt Salt
Salty Salt
*for Chem
Tribute to a good friend of mine
RIP our minds in AP Chem
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